The Shift in Awareness: Life Expectancy and Aging
The spiritual changes and shifts gradually taking place on Earth can be spotted in a number of factors across our society. Some are louder and more evident; some are tumultuous and distressing; while others may be a little more subtle and nuanced, taking place more slowly and gently, in ways that may evade the onlooking observer. I’d like to talk about one area that is changing along with the process: the topic of biological lifespan, aging, and the way we perceive, relate to, and deal with these things, as human beings experiencing human lives.
The Movements of Expanding Awareness
As a general rule, the nature of experience tends to “scale up” going to a higher Density, compared to the Density that preceded it. This is difficult to explain in a few sentences with any measure of clarity; but it has to do with the difference in awareness between one Density and the next.
In a Density with a comparatively lower vibration (for example, 3D) consciousness is more focused and geared towards one’s immediate surroundings – both physical and temporal. Therefore it will tend to have and hold a prioritization of life that is simpler, more detail-oriented, and generally more focused on the “smalls” of life. By the same token, events will tend to be lived more intensely, happen more frequently, and within shorter spans of time.
The nature of the experience in a Density mirrors the average level of awareness present in it: generally, the lower the vibration, the more intensely and emotionally charged the experience is, and the more difficult it will also tend to be. Whereas in a Density of a higher awareness (say, 4D) consciousness has risen and expanded comparatively speaking, and as a result will be less focused on minutia, instead holding a broader or more long-term perspective. In turn, this influences the scale at which things happen in that Density. This has to do with the mechanics by which awareness rises and expands.
That’s quite a bit of jargon – as I said, difficult to explain. Allow me to illustrate with two examples.
Imagine you’re looking at a painting hanging on the wall. But, you have your face and eyes very close to the painting, so close you’re almost physically touching it with your skin. Because you’re that close, your eyes can only see one small portion of the painting at a time. But you can see that portion in great detail: you can catch very small details of the work, maybe identify strokes of the artist’s brush, variations in the paint and how it landed on the canvas, and so on. And, let’s say you can “slide” your view across the painting – up, down, sideways, etc., always at the same distance from it. So you can travel or “glide” across the painting to explore it; you’re able to look at different parts of the painting, all of them still from very close. But you’re still only able to see one portion at a time, never seeing the work as a whole.
Now imagine you pull back from the painting, up to a physical distance your vision is comfortable with, and in such a way you now can clearly see the entire painting at once. From this new perspective, you’re probably going to miss most of the minutia you could detect just a moment ago. But now you can ascertain and contemplate the work as a whole. Maybe you can gauge what the intended message and meaning of the artist was; if there are multiple layers to that meaning; and you can contrast those layers with your own interpretation and feelings towards the work. You can also wonder about what the author felt, maybe what they went through in life and were emotionally processing, or even the political/cultural aspects of their day, at the time they created the painting. From this new vantage point, you can now observe, establish, and hypothesise, upon the work as a whole, and in a far more nuanced manner – more in line, perhaps, with what one would associate with the concept of “appreciating art”. Because your perspective from the painting changed, not only can you see it differently physically, but that difference/distance also allows you to assess and contemplate the work in a completely different way, from a whole new level of abstraction.
Rising in awareness is akin to pulling away from the painting in this example: it allows consciousness to abstract, detach, and see things from a different perspective.
A second example. Let’s say there is a situation you’re a part of that has been very challenging and tumultuous, and that you’ve been involved in and committed to. Maybe it’s some problem at work, a family crisis, or some other ongoing, meaningful, intensely distressful difficulty. Now imagine that somehow you’re given the possibility to disengage from it and spend some time away. Let’s say you go on a trip: you’re somewhere on a cruise ship, in the middle of an ocean, on the other side of the world. Let’s also say you “magically” can’t be reached by phone, text, etc. And you spend just enough time away that you start to disengage and detach from that challenging situation.
From where you are, with the distance (physical, emotional, and temporal) between you and the situation, when you think about it for a moment chances are you’re not going to feel exactly the same as you when you were closely involved in it. You’re over here, and the situation stayed back there. One possibility is for you to gain new perspectives about it. Maybe you realize some of the root causes of the problem; maybe you better understand your own role in the problem, or perhaps the true motivations of another; maybe you come up with new solutions or approaches you didn’t think before. Alternatively, you could instead realize the situadion wasn’t that important to begin with – and as it seemed to be when you were very close to it. It may now register as less relevant, less pressing, maybe even less personally meaningful. As a result of the distance, you’ve been able to place things into perspective, seeing it from a renewed and detached manner (at least to the extent the necessity of eventually going back to it would allow).
The movement of rising/expanding of awareness is akin to this act of “placing into perspective”. When consciousness rises, it may look at things with greater distance and detachment, whuch allows it to better discern what’s more spiritually meaningful from what is less so, and better gauge the meaning and relevance of things as part of a bigger picture. Again, in similar ways than what it was portrayed in the first example.
The two examples illustrate some of the mechanics at work when consciousness expands, and the levels of Light are rising on the planet. A shift in perspective associated with consciousness being higher has an effect of abstraction and detachment. The physical/metaphysical constructs of an environment will always reflect at all times the level of awareness inhabiting it; as such, the many aspects of the societal setting i.e. “how things function” can, will, and must change accordingly, in order to continually accompany the shift. In other words: A different perspective creates a different reality.
In practice, positive 4D societies tend to typically rise above (the possibility of) scarcity and provide for all fringes of society (this, along with the tendency to also become spacefaring, is illustrated reasonably accurately by the Star Trek sci-fi lore/universe) thus creating settings for an experience of incarnation in the physical that is comparatively easier, in terms of personal hardship, relative to 3D societies – and also compared to their own journeys through the third Density, if and when that was the case.
Shift in Scale, and 4D Lifespans
As mentioned, the movement of expanding of awareness isn’t just one of raising vibration, it is simultaneously a shift in scale. This is somewhat illustrated by the distance of the observer to the canvas, or the distance to the problem, in the examples above.
If you see things from a broader/higher perspective, the details you once knew up-close will now appear “smaller”, or rather, to be more reduced in scale – which is to say, less important, in less detail, less intense, and so on. Conversely, the observer is also rising and expanding in perspective, and as a result their subjective experience may also tend to scale upwards – in abstraction, in insight, in duration, for example.
Metaphysically, when consciousness rises and expands, certain aspects to experience will start to be on/of a different scale – except they won’t just “appear”, they’ll also be shaped and experienced accordingly, as the collective of observers is continually creating their reality and the experience therein. Thus, a meaningful shift in the collective’s awareness creates a “scaling” effect that isn’t purely abstract, rather it pervasively affects things in reality itself.
Notably, one of the aspects this effect influences is both the perception and experience of time: things lasting longer, time itself being experienced more fluidly, and so on.
In the fourth Density, events and changes in circumstances tend to take place more sparsely, and existing situations and states of affairs tend to last longer periods of time, when compared to 3D, where things happen more frequently, evolve at a more rapid pace, and situations are lived more intensely. As a rule of thumb, time in 4D moves and is experienced as more of a slow and steady burn, compared to 3D where, conversely, experiences can “burn” intensely and brightly, but lasting much less time. Just as an example, the planetary cycles themselves – the period on a planetary experiment between the start of the window of (re)incarnation, until the respective window of closure i.e. rapture, graduation – will take much longer in 4D, when compared to the equivalent cycles in 3D.
This segways into the next point: biological lifespans are also much longer in 4D compared to in 3D.
Average lifespans, as it should be evident, aren’t a constant value fixed in time. Including in the fourth Density.
Even throughout the journey in 3D, across Earth’s history, a myriad of factors contributed to create average life expectancies anywhere between 30/40 and u80/100 years. These included access to and quality of food, access to healthcare and medical advancement, economic prosperity and distribution of wealth, exposure to physical risk and hardship, exposure to stressors in the environment, and so on and so forth. For this reason, if I tried to establish a value, and say everyone in all of the fourth Density, across all civilizations in the Cosmos, throughout space and time, always lived by that amount, that statement would be unnacceptably inaccurate. Average lifespans by nature vary and fluctuate, sometimes greatly, even within the same civilization and across its evolution over time. Therefore, any observation in this regard may never be about hard values, only of acceptable generalizations. (And any generalizations also have to assume the same reference of linear time, for the sake of comparison; so for example “X amount of years” would be a length of time equivalent to that many Earth-years in 3D).
With this in mind, a rule of thumb I find adequate is to consider the baseline biological life in 4D to be (at least) 10x the duration that of 3D. In other words: if an average lifespan in a given 3D society is 80 years of age, if we were to “transplant” the same society directly onto the fourth Density, the average expected duration of a lifetime for individuals would be 800 years of age. If in 3D you have an expected lifespan of 60 years, in 4D it would be 600 years; if in 3D it would be 100, then in 4D it would be 1000, and so on. Then, you have additional factors lending complexity to this. For example, much like the third Density, 4D isn’t one single step or moment but a long continuum, one that is traveled through societal and spiritual development – and that is taking far more linear time, by roughly the same type of factor/scale, compared to how long planetary cycles last in 3D. And throughout the progression of a 4D journey, much like during 3D human life expectancy may vary anywhere between 40 to 100 years, 4D longevity could go from the aforementioned baseline of hundreds of years up to the 2000s, 4000s, 8000s, and the like.
Again, note that your mileage can vary greatly here. The numbers can be quite higher, or they can be lower, depending on society, genetics, species, circumstances, and so on. Still, what is to be taken is that these values will always sit on a different scale compared to lifespans in 3D.
The Experience of Aging in 4D
As with in 3D, in a 4D society there will be a mix of factors contributing to how much incarnations last. To start with, 4D is a setting of higher vibration, which on its own leads biological bodies to tend to be vibrationally lighter, having less need for care and maintenance, and requiring less amounts of effort for said maintenance. Further, individuals are exposed to less low-vibration distress and difficulty, and situations of difficulty/challenge may have less impact.
Technological and medical advancement will complement the scenario, allowing for the physical body to be better and more naturally maintained. A higher sensitivity towards one’s own body also allows the individual to cater to and care for its necessities in an easier fashion – both making it easier to maintain the body, and leading to the development and maintenance of “good habits” for that purpose, if and when applicable. Not all societies develop what we’d call “beauty self-care routines” per se; but in general most if not all do develop methods to tend to, maintain, and restore the body. Both technology and awareness are factors playing a dance here: technological means exist to support a long life, and individual and collective awareness will apply and make use of them.
But while one is mixed in with the other, the technological and all other tools available ultimately exist due to the allowance of the spiritual process by which the vibration of the collective is raised. Ultimately, spiritual development itself is the factor influencing the length of biological lifespans. The biological body will live longer and age slower at baseline value, simply on account of the vibration being higher; and technological means will exist to support and enhance that process further.
It is possible that in this process, aging itself gradually starts losing the connotation of being an unavoidable progress of, well, decay, an inexorable descent into an abyss; and starts being seen more as a natural characteristic/tendency of biology, that it may degrade and/or become damaged – namely when the attention to its care hasn’t been adequately observed – but not necessarily one that can’t be avoided or prevented. In certain circumstances, it is possible for a 4D society to achieve a level of maintenance and support to the biological body (the set of all the available tools, support systems, cultural habits, level and quality of technology, medical knowledge, etc.) that in practice its continued existence can be considered, virtually, indefinite(*). This is when, in practice, you regard your biology as functioning without the inevitability of time-based decay, and therefore without the aspect of “counting your days”.
*- Note this is relative rather than literal, to be taken “for all effects and purposes” but not in an absolute sense. No matter the Density, a physical construct won’t be able to function forever in a literal sense. This is because it’s in the nature of the physical for all things to be finite, including the biological body. Ultimately speaking, in the physical things can’t actually last forever: eventually everything comes to an end, even if it existed/lived for a long time. In the physical realms, biological constructs exist bound to the track of linear time, and the progress of aging is tied to its passage. No matter how high the vibration, Time itself can’t be halted literally (but the perception/experience of its passage can be affected, one of the reasons why higher Densities have longer lifespans). Anyway, ultimately, there will always be a final day, the final moment, the last breath. Eventually, a cog in the machine wears out and malfunctions, even if you’ve lived a million years in the same body.
On top of this, you may also factor in another aspect: the choices of the soul who inhabits the body.
The relevance of the following consideration might be relative for us today, but: it is possible to live long enough to the point the self starts to consider if they’ve achieved all they’ve wanted with the current form/manifestation, and they desire to move on to another experience. If and when aligned with the self’s higher spiritual designations, this can and will lead to the co-creation of the cessation of the current life. In various societies and cultures across the Cosmos – barred unforeseen events – the advent of death becomes almost predominantly a circumstance that is chosen, rather than one that is imposed.
3D lives burn brightly and are lived intensely, and come to an end after what amounts to a fairly short while. By comparison, 4D lives are lived at a less intense pace, and last much longer. The nature of 4D experience has largely abstracted from, and moved beyond, low-level basic hardship and scarcity; and because the experience is far less “in your face”, the biological candle burns at a much more steady and controlled pace. An analogy could be established between the mouse, a small creature with a short biological life of around two years, heart beating at 500 beats per minute, and the elephant, a ponderous large animal, heart beating at 50 beats per minute, and living for around 50-60 years – the size difference in this analogy also illustrating the shift in scale between one Density and the next.
