Terms of Use
This is Heartki.com’s terms of use, copyright statements, and general policies.
This page tells you first and foremost you’re the sole responsible for interpreting the materials you read in this website, as well as the information shared in readings. Each person must use his own discernment in assessing any source, and is entirely responsible for its own actions and choices. I created this website for the sole purpose and deep passion regarding spiritual growth, and I absolutely and unconditionally decline any responsibility in any choice or consequence derived from something you read in this website or in my readings. My views are my views: take them as they are.
Last updated: 6th March 2019.
Throughout this website, including in this page, the following applies:
- the terms “Heartki”, “Heartki.com”, “heartki.com”, “www.heartki.com”, “Nuno”, “I”, and “we”, refer to this website and to its author, Nuno Alves;
- the terms “you”, “user”, “viewer”, etc refer to the person viewing and using this website, as well as the person who orders an Akashic Records Reading (or just “reading”), a Guidance Session, or engages with any other service offered on this website.
- the term “client” specifically refers to a person who has ordered, i.e. performed payment for, an Akashic Records Reading, Guidance Session, and/or any other form of paid service offered on this website.
Website Terms of Use
The following applies this website and all materials here contained.
- Personal Views All contents in this website are solely intended to promote personal and spiritual growth. Nothing in this website implies, nor it should be inferred, that the information herein represents the only, best, or absolute truth. This website and its contents represent my true personal viewpoints, and for all purposes should be taken as such.
- Informational Purposes All contents in this website are provided for informational, educational, and spiritual purposes only, and should not be relied on as legal, financial, medical, psychiatric or any other professional advice of any nature, are not intended for self-diagnose or self-treatment of any health or mental issues of any kind, and are not substitute for professional medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment, provided by professionally trained and qualified providers.
- Validity By Discernment I do not provide justification, representation, or claim regarding the validity, accuracy, and completeness of any content in this website. Information of an intuitive or spiritual nature can be true and valid even if not verifiable. This type of information must be assessed by one’s own discernment, thus promoting awareness, empowerment, critical thinking, trusting in one’s own intuition, and spiritual sovereignty.
- My Views Evolve My personal views are perpetually evolving and may change at any time. While I try to keep this website up-to-date at all times, I cannot guarantee that any particular content will match my most up-to-date views. I may modify any content in this website at any time, at my discretion, including the contents of this page.
- External Sources and Links Nothing contained or referenced in this website should be construed as an endorsement of any product, website, belief, opinion, or service, professional or otherwise. I’m not affiliated with any organization or group, of any nature. Linking, quoting, expressing an opinion about, or otherwise mentioning a source in any way, does not imply I believe in, subscribe to, or endorse, 100% of that source’s information and perspectives. It means only I considered the information relevant and trustworthy for informational purposes, to a sufficient degree that led me to refer to it. Any external websites and sources that may be referenced in this website have their own separate materials, affiliations, views, policies, copyrights, and functioning, to which Heartki.com isn’t accountable for. Should you access any external source referenced in this website, you’re doing so on your own account.
- User Responsibility You are the sole responsible for assessing what’s right and appropriate to you, and for any choice, action and consequence affecting your life and that of others, including those choices and actions directly or indirectly related to any contents encountered in this website, obtained through the services herein, or otherwise obtained from me in any way.
- By viewing or using this website you are agreeing to these terms.
Readings Terms of Use
The following applies to Akashic Records Readings (or just “readings”) of any type, Guidance Sessions, and any service otherwise available via this website and the information conveyed therein.
- Informational Purposes All Akashic Records Readings and Guidance Sessions, as well as any documents, files, audio recordings, and any other resources and their respective contents (“materials”) created and delivered in the context of readings and any other services performed by Nuno Alves to a client, are tools for personal growth and spiritual self-realization, and are provided for informational, educational, and spiritual purposes only. They do not constitute, nor should be relied upon as, legal, business, financial, medical, or otherwise any advice of a professional nature of any kind. Readings and Guidance Sessions are not intended for self-diagnose or self-treatment of physical or mental health issues, and are not substitute for professional medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment provided by professionally trained and qualified providers. If you require help in any such capacity, you should seek the professional services of the respective field.
