Quick Reading: The Tool of Nonchalance
Part I: Balance and Flow
As I begin the reading and connect with your energy from afar, I feel open and free access to memories, to your Akash, i.e. without significant restraints or emotional/spiritual charge involved. To me this represents spiritual readiness. That the timing is right to access memories. That the self is ready to know; and that the spiritual self is ready to be known.
The reading begins with a memory of a past life coming forth. This takes place in Ancient Greece; a man who lived in the area we call Greece, and in the period we refer to today as classical. The image that’s shown is of him wearing a simple white toga while standing in the middle of an open, natural setting. A field with some scattered trees and low bushes and vegetation, which overall feel somewhat arid, representing a fairly warm, Mediterranean climate. The weather is completely clear and sunny; he stands on a portion of dirt/sand, a small patch of soil that happens to not be covered in grass or other greenery.
He has some ties to sports and exercises, which he practices at outdoor public spaces near to where he lives, and are built/used for such purpose. He has a semi-habitual regimen of fitness. He doesn’t consider this a primary theme of his life, he doesn’t see these activities as a source of identity for example. In other words, using today’s terminology he wouldn’t take himself as a professional athlete, meaning, he’s not into this to compete with others, to prove anything, and so forth. On occasion he would participate in more active and/or official competitions with others, here and there, but otherwise and for the most part this was taken as an informal habit that complemented his life. He simply enjoys incorporating a sustained, active physical regimen as part of his daily routines.
As a result, he’s fairly fit. He feels this habit is something that takes a relatively small amount of effort to him, while granting comparatively significant reward, namely that of feeling healthy and energized, also mentally sharp. He also feels he has a healthy, friendly connection with those like him who also frequented the same space, for those same purposes. The open spaces that were arranged for these activities, carried out in mostly warm and sunny weather, were to him a familiar, welcoming environment.
What strikes me about this life and memory, is that in particular in terms of the social/cultural setting, there is in his life a significant sense of freedom, and lightness. He feels he’s free to use his personal time as he pleases, as he wants and chooses to, without too many obligations, chores, or errands burdening him. On a broad level, the society where he lived had progressed, more or less recently, to give greater emphasis on individual freedom and expression, as well as giving greater value to creativity, higher thought, lifestyle, and what we’d today refer to as personal development: investing in oneself, with no other gain than your own quality of life, of consciousness, and your well-being. At this specific conjuncture in time, there is a confluence of certain cultural and social factors contributing to him feeling free and in balance. This memory, this moment, is one of, in a manner of speaking, perfection: a junction when things just seemed right, they feel ‘just right and in alignment, affording the self an experience of a “perfect fit”.
One possibility is that in the current lifetime, certain forms of exercise and perhaps with similar undertones (informality, ease of access, outdoors, etc.) could be sources of balance and well-being, as these may be associated with feel-good, pleasant sensations on a cellular (Akashic) level, which could be triggered/accessed whenever practicing exercise with similar undertones. Additionally, if there’s a sustained feeling of missing physical energy, personal balance, and/or inspiration/motivation, this may be an ingredient that could be used to foster those things; and if missing, could account for some of any possible, hypothetical, lack of balance, in this sense.
An additional possibility of insights that can be drawn from this lifetime, if nothing else, is that there could be an inner preference for things in life, in general, being taken/done lightly and casually, without too much weight, pressure, or expectations applied to them. Archetypical examples of this tenet could be: working in small portions scattered throughout the day; a writer writing one or two pages a day – a few small steps taken consistently will eventually amount to a book at the end of some time. Or, otherwise, the need to take things in life lightly, or more lightly. Not because there’s some higher directive saying that’s the absolute truth, but because it’s your own way to engage with your own sense of happiness and connection, and better find your way to “your flow”. This is what I would take from this memory.
Part II: Duty and Awe
A second past life memory now comes forth. This time it’s not taking place on Earth, but on the reincarnational cycles of a different planet.
The image bears heavy metaphoric content, for reasons we’ll explain as we go along. This essentially means certain aspects and details of the image might be a little bit too different from Earth’s reality, that for the purposes of having my mind make sense of the information, I’m shown simplified versions of certain elements rather than having them pictured in great detail. Nevertheless, I will explain what I see.
This memory is from a point in time in the civilization you belonged to was entering the space age. Their technology now allowed them to build and maintain a space station that’s orbiting the planet. The past life memory is of an individual who’s tending to the outside of the space station, and actually and essentially spacewalking, for purposes which I assume to be maintenance, repairs, or even cleaning, the outside of the station.