The Relative Short Duration of 3D Lives
On a scale we could regard as “Cosmic” (relative to the lifespans in other realities) human lives on Earth are extremely short.
We can establish this comparison in a more or less direct manner, because genetically and metaphysically human beings on Earth aren’t really all that distinct from the other human and human-like races out there. Humans aren’t designed all that differently from the rest of the Cosmos. In fact, if (hypothetically) you were to be transported to a society of the fourth Density, even with your current body and sense of identity, and provided you had access to 4D consciousness (which is possible even on Earth, this equates to the willingness of doing the right thing, to believing and supporting an ideal of peace and harmony, and generally supporting the idea of being good to one other) – you would see that you would more or less “fit right in” in that society.
Now. If a race lives hundreds if not thousands of years, the period we’d refer to as their childhood and youth would equate to their first 80-100 years or so. And this is exactly what happens. It’s very typical in a fourth Density society for the person’s first 80-100 years to be that time when they’re learning the ropes, figuring things out, experimenting and trying, and paying their dues, when it comes to living in their society. It’s during that time that cultural and societal expectations about them are more those towards a young and up-and-coming person, rather than a mature and established adult. It is only after that time that the individual will generally seek to longer-term endeavors and purposes, out of a place where they’ve settled with who they are, and where they’d want to be. It’s around that time they’ve reached adulthood proper.
So comparing our lifespans with those of 4D more or less directly, we would state that human beings never get to reach a place of relative maturity/wisdom – simply on the account of, well, not lasting that long. In other words, you never really get to reach and stay in a place of spritual maturity, biologically speaking. You get to be 60-80-100 years old, the lifetime ends, and the cycle repeats, assuming you reincarnate. Colloquially speaking, and relative to this “Cosmic” scale, human beings never leave a stage of (relative) childhood!
An aspect where this is noticeable is, for example, when you realize or have the perception, maybe as you reach adulthood (or at any point in life, really) that “no one knows what they’re doing”. Maybe you had an ingrained expectation in youth of adults being wise, having most of life figured out, and largely being in control; but later this might have been dispelled as you realized no-one’s really at the wheel. Meaning: most individuals, most of the time, are in a place of coping, making do, and winging it, as opposed to having a handle on things in life – and, most importantly, themselves. If and when you have this perception, you’re unconsciously tapping to the broad-level fact human life is generally too short relative to what it would take for an incarnated being to reach a state of relative maturity/wisdom. So in our reality true wisdom is largely scarce, found only punctually, in moments, small windows and instants, as opposed to being common, frequent, widespread. I will often say human beings are like children raising other children.
You may very well, hopefully, get to a point in life where you say “well, I still don’t know everything, but, I’m now in a place where I do have a handle on things”. But even if that stage does arrive, when does it happen? Usually, generally, it’s going to be late. It’s going to be, perhaps, at 50 or 60, maybe later. And it’s likely going to be a point when you’re feeling your biology in a downwards slope. This is roughly the age when the sentient being in other realities starts to transition from a cycle of learning the ropes, to one of having gained some insight – but by the time that same stage arrives in our 3D reality, the biology and time reamining are, or may tend to be, limiting factors.
Living Longer as Consequence of Collective Awareness Expanding
As you might be aware, there’s currently a shift in awareness and energy underway on Earth. I make no predictions or assumptions about where it’s supposed to go, how long it’s supposed to take, or what events will happen during its course. For all I know, this is a drawn-out transition that could take hundreds if not thousands of years (no, the portals aren’t opening tomorrow). But a shift is underway nonetheless. It is a shift that has only just begun, it is associated with Earth entering the age of Aquarius, and it pertains to the planet (gradually, eventually, ultimately, yet also inexorably) transitioning from the third Density onto higher vibration. As part of this shift, the levels of Light i.e. the levels of vibration, on the planet have been steadily increasing for some time, and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Given how raising vibration is the whole point, after all.
A meaningful portion of this process has been the fact that those coming into the physical (incarnating) have been, steadily and on average, bringing added levels of Light, vibration, and consciousness, with them. They bring these in their stories and lessons, in their energetic components, in their spiritual gifts and aspirations, in their accumulated spiritual work during their time on Earth, and in everything else about them, coming in with them for the new lifetime.
