
Heart Ki
Items with tag: "free will"

About the Spiritual Desire to Go Home (Excerpt from a Quick Reading)

Posted by Nuno on 11.04.21 under Published Akashic Records Readings, Spiritual Awakening.

The following is an excerpt from a Quick Reading performed to a client, addressing the desire to “Go Home” that typically accompanies spiritual awakening, and the spiritual journey thereafter. Among others, this desire may be present in, or manifest by: wanting a collective planetary Ascension; dreaming about portals opening up, angels coming down to Earth, etc.; wishing for aliens in (…)

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statue of an angel

Quick Reading: Angel in the Statue

Posted by Nuno on 22.04.19 under Published Akashic Records Readings.

Catherine’s Soul originates from the Angelic Realms, a reality to which she’s still very close to. These are the realms of entities in service and support to incarnating human beings, always in the background to act in support of human life and reality, but without ever becoming involved directly in physical matter themselves. These beings are referred to as Angels in many spiritual contexts.

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blurred silhouette of a person against the sun

Do You Choose Your Next Life, or Is It Chosen for You?

Posted by Nuno on 14.02.19 under Akashic Records.

A fairly common theme and question regarding reincarnation, is whether we choose the next life and its circumstances, such as our parents. Or, if these things are chosen for us, imposed and dictated by an external authority. Or even, if they are random, assigned in a chaotic manner. To begin with, no circumstances in your life are random in a (…)

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ghost figurine ornament

Regarding Earthbound Energies

Posted by Nuno on 21.10.18 under Metaphysics (General).

In the moment of passing you’re invited by Spirit to travel back to the realms of Light to rest, heal, and spend some time there recuperating, usually referred to as the time in-between lives. This is the proverbial “tunnel” those who have near-death experiences report seeing. This tunnel is/represents the passage between the near-Earth realms, and the realms of Light. Moving on to the realms of Light is what’s supposed to happen, normally. This would be the natural order of things.

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picture of direction signs with nature in background

On the Biological Race to Have Children, Part II: Romantic Contracts

Posted by Nuno on 22.11.17 under Life and Society.

The following text is part II in a multi-part series. It is a work in progress and may be revised further. Previous: Part I: The Biological Overlay http://www.heartki.com/biological-race-children-part-biology-overlay/ Closely related with the spiritual intention of having children during a lifetime, and with the experience of love and romantic relationships in general, is the matter of spiritual romantic contracts. This is (…)

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photo of secluded beach in cloudy setting

Gnosis – To Know the Actual Truth

Posted by Nuno on 01.10.14 under Life and Society.

I never ever speak about evidence of proof concerning what I say. I never try to offer a “compelling case”, convince you, or prove you anything. The reason is, nothing I discuss is dependent on debate or argumentation. As you grow into your intuitive guidance, you might retrieve information from external sources, but your intuition is guiding you at all (…)

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artistic rendition of light refracting from a central core

What is Free Will? An Explanation

Posted by Nuno on 28.07.14 under Metaphysics (General).

Picture a flashlight emitting a beam of white light. This one beam of light represents Source — the Infinity, the Creator, etc — projecting Itself as a specific Soul. Now picture that you place in the middle of this beam of Light a translucent prism, which causes the beam to refract into separated rays of different colors, each going in a slightly different direction. These (…)

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Do We Have Free Will or are Events Predestined?

Posted by Nuno on 12.06.12 under Metaphysics (General).

Often two Spiritual concepts may look like paradoxes, but are both true at the same time. This is the case with choice (free will) and destiny. Both ideas, namely that 1) you’re the one in charge of your life, and 2) things that happen are already “predicted”, are true. Allow me to explain. This is, for me, the best, classical (…)

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