The metaphorical aspect is mainly that he’s being shown in, what I would call, a rather casual demeanor – very much like a window cleaner on Earth, leaning on the outside of a building, in a harness and on his own, washing the windows and the external frame of the building. He’s shown very much like this, just in space, spacewalking on the outside of the station. Besides the metaphorical content that seems to abstract from certain details, the reading first and foremost focuses on his demeanor as he does this: he’s going about tasks that for all effects and purposes are exceptional, extraordinary, a bit dangerous, while also being unique and uncommon, in the sense only a few are given the opportunity to participate in. But he’s nonetheless performing them in a very calm, cool, nonchalant manner. He’s maintaining this demeanor even on his own, without anyone closely monitoring how he’s feeling. There’s a strong contrast between the important and highly critical nature of the task, and the calm and “every day” energy he’s sporting to handle and perform it.
Despite this nonchalance, what slowly begins to touch him, is when he begins looking to the side of the station itself, contemplating the planet, with the light from the star/sun just behind, illuminating the scene. It is of course a beautiful and staggering image, again one only a few would have the opportunity to contemplate.
There is some effort to maintain the calm, nonchalant (but subtly still a focused, diligent) attitude. Perhaps this is his way to handle important duties, like it’s “everyday business”. But the image starts to get to him, touching his heart. This is very much the same feeling that astronauts on Earth sometimes refer to as the ‘overview effect’. His mind slowly registers that down there, the place he had come from, is just a ball floating in space, with a quite thin layer of atmosphere that allows him and his kind to breathe. And that this thin layer is all that stands between their life and the abyss.
Spiritually, this type of perception tends to introduce an element of a scale that places in perspective the reality the individual had always known, by inserting it in a context of unfathomable scale. The self starts to apprehend how fragile and valuable life can be, and how small their roles and existence in the Universe really are. Yet, by witnessing more closely (or rather having a glimpse of) the grandeur of the Universe, at the same time there’s also an appreciation for the value of both physical life and sentient existence. This is why this is often referred to as a spiritual or transcendental experience.
Once more, this is a memory that is not something to heal, but remains in the Akash as a reference of awe and wonder – while also being paired with a diligent focus in performing dutiful, important endeavors. There is a sense that in general spacefaring wasn’t as difficult or costly as it is on Earth at this time – perhaps the travels themselves weren’t as difficult, or maybe this was a point when there wasn’t as much diligent precaution in terms of safety, regulations, procedures, etc. Either way, this did create a window where one of the ‘brands’ of going into the flow could be manifest, present in the nonchalant, yet very calm and focused, attitude of the past life self.
At the same time, it also balances that brand of focus with an equally important, if not more, element of awe, wonder, and in a way transcendence. Perhaps an insight to take from this memory is that equal ingredients of dutiful diligence (duty, focus, responsibility) and genuine passion and/or awe (inspiration, curiosity, meaning, maybe playfulness) are important for an experience that’s intended to be of purpose and meaning. And, perhaps, that the former should not prevent, and should still allow, space for the heart to open up to the latter, and resonate accordingly with what one’s passionate about.
Additionally, both this and the previous parts seem to focus on the theme of purpose, and finding ways into states of flow that can be used to find and work said purpose.
Part III: Calibration
This time the reading doesn’t go into a particular lifetime, rather it wants to focus on your decision-making as a spiritual entity that led you to come to incarnate on Earth.
I’m shown the awareness and thinking, and what you were considering as you pondered over, shall we call it, “the next adventure”, purely from a spiritual, non-physical perspective, as you were pondering coming to Earth. And at this moment, spiritually speaking, there was a desire for excitement. In the previous memory, there was an element of calm focus, of dealing with important matters with a disciplined, natural mindset – to the point of having meaningful tasks feel almost like mundane, normal, casual even. This, I sense, is an important, acquired, element from many previous experiences where it was practiced. Abstracting all lifetimes and all experiences in the Cosmos, we would say this aspect was acquired “to taste”: you liked it, you practiced it, and you took it with you whenever you went.
This element grants you some perks, i.e. some qualities if you will, such as dealing with life naturally and with a sense of grace, even if difficulties arise, or potential setbacks present themselves. This doesn’t mean you always deal with things this way, only that you can, i.e. you have the “tool” so to speak. That same tool also allows you to be valued by your peers whenever you manage to get into that type of ‘groove’, as they will tend to regard you as a solid foundation, as a reference, for how things should be done, and what demeanor one should carry oneself with.
It happens that aspect – and again we’re discussing an element that is spiritual in nature, akin to an energy footprint if you will – brings an element of stability to what you do, we could say, to your existence in general. You can use it to cope, to deal, and in broad strokes to live, and in return you won’t wobble too much, you won’t falter too often; you find you can hold a focus that’s sustained, enduring, and, plus, that can be used for a variety of occasions. This, at least, is, or was, the nature of the tool we’re describing.
