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Items with tag: "healing"

When Your Family is not Your Family: Understanding the Spiritual Hostage

Posted by Nuno on 07.06.22 under Akashic Records, Life and Society, Metaphysics (General).

Sometimes you’re born into a family you don’t share a connection with, this going deeper than simply the child liking their parents more or less: you don’t relate to them on a fundamental level. Being raised in these circumstances can result in various emotional states for the adult which can be challenging and difficult to overcome.

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social media collage for featured post image

Social Media and Disconnection

Posted by Nuno on 24.12.18 under Life and Society.

In a relatively short period of time, social media rose and took center stage in our lives. Information of all kinds goes through, and is spread, across social media platforms. I consider social media, and the Internet in general, brought things that to my understanding are positive. This ties mostly with how we’re connecting as a collective. Information travels extremely (…)

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winter forest trail with fog

The Endurance to Keep Seeking

Posted by Nuno on 10.05.16 under Spiritual Awakening.

In the early stages of my spiritual awakening, I went through a number of venues while trying to carry out into the world all this new information I was assimilating, and seeking healing and answers to personal issues. These venues related to ‘contemporary’ spiritual and holistic thematics, such as Indigo children/people, meditation, energy healing, and so forth. But even though I had an (…)

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oil paiting with abstract swirling shapes

Spiritual Awakening Can Be Painful

Posted by Nuno on 04.09.15 under Spiritual Awakening.

Spiritual awakening can be painful emotionally, because we shed away many of the constructs, beliefs, patterns – inner and outer – that we had surrounded ourselves with, and accumulated over the course of many lifetimes. Many of these constructs are not aligned with our true spiritual nature and do us more harm than good. But we were convinced otherwise. We (…)

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alarm clock in grass

Spiritual Time

Posted by Nuno on 20.06.15 under Metaphysics (General), Spiritual Awakening.

It’s often said time is an illusion. Linear time is. That’s the time you can’t stop. The time in the clock. The cycles of day and night. The time Earth takes to circle the Sun. Tomorrow the Sun will rise, and the Earth will continue to circle its star, moving along its trajectory. Linear time moves forward no matter what (…)

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woman climbing mountain with gear at her back and sun shining behind her

Healing Takes Time

Posted by Nuno on 11.12.14 under Spiritual Awakening.

Every process of healing begins with the inner recognition that there’s something in need of healing. Without it, no healing can ever occur. No matter how much help and assistance others offer, no matter how much others push. It’s the inner choice that allows for healing to happen. This recognition, in and of itself, may not come easily. It is (…)

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diary, flower, and cup of tea

You Teach Yourself, You Heal Yourself, Always

Posted by Nuno on 10.08.14 under Spiritual Awakening.

When you are on a spiritual journey, it is truly you who heals yourself, who shows yourself what you need to learn next. You bring to yourself the healers, practitioners, and teachers, to convey to you the information you need to receive, in the way you need to hear it. They are just the channels, vessels, through which the information (…)

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path of wheat

The Path of Essence and the Paths of Distraction

Posted by Nuno on 11.07.14 under Spiritual Awakening.

There are only two types of interests you focus on in life: those derived from your core Essence, and those that are ‘Distractions’. Essence are your truest Soul desires. These transpire to you as some form of interests, passions, goals, objectives, ideals. If your Essence is being a violin player, you’re following your Essence by studying violin, practice it, and end (…)

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sunshine in tones of red

Healing Past-Lives

Posted by Nuno on 12.05.14 under Akashic Records.

Past-lives are not actually in the past. There’s a metaphysical notion that time doesn’t really exist, and everything is actually happening in the now. As far as you’re concerned, this translates — among other things — to the fact that the people you were in other lifetimes may be active in your own energy right now, within you, especially if they aren’t healed. A past-live that is not healed (…)

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lighthouse with seagulls flying above

Remembering Past-Lives

Posted by Nuno on 08.02.14 under Akashic Records.

I perform readings of the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records store the memory of your Soul’s past, including past-lives, and respective life lessons. The thing that I’ve learned from past-lives, is, first, the subject is often a catalyst for people to peek into how things work in a spiritual sense. Past-lives are addressed by some religions, but they are not (…)

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polished stones in the middle of a pond

Spiritual Awakening is not the same as Enlightenment

Posted by Nuno on 10.11.13 under Spiritual Awakening.

Spiritual Awakening is that moment when you stop living in “auto” mode – sometimes there are events that lead to that – and suddenly your mind is open, and you generally begin to make a shift into living a life of meaning and purpose. You want to tell the world what you’re finding. You first discover the actual magic in (…)

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Surround Yourself with Those Who Validate You

Posted by Nuno on 07.01.13 under Life and Society.

This makes all the difference. A spiritual existence in a human body is, or can be sometimes, a lonely, isolated experience. Not to mention a difficult, challenging one. Even if you’re surrounded by others. The same is especially true if you’ve decided to undergo a life or meaning to yourself, be it in healing/teaching service to others, in creative endeavours, (…)

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person meditating facing the sun, sitting on top of natural rock formation

The Solution to Everything is Breathing

Posted by Nuno on 20.07.12 under Spiritual Awakening.

The act of breathing helps significantly when handling challenging situations and karmic emotions. I’ve come to realize it’s a resource to heal them. Every karmic emotion can be handled simply by breathing deeply. This does not necessarily imply meditation in a conventional sense. When you’re face to face with someone, it isn’t always feasible to request a timeout to go to the (…)

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artwork diagram of human being and DNA

Spiritual Awakening Emotional and Physical Symptoms

Posted by Nuno on 03.07.12 under Spiritual Awakening.

In spiritual awakening, usually, there’s going to be a number of sensations you’re going to feel, at one point or another, which you’d call out-of-the-ordinary (at least relative to your normal, everyday life). These can include physical symptoms of various kinds, mood swings, sleep pattern fluctuations, and the like. And they’re going to be related both to the transformations you (…)

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