This material is an excerpt of a reading performed for Julian (as always a fictional alias), which part of a reading sequence published on Patreon. This information in particular is from Quick Reading #4 of the sequence, that is to say, this was information that came forth during the 4th reading performed for the client. At the time of this (…)
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Preface (Added for this Publication) Table of Contents (Jump to) Preface Meeting and Introduction Part I Part II Part III Part IV The following is a transcription of the audio of an Akashic Records reading delivered through Skype, incidentally being, at the time of this writing, my first transcription of any audio recording for a reading. I’ve always had in (…)
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The following was taken from an email follow-up that took place for the reading To Believe in Love. In this reading one of the things that’s mentioned is a female past-life, whereas the client was male, and upon receiving the reading he expressed some surprise at the idea of having been a woman in a past-life. And while this may (…)
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I first come into contact with Rachel’s energy from afar, and I’m already beginning to receive information about a past memory, from another time. However, before proceeding I’m also compelled to stop for a moment and observe the energy more closely. Rachel’s energy is very fluid, clean, crystal-clear. There is a sense of pure curiosity, as well as lightness, to (…)
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A fairly common theme and question regarding reincarnation, is whether we choose the next life and its circumstances, such as our parents. Or, if these things are chosen for us, imposed and dictated by an external authority. Or even, if they are random, assigned in a chaotic manner. To begin with, no circumstances in your life are random in a (…)
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This was part of a sequence of readings performed to a client, by which he’s exploring the various subjects pertaining to his current moment in life and those who surround and interact with him in his everyday reality – his background is in the military – as well as his spiritual background and long-term aims. A reading performed for one (…)
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The following is a collection of questions about spiritual awakening, and my answers to them, selected from Quora. Each question was placed and answered independently and at different points in time, so answers may overlap. These answers and more are included in the Spiritual Awakening Q&A available for download at the downloads page. Why does spiritual awakening occur? Spiritual Awakening (…)
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I. The Spiritual Context of the Current Moment 1.1 Introduction As I connect with Peter’s energy from afar, I am first offered a specific image representing the spiritual context of his current moment, and so I’ll proceed by explaining this image in detail. This image will use my Density model, i.e. it will refer to terms such as 5D, 4D, (…)
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When Roul – and Roul’s collective – accessed 6D consciousness, he/they were able to grasp the whole of reality, and all of Existence. He saw all reality as comprised on patterns and fractals, which were endless, continuous, infinite, cyclical, eternal. He saw how reality was ruled by the same geometric shapes (…)
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Electrical Energy John’s energy [fictitious name] is one of fast-pace, lightning-quick speed. This energy loves excitement, is excitement, and loves the thrill of experience, on physical matter, and here on Earth particularly. There are energies whose nature is being quick and fast – as opposed to slow, laborious – and then, there’s John’s energy. The word “Hermes” comes to mind. John’s (…)
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Every process of healing begins with the inner recognition that there’s something in need of healing. Without it, no healing can ever occur. No matter how much help and assistance others offer, no matter how much others push. It’s the inner choice that allows for healing to happen. This recognition, in and of itself, may not come easily. It is (…)
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Vivienne (not the person’s real name) sought answers and direction for her life as a whole. She described feeling sad, different, and out of place in life on a fundamental level, even if there was with little reason for it to be so.
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Imagine, for a moment, you were aware of what happened inside every passenger vehicle on tracks on the planet — trains, trams, subways — but you only knew what happened inside the vehicles themselves, not outside. It‘s as if all trains had security cameras, and you had access to the feed.
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There are only two types of interests you focus on in life: those derived from your core Essence, and those that are ‘Distractions’. Essence are your truest Soul desires. These transpire to you as some form of interests, passions, goals, objectives, ideals. If your Essence is being a violin player, you’re following your Essence by studying violin, practice it, and end (…)
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Past-lives are not actually in the past. There’s a metaphysical notion that time doesn’t really exist, and everything is actually happening in the now. As far as you’re concerned, this translates — among other things — to the fact that the people you were in other lifetimes may be active in your own energy right now, within you, especially if they aren’t healed. A past-live that is not healed (…)
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I perform readings of the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records store the memory of your Soul’s past, including past-lives, and respective life lessons. The thing that I’ve learned from past-lives, is, first, the subject is often a catalyst for people to peek into how things work in a spiritual sense. Past-lives are addressed by some religions, but they are not (…)
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