One aspect these added levels of Light have been influencing, is individuals gradually tending to look younger in general; maintaining their appearance for longer relative to their age; and generally living longer lives overall. No, it’s not just celebrities and their close familiarity with the surgery hallways that’s giving this impression; it’s something that affects everyone on the planet in general. In all likelihood you may have noticed, at some point, how people may seem to be living longer, look younger, etc. It’s for example when you look at photos from a few decades back, and you notice someone in their twenties or thirties looking far older. It’s what leads the zeitgeist to say things like “60 is the 40”, and things of that nature. There’s a general tendency for individuals to look younger compared to what would be expected of their chronological age; to (naturally and/or through working for it) be able to sustain their appearance for a longer duration; and also for the phenomenon itself to gradually keep progressing and evolving as time goes on, as opposed to reaching a plateau.
These considerations can be quite vague and subjective. They pertain to health and physical appearance and therefore, apart from demographic data, there’s much to it that’s subject to interpretation and difficult to quantify. It’s probably something you’ll only notice through hints and glimpses here and there, on an occasional basis, not so much by pinpointing a conclusive pattern. However, in my mind it’s sufficiently obvious, visible, and “trendy”, that I can refer to it here.
You can of course attribute this to various factors: the aforementioned improvements in medicine, better access to healthcare, development of standards of living, increasing opportunities for healthier lifestyles, and the like. Maybe living in an age that hasn’t seen the horrors of a World War; maybe living at a time when cosmetic surgery and aesthetic-related care are becoming increasingly sophisticated, nuanced, and commonplace. And so on. All of these factors are valid, they all play a role in the equation. But food, knowledge, or technology aren’t all there is to it. Beneath all of this is the spiritual/metaphysical. Again, any and all societal-level circumstances accompany the energy and its shifts on the planet, here specifically pertaining to standards of health and longevity. And the overall collection of any such circumstances will continually accompany the energetic/vibratory shifts on the planet, so that the average parameters of health, appearance, longevity, etc. keep up with them. In short, it comes down to spiritual advancement and the levels of Light the planet is holding, at any given moment, collectively.
That’s not to say this is a matter that can be taken to the letter too much. You’re not going to be living an extra 100 years just because you’re working spiritually. You’re not necessarily going to stay younger by keeping “high energy levels”. And you may not always be fortunate enough to have access to the “best” food, medicine, resources, etc. depending on where you live, if you go through a life crisis, if you go through shortages in abundance, and so on. These considerations may have a degree of validity to them, generally speaking, but at the same time they’re not the kind of thing you can establish and manipulate on a 1-on-1 basis. Each individual is unique, with a unique backstory and circumstances, and a complex inner world. The way you look, how you age, and how long you live, can’t be directly attributed to any given factor such as your spiritual advancement, the year/energy you were born in, or any other. To me this is a collective “thing” first and foremost.
It is the times and the energy on the planet we are living in currently, together with the cumulative effort of the collective in gradually holding Light, that bear a huge influence on what’s possible, and what tends to happen and be possible.
Not All About Longevity and Appearance is Ego
The gradual raising of vibration on Earth is leading, and will lead, to progressive alterations in the awareness/perception of individuals and the collective, related to the process of aging and the expectations surrounding it. Again, this is subtle and gradual rather than overt, clear, or abrupt. Like the ticking of the clock, it’s a tendency that grows by indiscernible amounts, but nonetheless doing so little by little, day by day. The movement, or the effect if you will, is akin to bringing expectations in this regard closer to, towards, the standards of societies in higher awarenees, and further away from what 3D normally perceives and considers normal.
So there might be, for instance, an exacerbation of that feeling of having a 18/21-year-old mind in a 40/50/60 years old body. Those who are more accustomed to being attractive may be angrier and more dissatisfied due to the difference in the energy/attention afforded from strangers, that comes from age-related loss in appearance. In general there will be a tendency (and the external stimuli supporting it) to sustain a brighter, lighter, more carefree (youthful) mindset for longer, throughout life – or at least the tendency for it, given how the societal constructs might demand otherwise – while delaying, dampening, or even eliminating altogether, the type of life stage where you’re more or less passively biding your time until the end. That is not to say a light/carefree mindset wouldn’t still choose to spend their last years “doing nothing”, but you’d do so out of your agency rather than in passive, reluctant acceptance.
