The following is an excerpt of a Written Reading of the Akashic Records addressing a past-life memory taking place in a context of the presence of 4D beings on planet Earth around 200K years ago, where the client was one of those beings, at that time.
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My book “Memories Beyond Time and Space” is now available to order on online stores in both digital and paperback versions, including Kindle, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and more. It also remains available to download on this website.
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We’ll often say in the spiritual field that angels have their own spiritual nature and hierarchies, and don’t incarnate as humans. So is it true, false, or somewhere in-between? First and foremost, the Angelic Realms are a hierarchy of spiritual progression separate from our own. We, the spiritual entities incarnating in the physical plane (in this instance on Earth as (…)
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In an Akashic Records reading, a common topic of interest is knowing whether you’re a Starseed, and what’s your Planetary Origin, namely the planet, group, and/or area of the Cosmos you came from, before incarnating as a human being. This is a type of information that can certainly be pertinent to address in a reading which focuses on your spiritual (…)
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This material is an excerpt of a reading performed for Julian (as always a fictional alias), which part of a reading sequence published on Patreon. This information in particular is from Quick Reading #4 of the sequence, that is to say, this was information that came forth during the 4th reading performed for the client. At the time of this (…)
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The following equates to two readings which are part of a series of Quick Readings performed for Daisy. These are readings number 9 and number 10, mainly addressing a past-life experience/memory on another planet.
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Maldek was a planet in our Solar System that no longer exists today. This planet harbored reincarnation cycles much like Earth does today, and Mars did in a remote past. And some of those who are incarnating on Earth have some memories in their Akashic Records of having had physical experience on Maldek. If you look for these things, you’ll (…)
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Preface (Added for this Publication) Table of Contents (Jump to) Preface Meeting and Introduction Part I Part II Part III Part IV The following is a transcription of the audio of an Akashic Records reading delivered through Skype, incidentally being, at the time of this writing, my first transcription of any audio recording for a reading. I’ve always had in (…)
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Part I: Balance and Flow As I begin the reading and connect with your energy from afar, I feel open and free access to memories, to your Akash, i.e. without significant restraints or emotional/spiritual charge involved. To me this represents spiritual readiness. That the timing is right to access memories. That the self is ready to know; and that the (…)
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Once the reading begins, a sense of calmness, and an introspective mood, come into the reading’s space, occupying it. It’s a type of introspective feeling of the one who’s willing to go within, perhaps after a journey with a fair share of ordeal and uncertainty, to find some peace and quiet from the otherwise agitated and/or fast-paced external world. This (…)
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The following was taken from an email follow-up that took place for the reading To Believe in Love. In this reading one of the things that’s mentioned is a female past-life, whereas the client was male, and upon receiving the reading he expressed some surprise at the idea of having been a woman in a past-life. And while this may (…)
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This Quick reading is a follow-up to the reading Clean Slate, in other words a reading performed for the same client. On this occasion the person expressed the desire to address the arena of their romantic relationships, as well as their past experiences and karmic relationships with previous partners. Part I. Love As with any reading, I will state beforehand (…)
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Prior to this reading Penelope (not the person’s real name) received two Quick Readings, which brought a number of points that were to be addressed more in depth. Namely, that as a spiritual entity she has a background in what was termed as the “Directors”, a metaphysical intelligence playing a part in managing the manifestation of physical matter, and how (…)
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I’m taken to a moment of the Earth’s time, contemporary to the civilization of Atlantis. I’m shown a past-life in an area of the planet that is not Atlantis itself. The area where this past-life lived would be in what today is in the North of the Continent of Africa, roughly in the center of this area.
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This memory takes place on another planet. I’m watching the sunset in the horizon, over a smooth, flat landscape, stretching from under my own feet, up to as far as the eye can see. The ground is flat, but elevates slightly (hills, ridges) closer to the edge of the horizon.
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Catherine’s Soul originates from the Angelic Realms, a reality to which she’s still very close to. These are the realms of entities in service and support to incarnating human beings, always in the background to act in support of human life and reality, but without ever becoming involved directly in physical matter themselves. These beings are referred to as Angels in many spiritual contexts.
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