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Items with tag: "animals"
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Spirituality is Not About Restriction

Posted by Nuno on 05.01.15 under Life and Society, Metaphysics (General).

Spirituality is aligning with what suits you and makes you happy here on Earth, in balance and in integrity, so that you enjoy every experience you desire to, without forgetting you are an eternal being of Light. That’s it. No more, no less. Ascension, Enlightenment, the spiritual journey, whatever term you prefer to use, is a state of balance and (…)

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The Souls of Animals and Plants

Posted by Nuno on 20.08.14 under Densities/Levels of Awareness, Metaphysics (General).

My specialty are lessons of Souls incarnated as humans, both on Earth and beyond, and everything related. That’s the theme of my readings and of what I write. Discussing the spiritual qualities of animal and plant life, which I’m about to do in this article, is meandering closer the loose boundaries of what intuitively I have the most affinity with. A doctor’s task is to (…)

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