
Heart Ki


For reading appointments/queries and general contacts:

  • Email: mail@heartki.com

Skype address for reading-related sessions (Skype has largely been replaced by Zoom at this point):

  • Skype: nuno.heartki

Patreon page where you can sponsor my work and access more material:

Main Social Media Handles:

  • Instagram: /nunoheartki.readings
  • Facebook: /nuno.heartki
  • Quora: /Nuno-Alves
R. Dr. Bernardino Machado nº10 4ºA
2605-093 Idanha-Belas
Social Media:
You can reach me at my Instagram and Quora handles. I only sporadically log to Facebook and generally won’t reply to messages sent there in a timely fashion.
Skype Address:
The Skype address is meant for live guidance and reading-related sessions only. Do not use Skype to reach me, for that purpose use my email address instead. Thank you.