The personal processes and experiences for the purpose of becoming aware of the magical nature of life, and the personal spiritual process of healing one’s own memories and energy.

Planetary Origins and Regions of Space: Vela [Quick Reading]
For the reading client described a particularly intense dream where they saw and communicated with a light/presence in the Cosmos, which they described as steady, calm, almost motherly, in an experience that touched them deeply and left a lingering feeling even after awake.
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Is Being Mean to Others Part of “Being True to Myself”?
I’ve often described spirituality as the personal process of always being true to yourself, or at least involving this to a large extent. However, in the process of trying to be genuine and respect your feelings, you may at points find yourself at odds with your own anger, resentment, frustration, etc. These emotions can be strong, powerful, intense, and may (…)
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About the Spiritual Desire to Go Home (Excerpt from a Quick Reading)
The following is an excerpt from a Quick Reading performed to a client, addressing the desire to “Go Home” that typically accompanies spiritual awakening, and the spiritual journey thereafter. Among others, this desire may be present in, or manifest by: wanting a collective planetary Ascension; dreaming about portals opening up, angels coming down to Earth, etc.; wishing for aliens in (…)
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Changing the World
The following is part of a private exchange, which I’m posting with the person’s permission. I needed to post it because of how meaningful it is, as I believe this to be one of the crucial themes in the path of awakening. The person’s name and details will be kept private, as they should. The person’s input: Hi Nuno, My (…)
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Spiritual Awakening Q&A
The following is a collection of questions about spiritual awakening, and my answers to them, selected from Quora. Each question was placed and answered independently and at different points in time, so answers may overlap. These answers and more are included in the Spiritual Awakening Q&A available for download at the downloads page. Why does spiritual awakening occur? Spiritual Awakening (…)
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A Choice to be Made
The process of awakening typically, often, eventually, leads to a choice to be made. While this choice may take many forms, it is generally between the old world and a new one; between the old views and the new. Between what you did in the past based on what you knew, and what you want to do based on what you know (…)
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The Endurance to Keep Seeking
In the early stages of my spiritual awakening, I went through a number of venues while trying to carry out into the world all this new information I was assimilating, and seeking healing and answers to personal issues. These venues related to ‘contemporary’ spiritual and holistic thematics, such as Indigo children/people, meditation, energy healing, and so forth. But even though I had an (…)
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Spiritual Awakening Can Be Painful
Spiritual awakening can be painful emotionally, because we shed away many of the constructs, beliefs, patterns – inner and outer – that we had surrounded ourselves with, and accumulated over the course of many lifetimes. Many of these constructs are not aligned with our true spiritual nature and do us more harm than good. But we were convinced otherwise. We (…)
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Spiritual Time
It’s often said time is an illusion. Linear time is. That’s the time you can’t stop. The time in the clock. The cycles of day and night. The time Earth takes to circle the Sun. Tomorrow the Sun will rise, and the Earth will continue to circle its star, moving along its trajectory. Linear time moves forward no matter what (…)
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Healing Takes Time
Every process of healing begins with the inner recognition that there’s something in need of healing. Without it, no healing can ever occur. No matter how much help and assistance others offer, no matter how much others push. It’s the inner choice that allows for healing to happen. This recognition, in and of itself, may not come easily. It is (…)
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You Teach Yourself, You Heal Yourself, Always
When you are on a spiritual journey, it is truly you who heals yourself, who shows yourself what you need to learn next. You bring to yourself the healers, practitioners, and teachers, to convey to you the information you need to receive, in the way you need to hear it. They are just the channels, vessels, through which the information (…)
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The Path of Essence and the Paths of Distraction
There are only two types of interests you focus on in life: those derived from your core Essence, and those that are ‘Distractions’. Essence are your truest Soul desires. These transpire to you as some form of interests, passions, goals, objectives, ideals. If your Essence is being a violin player, you’re following your Essence by studying violin, practice it, and end (…)
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The Energy of Spaces and People: How It Works
When you walk into a room and you feel the energy is so heavy you “could cut it with a knife”, what is this energy you’re talking about? Humidity in the air? Toxic fumes? No. you are referring to actual energy, the unseen and subtle “stuff”. Energy may or may not be scientifically understood or measurable – but it can always be felt. Energy is a (…)
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What Synchronicity Is And How To Experience It
Picture the first event that comes to your mind, that happened to you, to which you truly would say the words “what a coincidence”. Something that looked like it happened completely by chance. On one specific day, on one specific occasion, the heavens dictated, the stars aligned, the winds whispered, the right people were at exactly the right places at (…)
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Spiritual Awakening is not the same as Enlightenment
Spiritual Awakening is that moment when you stop living in “auto” mode – sometimes there are events that lead to that – and suddenly your mind is open, and you generally begin to make a shift into living a life of meaning and purpose. You want to tell the world what you’re finding. You first discover the actual magic in (…)
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What Is Spirituality?
The word “Spirituality” is very charged. If you mention it to the average person, she will probably think a) religious belief, b) meditation and alternative practices, or otherwise c) a delusional, unrealistic way of seeing the world. Never something natural, organic. But it’s difficult to circumvent it when talking about Spirit. Spirit-uality is the awareness that all is Spirit. This is beyond (…)
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