21-Day Spiritual Cleansing With Archangel Michael
This is a powerful spiritual cleansing that calls upon Archangel Michael and other enlightened entities to release you from all negative attachments and karmic contracts, and clear your energy and aura from limitations related to those contracts, known or unknown to you. This text is meant to be read out loud, alone, in a peaceful time of the day, for 21 days, once every day. In the first few days you may have experiences that are out of the ordinary, such as intense dreams, physical sensations, or any other that differ from your daily routine. Anything in this regard will simply mean your energy is being cleared of negativity. This cleansing isn’t mine, it was translated to English by me from a pre-existing source. I’m unaware who the original author was.
Archangel Michael is a powerful and benevolent being of Light. Michael, and any other enlightened beings and entities from and serving the Light, while often mentioned and present in various religions, are not affiliated with any religion. They do not require deference, worship, or following of any kind. Their purpose is assisting humanity and all living beings in their evolution, healing, and ascension processes. And they’ll answer any and all who calls upon them regardless of personal spiritual beliefs, cultural background, or religious affiliation.
The power of this cleansing derives from the power of your intention when affirmed in a prayer-like fashion. The consistent affirmation of the words acts as a daily reinforcement of your own conscious intent to be released from negative energies, and asking assistance from the Light for that purpose. For the purposes of this cleansing, it is of lesser relevance what definitions you hold regarding the terms ‘enlightened’, ‘ascension’, Archangels, the Light – or even if you’re not acquainted with some of the entities or details mentioned. The cleansing contains no deceit, manipulation, subversion, or otherwise any negative intent of any kind. The only truly important aspect is your commitment, trust, faith, and surrender, in the benevolence of Creation, and in the process of releasing yourself from negative contracts and energies that no longer serve you.
I appeal to the Christ to calm my fears and remove every mechanism of external control that could interfere with this healing.
I ask my Higher Self to close my aura and establish a Christic channel for the purposes of my healing, so that only Christic energies may flow unto me. May this channel only be used for the flow of Divine energies.
I now appeal to Archangel Michael of the 13th Dimension to completely seal and protect this sacred experience. I now appeal to the Circle of Security of the 13th Dimension to seal, protect, and completely enhance Archangel Michael’s shield, as well as to remove anything that is not of Christic nature that may exist within this field.
I now appeal to the Ascended Masters and our Christic assistants to completely remove and dissolve each and every implant and its sown energies, parasites, spiritual weapons, and self-imposed limitation devices, both known and unknown to me. Once this is completed, I appeal for the complete restoration and repair of my original energy field, infused with the golden energy of Christ.
I AM free!
I AM free!
I AM free!
I AM free!
I AM free!
I AM free!
I AM free!
I, the being known as _ (state your name) in this incarnation in particular, by this means revoke and renounce each and all commitments of fidelity, vows, agreements, and/or contracts of association that no longer serve my higher purpose, made in this lifetime, past lives, parallel lives, and in all dimensions, time periods, and locations.
I now order all entities (who are linked to these contracts, organizations and associations to which I am now renouncing) to cease and give up, and abandon my energy field, now and forever, and retroactively, taking with them their gimmicks, devices, and sown energies.
I also let go of anything in me that may offer resistance, make more difficult, or impede the complete manifestation and fulfillment of these requests, while thanking the hierarchies of the Christ and the Light for all of the work that they have performed, are performing, and will perform, for these purposes.
To ensure this, I now appeal to the Sacred Spirit Shekinah to witness the dissolution of all contracts, devices, and sown energies that don’t honor God. This includes all alliances and beings that do not honor God as Supreme. I also ask the Holy Spirit to witness and testify this complete liberation of everything which infringes on God’s will. I declare this forward and retroactively. And so be it.
I’m now again ensuring my alliance with God through the domain of the Christ, and dedicating my whole being, my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being to the vibration of the Christ, from this moment on and retroactively. Furthermore, I dedicate my life, my work, everything I think, say, and do, and everything in my environment that still serves me to the vibration of Christ as well. Also, I dedicate my being to my own mastery and path of ascension, both of the planet as well as my own.
Having declared all of this, I now give permission to the Christ and my own Higher Self to enact any necessary changes in my life to accommodate this new dedication, and I ask the Holy Spirit to testify this as well. I now declare this to God. May this be written in the Book of Life. So be it. I give thanks to God.
To the Universe and the entirety of the Mind of God and every being contained in It, to all places I may have been, to all experiences I may have joined, and to all beings who need this healing, whether they’re known or unknown to me: anything that may stand between us I now heal and forgive.
I now appeal to the Holy Spirit Shekinah, Lord Metatron, Lord Maitreya, and St. Germain to help and testify this healing. I forgive you for everything that needs to be forgiven between you and me. I ask to be forgiven for everything that needs to be forgiven between you and me. Most importantly, I forgive myself for everything that needs to be forgiven between myself, my past incarnations, and my Higher Self.
We are now collectively healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven. We are all now elevated to our Christic being. We are full of and surrounded by the golden Light of Christ. We are free from all vibrations of the 3rd and 4th dimensions of pain, fear and anger.
All psychic cords and ties bound to those entities, implanted devices, contracts, or sown energies, are now liberated and healed. I now appeal to St. Germain to transmute and rectify with the Violet Flame all of my energies that were taken from me, and return them to me in their purified state.
Once these energies are returned to me, I ask for the channels through which my energies were drained to be completely dissolved. I ask Lord Metatron to release us from the prisons of duality. I ask for the seal of the Domain of the Christ to be placed upon me. I ask the Holy Spirit to testify that this is fulfilled. And so it is.
I now ask the Christ to be with me and heal my wounds and scars. I also ask Archangel Michael to mark me with His seal, so that I may be forever protected from the influences which stop me from doing our Creator’s will. And so be it!
I give thanks to God, to the Ascended Masters, to the Ashtar Command, to the Angels and Archangels, and all others who are taking part in this continual healing and elevation of my being.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of the Universe.
Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth.