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Items with tag: "consciousness"

The Shift in Awareness: Life Expectancy and Aging

The spiritual changes and shifts gradually taking place on Earth can be spotted in a number of factors across our society. Some are louder and more evident; some are tumultuous and distressing; while others may be a little more subtle and nuanced, taking place more slowly and gently, in ways that may evade the onlooking observer. I’d like to talk (…)

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How You Can Know You Are a Starseed

Posted by Nuno on 04.08.22 under Akashic Records, Densities/Levels of Awareness.

How can you know if you’re a Starseed, and what signs and clues should you be looking for? The “safest” way to know would be an Akashic Records reading. But there are certainly various hints you may be able to spot in yourself or in others that may lead you to wonder about it. This text is the adaptation of (…)

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The Energy of Whole(some)

Posted by Nuno on 14.08.21 under Life and Society.

Wholesome. A ubiquitous term referring to kind gestures and “feel good” energy, more specifically acts of a benevolent nature enacted altruistically, spontaneously, and without an agenda. They may sometimes be called “acts of random kindness”. When you witness something “wholesome” you get this fuzzy feeling, It’s a type of kindness that is captivating, contagious even.

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Akashic Records Reading [Written]: Breaking the Fifth Wall

Posted by Nuno on 29.11.20 under Published Akashic Records Readings.

Prior to this reading Penelope (not the person’s real name) received two Quick Readings, which brought a number of points that were to be addressed more in depth. Namely, that as a spiritual entity she has a background in what was termed as the “Directors”, a metaphysical intelligence playing a part in managing the manifestation of physical matter, and how (…)

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ghost figurine ornament

Regarding Earthbound Energies

Posted by Nuno on 21.10.18 under Metaphysics (General).

In the moment of passing you’re invited by Spirit to travel back to the realms of Light to rest, heal, and spend some time there recuperating, usually referred to as the time in-between lives. This is the proverbial “tunnel” those who have near-death experiences report seeing. This tunnel is/represents the passage between the near-Earth realms, and the realms of Light. Moving on to the realms of Light is what’s supposed to happen, normally. This would be the natural order of things.

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pages of book shaped into a heart

Spiritual Awakening Q&A

Posted by Nuno on 19.08.17 under Spiritual Awakening.

The following is a collection of questions about spiritual awakening, and my answers to them, selected from Quora. Each question was placed and answered independently and at different points in time, so answers may overlap. These answers and more are included in the Spiritual Awakening Q&A available for download at the downloads page. Why does spiritual awakening occur? Spiritual Awakening (…)

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early vintage world atlas in english

Akashic Records Reading [Written]: The Retired Privateer

Posted by Nuno on 30.10.16 under Published Akashic Records Readings.

I. The Spiritual Context of the Current Moment 1.1 Introduction As I connect with Peter’s energy from afar, I am first offered a specific image representing the spiritual context of his current moment, and so I’ll proceed by explaining this image in detail. This image will use my Density model, i.e. it will refer to terms such as 5D, 4D, (…)

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abstract fractal image

The Seven Densities of Consciousness

Posted by Nuno on 08.08.15 under Densities/Levels of Awareness.

The following is an extract of the published reading Akashic Records Reading: Raul.  1D is the ‘consciousness’ of simple existence. If your consciousness were to be at the 1D level, your point of focus would be the electron, the proton, the molecule, and the energies between them. In physical terms 1D corresponds to physical matter, its states – solid, liquid, gas, etc (…)

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artistic abstract illustration of tridimensional geometric blocks in a circular pattern

Karma: Punishment, Balance, or Something Else?

Posted by Nuno on 29.07.15 under Akashic Records, Densities/Levels of Awareness.

There’s a moment in the evolution of the spiritual being when he leaps in consciousness from 3D to 4D. This transition is individual. It isn’t dependant (as in being impaired, impeded) on others making the same transition – although the process may be assisted if they do. But its nature is inner first and foremost. It happens when the spiritual being is ready for it, and not before. The (…)

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shorter version of larger image

Tree of Life as Levels of Awareness

Posted by Nuno on 28.05.14 under Densities/Levels of Awareness.

This image represents the esoteric knowledge of the Tree of Life, superimposed with the different Densities, or levels of awareness, which correspond both to metaphysical planes as well as to attributes of consciousness. The same information can be seen arranged as a table in the Density Chart page, where you can find more information.

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Covered pier pathway with sunshine behind it

The Progression of Awareness in Personal Growth

Posted by Nuno on 20.05.14 under Densities/Levels of Awareness.

Densities are levels of consciousness. Please Note: A person is not one level of consciousness. Each individual has multiple aspects to himself/herself, each with their own complex attributes and traits. You can go through stages in life where you go back and forth between two perspectives. This is a natural part of your personal growth. 4D I usually refer to the first three levels (…)

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grass path surrounded by trees with flowers

Examples Of Levels Of Awareness: 3D to 7D

Posted by Nuno on 23.04.13 under Densities/Levels of Awareness.

3D is the individual striving to obtain money, acceptance, attention, recognition, and love, from others, often at the expense of someone, at all costs, or not looking at the means to an end. Disregarding what is known as “ethics”, and which results in a “weight in consciousness” or “heavy consciousness”, is 3D. 4D 4D is when you try to do (…)

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abstract explosion of light

The Creation of The Akashic Records

Posted by Nuno on 08.02.13 under Akashic Records.

The Akashic records are the recorded memory of every Soul in the Universe. Everything that was chosen, experienced, and felt, is recorded and kept forever in the Akashic records, for each and every Soul. All there is, is Consciousness. Consciousness IS, and together with Love, it’s the one true Thing in all of Creation. Consciousness has no “time”. To Consciousness, (…)

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drawn world map with the continent of Lemuria

Esoteric Timeline of the History of Humanity

Posted by Nuno on 27.10.12 under Metaphysics (General).

The information in the following timeline was compiled from several metaphysical sources other than myself, which I deemed trustworthy for such purpose. The main references are the following: Ra, the Law of One, Kryon by Lee Carrol, Metatron by James Tyberonn, and Adamus St. Germain at the Crimson Circle. I’ve added a number of my own personal notes as well, mainly (…)

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awareness level quiz

Quiz: What’s Your Awareness Level?

Posted by Nuno on 24.09.12 under Densities/Levels of Awareness.
densities chart

Densities Chart

Posted by Nuno on 14.06.12 under Densities/Levels of Awareness.

In contemporary spiritual and metaphysical content, ‘Densities’, ‘Dimensions’, ‘3D’, ‘4D’ etc are commonplace terms. They refer both to physical planes by which reality is divided, and by levels of consciousness which correspond to each of them. Note: for the difference between densities and dimensions, see densities explained. However, there are several different models of densities. Some are based on 7 densities, others (…)

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miniature of the downloads page miniature of the chart page miniature of the quiz page miniature of the cards page
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