However, what it confers in terms of stability, also leads it to induce a certain level of monotony. You wouldn’t get lows that are too low, but you also wouldn’t get highs that are too high, if you get the gist of this. You wouldn’t be too upset by setbacks, but also not too lifted/inspired by what’s genuinely joyful, meaningful, positive, good. And so you had arrived at a point in your own spiritual journey where you felt a little closed off, a little stale and hardened, a little numb to an extent. So you naturally wished for a little more intensity, a little jolting that could lift you up, sweep you from your own footing.
The truth is that the habit of taking things naturally is a greatly useful tool, but used profusely can harden the heart a little. Essentially one’s preventing the heart from connecting cleanly with what’s outside; one’s placing as if an insulating coating around the heart, to prevent it from taking things too strongly. Insulating layers aren’t selective in what they allow and won’t allow, so this spiritual insulation would coat your heart indiscriminately, spiritual speaking, and unconsciously, inadvertently, with the practical effect of you not feeling things so intensely, even if good, and even if you wanted to. For that’s how ingrained habits work, and how strong they can become. This is why in the memory in Part II you took some time to adjust and allow yourself to absorb and be touched, by the sight of the planet seen from space. Mind you, the specific insulation that is your, shall we call it, brand, wouldn’t prevent you from feeling completely (or at least not always) rather it would simply place a barrier that would make it more difficult for things to come through, and be felt, and be known for what they truly are. For instance, things around you might not be meaningful for you but you may struggle to notice it, or not notice it right away, and then take some time to acknowledge it; or things may be meaningful but you may also not recognize it, and so they may pass you by, and you only miss them later. These are just possibilities of how this insulating layer could work and their effects in practice, in your personal experience. This is also one of the reasons why purpose was a topic for this reading, as in principle it should, or could, be somewhat difficult for you to acknowledge where you can find meaning and purpose, precisely because of this layer within.
When coming to Earth you wanted more excitement, you missed intensity (you thought of this more or less in these terms) this was because spiritually some higher, more subtle parts of you wanted to find a solution, or an evolved, more refined version, of the insulating layer.
Ironically, in the more distant past (relative to this point in your journey) you had been quite a sensitive, heart-on-the-sleeve spiritual entity: someone who was quite perceptive in feeling energies around them. This also had its advantages, as it greatly facilitated spiritual work and experience. But it also rendered you excessively vulnerable to situations that were unpleasant and/or had not been explicitly chosen. Perhaps it could be that these two sides are even present within you today, one that is rather insensitive, hardened, and another that is its direct opposite, perhaps overly sensitive and vulnerable. Sometimes, in physical experience (again, long in the past), displeasing experiences could start to mount and accumulate (i.e. karma), sometimes creating nightmarish scenarios of suffering that could seemingly not be avoided – all the more painful for a seemingly sensitive entity. So at some point you took the wisdom you had garnered at some point, and you devised a strategy to still have experience, be exposed to it and not be afraid of it, while not being quite as fragile when it came to the “error” part of the trial-and-error process that incarnating in the physical can sometimes become. This was an advancement; it was progress, and a success in general terms. It led to better and more valuable experience, compared to before. But it also came with its own share of drawbacks, as we previously explained.
If we were to paint in broad strokes the overall theme for coming to Earth on the multiple layers pervading your spiritual self, it would be finding a middle ground, a combination, between the energetic insulation that keeps you safe and grounded, with, still, an ability to open up the heart and be touched by what’s truly meaningful and important. You may find you have both of these sides within you, and these can often appear as quite distinct and sometimes even opposing each other. Perhaps you went through some situations in life that were of heightened suffering, while responding later by hardening with your emotions and making no fuss about them. The presence of these two elements, internally and externally, is for good reason, as you want to have them work in tandem, together.
You want the ability to stay calm and collected, and also perhaps easy-going, and light of heart. You don’t want to be affected by everything, that things get to you easily. But, you also still want to feel things deeply and intensely, while being able to spot meaning and purpose when you see them, if they’re standing in front of you, rather than missing them and letting them go. Both of these sides are spiritually legitimate, and both are part of you, simultaneously, truly. You wouldn’t want to give up either one of them, as they each serve a purpose, and when some parts of them were practiced to perfection for eons back. Again, this is why the theme of purpose was, and is, in itself, relevant for you in the first place. Purpose not in the sense of being A or B goal, a X or Y thing you have to do, but, in this case, that you feel you may not always be able to identity, or be clearly aware, of where your own sense of purpose is, or, not always being able to feel it clearly.
Feeling things is important because it’s the primary mechanism by which the Soul processes experience in the physical (as opposed to thoughts, mental processing). Not being able to feel clearly a situation can sometimes lead to spiritual frustration as the Soul is not afforded clear access to the experience it wanted and had chosen; and sometimes can also lead to a type of karmic accumulation, when experiences that were meant to be felt aren’t, leading to the necessity of processing what wasn’t felt on a later occasion, for example a future lifetime – a type of ‘reserved obligation’ that we commonly refer to as “karma”.