In the reality on Earth, a human being has one life, lived from one point of view, seen and felt from behind their two eyes. But on the spiritual level, he/she is multi-dimensional. This means the Soul has had experiences other than the current lifetime, but also, that it can co-exist in several different places at the same time.
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A fairly common theme and question regarding reincarnation, is whether we choose the next life and its circumstances, such as our parents. Or, if these things are chosen for us, imposed and dictated by an external authority. Or even, if they are random, assigned in a chaotic manner. To begin with, no circumstances in your life are random in a (…)
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The following text is part II in a multi-part series. It is a work in progress and may be revised further. Previous: Part I: The Biological Overlay Closely related with the spiritual intention of having children during a lifetime, and with the experience of love and romantic relationships in general, is the matter of spiritual romantic contracts. This is (…)
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I initially met Miriam in a Guidance Session through Skype, where she sought guidance for a situation she was going through with her son. The son was in a toxic, unhealthy relationship with a controlling girlfriend, and was being pulled into isolation from friends and family and causing much grief to Miriam. In the Guidance Session there was the exploration (…)
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The process of awakening typically, often, eventually, leads to a choice to be made. While this choice may take many forms, it is generally between the old world and a new one; between the old views and the new. Between what you did in the past based on what you knew, and what you want to do based on what you know (…)
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The vast majority of people idealizes that upon meeting a Soul Mate, they’ll be in a permanent state of bliss. This is not true. The first part about being prepared to meet your Soul Mate, is to discard the common human illusions about love. 1. Relinquish the Illusion When you are “in love”, you’re high. You’re floating in the clouds, you (…)
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Your mind operates by going through cyclical patterns. Once you think about one concern, you move on to the next; once you go through that one, you’ll move on to the next – until you’re back at the first concern, or similar. Thoughts are generated “semi-automatically” at the mental level. This means that, much like breathing, you can momentarily take control over (…)
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Picture the first event that comes to your mind, that happened to you, to which you truly would say the words “what a coincidence”. Something that looked like it happened completely by chance. On one specific day, on one specific occasion, the heavens dictated, the stars aligned, the winds whispered, the right people were at exactly the right places at (…)
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Within Love, there is no problem. There is no challenge. There is no thing to do to or be, better. If you can see a problem, you aren’t within Love. Within love, there is truly nothing to improve. There is nothing, even, to heal. All that was wounded now it’s gone. All that was not, now is good. All is, (…)
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Enjoying something consciously, and asking “more please”, is a powerful way to manifest the things you like in your reality. If you’re not familiar with the subject, co-creation means your energy generates/manifests/dictates what happens in your life. Another common name for this mechanism is “Law of Attraction”. It can be as simple as thinking about ice cream and then eating one (…)
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There are no rules, or one correct course of action, regarding what food you should eat, simply because each physical body is a unique case, which must be catered to uniquely. For this reason, establishing rigid rules may prevent your body from receiving proper nutrition, and you from feeling relaxed and balanced about your eating habits. When you force a rule (…)
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Do you want your Spirit Guides to communicate with you on a daily basis, but don’t know how? Here is a very simple, “beginner’s” tip. Think in a number from 11 to 59. It could be any number or symbol, really, but this way it can appear on common mediums such as digital clocks, addresses, page numbers, car license plates, (…)
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Sequences (repeating or patterned numbers, letters or symbols) may have a degree of common “universal” meanings, but they can also have custom-made meanings for your own personal use, created and conveyed to you and you alone by your Guides. The beauty of the process is the conversation that develops between you and your Spirit Guides. My intention with this text (…)
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Is there God? If so, how does He allow suffering? Is there meaning to things in life, or is it all random? Do I have free choice, or is it all predetermined? Is Reincarnation true? What happens after Death? I believe it’s not only possible, but expectable, to understand life’s longtime mysteries. The things that are always taken as metaphysical, (…)
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The act of breathing helps significantly when handling challenging situations and karmic emotions. I’ve come to realize it’s a resource to heal them. Every karmic emotion can be handled simply by breathing deeply. This does not necessarily imply meditation in a conventional sense. When you’re face to face with someone, it isn’t always feasible to request a timeout to go to the (…)
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