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My Book is Now Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and More | Digital + Paperback

My book “Memories Beyond Time and Space” is now available to order on online stores in both digital and paperback versions, including Kindle, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and more. It also remains available to download on this website.

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Angels Don’t Incarnate as Humans?

Posted by Nuno on 25.07.24 under Densities/Levels of Awareness, Metaphysics (General).

We’ll often say in the spiritual field that angels have their own spiritual nature and hierarchies, and don’t incarnate as humans. So is it true, false, or somewhere in-between? First and foremost, the Angelic Realms are a hierarchy of spiritual progression separate from our own. We, the spiritual entities incarnating in the physical plane (in this instance on Earth as (…)

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Advice (Including Valid/True) Can Block Your Essence [Quick Reading]

Posted by Nuno on 01.06.24 under Published Akashic Records Readings.

I start by being reminded of the core message of the reading that was performed. The core message of that reading boiled down to the 5th Density entity struggling with translating higher level 6th Density information – inspiration, spiritual insight, creativity, theoretical ideas, the abstract, and so on – into the pragmatic physical reality. [This is an extremely succinct summation (…)

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Akashic Records Reading [Written]: Homeworld of Pure Connection

Part I: Origins 1.1 Homeworld As I open the reading, I’m shown the image of a planet which is not Earth. I’m being shown this image from up above as if I’m hovering in space, from which I’m able to look down on the surface from a distance that allows me to take it in as a whole. This is (…)

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Starseeds: About Planetary Origins and Your Spiritual Home

Posted by Nuno on 24.12.23 under Akashic Records, Metaphysics (General).

In an Akashic Records reading, a common topic of interest is knowing whether you’re a Starseed, and what’s your Planetary Origin, namely the planet, group, and/or area of the Cosmos you came from, before incarnating as a human being. This is a type of information that can certainly be pertinent to address in a reading which focuses on your spiritual (…)

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Manifesto of the Soul Librarian

I am in service to those who seek to deepen their knowledge of themselves and of who they spiritually are. For that purpose, I can access their spiritual backgrounds beyond the metaphysical veil, being able to see who they are as a Soul, from any level of abstraction and awareness. I provide this service for others through Akashic Records readings. (…)

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Planetary Origins and Regions of Space: Vela [Quick Reading]

For the reading client described a particularly intense dream where they saw and communicated with a light/presence in the Cosmos, which they described as steady, calm, almost motherly, in an experience that touched them deeply and left a lingering feeling even after awake.

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The Shift in Awareness: Life Expectancy and Aging

The spiritual changes and shifts gradually taking place on Earth can be spotted in a number of factors across our society. Some are louder and more evident; some are tumultuous and distressing; while others may be a little more subtle and nuanced, taking place more slowly and gently, in ways that may evade the onlooking observer. I’d like to talk (…)

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Quick Reading: The Matrix of Creation (and Sirius Planetary Origin)

Posted by Nuno on 29.04.23 under Published Akashic Records Readings.

This material is an excerpt of a reading performed for Julian (as always a fictional alias), which part of a reading sequence published on Patreon. This information in particular is from Quick Reading #4 of the sequence, that is to say, this was information that came forth during the 4th reading performed for the client. At the time of this (…)

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Akashic Records: Alcyone (Pleiades) [Quick Reading]

Posted by Nuno on 17.04.23 under Akashic Records.

The following is a Quick Reading performed for a client, Ann [not the real name], which was focused on Alcyone as the client’s planetary origin. Alcyone is a star of the Pleiades star cluster, in the Taurus constellation. Ultimately a Soul isn’t “from” any one given place but rather from Source; however, for a myriad of reasons that relate to (…)

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Master Before Earth: Sacred Intermission [2x Quick Readings]

The following equates to two readings which are part of a series of Quick Readings performed for Daisy. These are readings number 9 and number 10, mainly addressing a past-life experience/memory on another planet.

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Akashic Records: Damarcand and Hindu Mythology

Posted by Nuno on 24.11.22 under Akashic Records, Densities/Levels of Awareness.

Damarcand was a society of interplanetary status. It was spiritually advanced, capable of space travel, and had connectivity with the tapestry of civilizations of similar capability around our neighboring Cosmos. Damarcand – like Samarcand the city, but with a D – is a name received in reading referring to this society; it can be symbolic and broad and may or (…)

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Atlantis, The Lost Civilization – A Collection of Memories From Readings

Posted by Nuno on 08.11.22 under Akashic Records.

For the longest time humanity harbored persistent myths around the idea of a lost land named Atlantis. The reason these myths lasted for so long, and the idea they carried as so powerful, was that Atlantis was not just real and did exist, but had a tremendous impact in all of us.

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Akashic Records: The Downfall of Maldek

Posted by Nuno on 30.09.22 under Akashic Records.

Maldek was a planet in our Solar System that no longer exists today. This planet harbored reincarnation cycles much like Earth does today, and Mars did in a remote past. And some of those who are incarnating on Earth have some memories in their Akashic Records of having had physical experience on Maldek. If you look for these things, you’ll (…)

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Should Spiritual Teachers Get Paid?

Posted by Nuno on 06.09.22 under Life and Society.

Spirituality is free; teaching it isn’t.

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Akashic Records Reading [Written]: Arcturus and the Study of War

Posted by Nuno on 04.09.22 under Published Akashic Records Readings.

This reading was one of several performed for Andrew (not the person’s real name), and may contain references to materials not addressed on this occasion. You can see the reading as part of continued work, and as such you may find some matters to be discussed briefly, if not even appearing “out of the blue”. Even so, I believe the (…)

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