- Personal Responsibility My readings and Guidance Sessions are provided under the principle each person is responsible for manifesting their own reality, and are meant to assist in that regard. You remain fully accountable for any choice, action, and consequence in your life that was influenced, directly or indirectly, by materials provided in a reading or Guidance Sessions, or otherwise obtained by me. Further, in providing my services I will not attempt to (1) solve any personal problems on your behalf, (2) predict the future, (3) cause any spell or effect on anyone, or (4) otherwise interfere with your free will or assume any responsibility for your life’s choices, actions, and issues.
- Uniqueness The contents of your reading may differ in terms of tone, length, arrangement, scope, and topics addressed, from readings published on this website, even from readings of the same type (Quick, Standard, Written). Each reading is custom-made for the person being read and directly reflects their energy at the time the reading is performed, as such the result will be unique and different from any other reading previously made, or to be made in the future.
- Services, Intangible Goods, Non-Refundable Readings and Guidance Sessions are for all effects and purposes to be considered services; these services may produce intangible goods depending on the case, those intangible goods being the .pdf document, audio recording, email, and otherwise any materials that are delivered to the client in the context of the service, according to that service’s description. Readings and Guidance Sessions are performed uniquely for each client, in good faith, as described in Heartki.com and according to these terms of use. Readings and Guidance Sessions are non-refundable due to their nature as services as well as to the time, effort, and energy spent on them.
- Delivery The following describes what constitutes delivery for each type of service:
Quick Reading: delivered as a plain text email with approx. 1-2 a4 pages worth of text, depending on the material
Standard Reading: delivered in an online call lasting approx. 2 hours, depending on the material
Written Reading: delivered by email as a .pdf document with approx. 20-40 a4 pages worth of text, depending on the material
Quick Reading + Online Session: delivered as a plain text email with approx. 1-2 a4 pages worth of text, and an online call lasting up to 1 hour, depending on the material, both covering the same information
Written Reading + Online Session: delivered by email as a .pdf document with approx. 20-40 a4 pages worth of text, and an online call lasting up to 3-4 hours, depending on the material, both venues covering the same information
Guidance Session: delivered as a 60-minute-long line online call - Questions and Intent You can place questions for each reading. Asking questions is entirely optional. If you ask questions, those questions will set the intent for the reading (the reading will become “thematic”) and the information that comes through may then be considered a response to that intent. If you don’t ask questions, the reading will bring up information from the Akashic Records that’s the most meaningful and relevant for you to hear at the time you receive the reading, determined by your spiritual guidance team. Whenever asking questions for a reading it falls on you to be truthful in doing so, not just in providing facts and details in an accurate manner, but doing so out of legitimate desires and interests that are close to your heart. Placing questions and intentions for a reading in an untruthful manner will result in the reading becoming misinformed i.e. performed based on untrue or misleading premises, the consequences of which falling strictly under your responsibility. In these circumstances I’ll no longer be able to ensure the information provided will hold accuracy and relevancy to you.
- My Readings are not predictive They focus on providing clarity and understanding about events from the past and the present, serving the purposes of assisting your spiritual development. But I’m not able to make predictions for the future (this includes Akashic Records-level assessments such as planned potentials or arrangements with other souls, for example) nor can I guide you on how to obtain/manifest an intention, desire, etc. in your reality, even when appropriate and legitimate. Therefore, intentions, questions, and themes for a reading may not be about the future, such as “how do I achieve X?”, “will situation Y happen?”, “what do I need to do to attract Z” etc.;
- I can’t know or guess the details of your current life If an intention for a reading relates to details of your personal reality, I ask you to inform me about them; if and when doing so, please be concise, precise, and true to your heart, because I’ll interpret the information during the reading based on the input you provide. Further, when you share any personal details and circumstances, namely those involved in the theme(s) for the reading, I will work exactly with the information you’ve given me, and should not be expected to know or guess any other details beyond it;
- Readings shall not take into account any external sources (internet/links/social media/etc.), personally related to you or otherwise. I can’t promise to check/see/research any such sources if you provide them, irrespective of how extensive they are or the time the reading will take on my end. The only source of information I’ll use for readings will be the information we exchange via email as well as any online interactions we have at any point, if any. Readings shall not involve any kind of research from my part beyond what’s exchanged in this context.
- Topics for Questions With regards to questions placed by the client readings, all types of topics can be placed. However note that in my readings there are things I do, and things I don’t. Some guidelines:
Spiritual/Metaphysical: topics related to your inner self and spiritual consciousness, such as: past-lives on Earth, past-lives beyond Earth; Soul identity and nature; your Density/level of awareness as a spiritual entity; your Soul’s Genesis Story; your spiritual journey across the Cosmos; your spiritual journey reincarnating on Earth. These are topics in one way or another related with the exploration of your Soul, all of them I have a good handle on.
Career: I can’t give financial advice or tell you what job earns you money. What I can do is read into your spiritual nature and Soul’s intentions for this lifetime, as well as possible spiritual gifts and affinities you might have brought with you, for this incarnation.
Relationships: I may look into the connections you have with others in your life, such as the nature of spiritual connection, past-lives you share, the meaning and role of the person in your reality, as well as possible karmic patterns between the two, as far as it’s spiritually appropriate and I’m allowed to read into the information. Note that in doing so I must never provide information that compromises your Free Will regarding a relationship you may have with another.
Health: I may offer insights into the possible emotional patterns, karmic attributes, as well as the broader spiritual context, if relevant, related to physical imbalance. However, I cannot heal a physical condition, suggest methods of treatment, or read the energetics that might lead to physical imbalance. - Copyrights Out of courtesy I ask for the client’s permission for using reading materials, such as publication in this website. This is always done anonymously to protect your privacy. As the author I do retain copyrights over all materials produced in the context of readings. Please see “Copyrights” below for further details.
- Validity by Discernment I do not provide justification, representation, or claim regarding the validity, accuracy, and completeness of any materials conveyed in readings and guidance sessions. Information which is intuitive or spiritual in nature is generally meant to be assessed by one’s own discernment, thus promoting awareness, empowerment, critical thinking, trusting in one’s own intuition, and spiritual sovereignty.
- Subjectivity Nothing in a reading implies, nor should be inferred, that it represents the only, best, or absolute truth. Services and materials provided represent the best of my ability in intuitively receiving, interpreting, and relaying information to you, at the time the reading was requested and performed, and they should be interpreted under this consideration.
- My Views Evolve My personal views are always evolving and may change at any time. As such, the personal perspectives under which the materials in a given reading or Guidance Sessions were put forth, may have changed since the time that service was originally provided. I cannot guarantee that any particular reading will continue to match my most up-to-date views and beliefs, as well as my overall personal perspective regarding the service itself of providing services.
- By requesting a reading, Guidance Session, or any other service displayed on this website, you are agreeing to these terms.
1. Website Content
All content in this website is copyrighted to Heartki.com. You are free to share any materials from Heartki.com, if you do you are required to offer clear and visible attribution to Heartki.com and the URL “Heartki.com” next to the material shared. You may not alter the content of the materials in any way. The materials may not be sold or used for any commercial purposes or context, except by Heartki.com.
2. Readings
Publication As the author I retain the right to publish, share, or otherwise make use of all materials produced in the context of Akashic Records Readings, in part or in full, for any purpose, at any time, at my discretion. This includes, but is not limited to, publishing readings on this website, Patreon page, or in any other venue. However out of courtesy I will always ask for the client’s explicit permission for doing so. Your consent and blessing are important for me whenever making use of the your reading’s materials in any way, which will not happen if you decline to give it. Whenever making use or reading materials, protecting your privacy is of the utmost importance to me. Publishing or usage of reading materials in any way will always be done anonymously, by replacing all references to the client’s name with a fictional alias.
Reproduction Text, audio, and all other materials produced in the context of Akashic Records Readings, received in the context of paid readings, published on this website, or obtained through any other means, are protected under copyright. Reading materials may not be sold or used for any commercial purposes or in any commercial context of any kind. You may freely share a reading, in part or in full, provided this is done without commercial purpose. Should you share a part or the entirety of a reading, please provide clear and easily visible attribution to “Nuno Alves” and the url “www.heartki.com“. You are asked not to use or associate the reading, in its entirety or any part, with any defamatory, dismissive, or otherwise negative intent of any kind, towards Nuno or Heartki.com. Thank you.