There might also be an intensification of the contrast between 1) the youthful “I’ll live forever” mindset i.e. the time when life being finite hasn’t sink in, you’re looking to the future, and time is passing slowly, and 2) the sudden realization time is limited, after which one starts counting the days and time seems to fly past. This contrast will intensify, and the sensation of “shock” from realizing life is finite will intensify, as consciousness spiritually/unconsciously gradually realizes the time available for a 3D life is very short. By the same token, in general individuals will tend to perceive the process of aging with more discomfort, and as a result will have greater desire to live longer, and be less prone to be acceptant of the passage of time.
Please mind: humanity has never accepted aging well!
No one wants to get old and perish. No one likes seeing their body lose faculties. And this is not to mention the experience of losing loved ones; losing worth and appeal based on decaying appearance; or losing your place to younger, more energetic and ambitious individuals. Just to name a few.
Humanity has forever struggled with the limitation of time and the inexorable deterioration of the body. Countless efforts have been made, and will continue to be, to live and stay young for as long as possible, some within relative balance, while others less so. And certainly the ego can and will cling to to whatever is associated with relevance and worth, such as is the case with physical appearance. The world has seen many a celebrity holding for dear life to the last remnants of their looks, in the process losing grasp of balance and ruining their appearance through surgery. Back in the day, new world explorers were already scouring every jungle, swamp, nook and cranny in the Americas still looking for (among others) the fabled fountain of youth. So it’s not like human beings always had this peaceful relationship with aging; it’s not like growing old with grace and wisdom has always been something easy thing to do.
But there’s a difference between fighting the process without humility, and a shift by which spiritual awareness begins questioning the notion of limited longevity as a fact of life.
I’m well aware this may be contentious. That this might appear as fuel for the ego, or at least as very un-spiritual. Please bear with me. The struggle with the finality of life, and with physical appearance, are prime grounds for the human ego to hold on to. But even if something is used by the ego doesn’t necessarily mean all of it is illusory and is to be discarded. At the core of this struggle is the understanding that, even in a spiritual sense, dealing with decay and finality is inherently uncomfortable for spiritual beings.
There are two layers to this struggle:
- First and foremost, being encased in a physical form in a realm where all things are finite, bound to an individual focus and subject to the passage of linear time is unnatural for spiritual entities to begin with, which human beings are. This is because abstract consciousness is ultimately infinite and endless. So you do exist forever (or rather, consciousness ultimately exists outside time, without beginning or end; thus the idea of “forever” doesn’t even make sense as linear time doesn’t exist. The most correct term would be “consciousness just is“; the “I am that I am”, and so on.) This is why the most natural, “default” perspective is for you to operate as if you’re going to live forever particularly as you’re young and you aren’t cognizant of the finality of biology, even if consciously you know that’s not how it works.
Still, this contrast between the finite nature of the physical, and the endless/timelessness of Consciousness, is alleviated when incarnation takes place in high vibration. The higher the vibration of a setting, the more its essential characteristics tend to mirror the abstract state of existence of Light/Consciousness. If you’re in a setting where you’re living in the same body indefinitely (allows you to abstract from time itself), your biology has a small footprint of needs, experiences involve little effort, and the spiritual/infinite is apparent, then the component of discomfort for being in the physical is limited and maybe negligible.
- The contrast becomes more prevalent when incarnation takes place is lower vibration. The lower the vibration the harsher the conditions of the experience, the more maintenance the physical needs (and therefore the more your focus needs to be brought to it), the more effort tasks require, and the more closely bound you are to time and its passage – if nothing else, because you live less time, and/or you’re more exposed to risks that can cut the lifetime short. Thus your awareness is brought closer to the concept of time and its lack.
The components of finality and deterioration of the biological are a stressor in the physical environment. They compound with, exacerbating, the discomfort of being in the physical that’s there to begin with. A stressor is a factor that places pressure, in this case upon the incarnating self, throughout the incarnating experience; pressure can in general be a catalyst for growth: it pushes you, and creates the need for you to adapt, adjust, overcome, and learn. Generally speaking, pressure and difficulty tend to cause the self to seek Home and the Light more ardently, and to spiritually develop faster and more assiduously. The added factors of pressure and difficulty are what makes 3D being a more intense environment, where spiritual lessons can be attained more quickly. That being said, pressure is still a form of difficulty and hindrance nonetheless.
The time you have available, and timings that are impacted by it, is very much a “rat race” in its own right. It’s the biological/physical equivalent of the social construct dictating you need to earn a living: it creates a type of background pressure affecting your awareness and considerations in a pervasive manner. How much time do I have to build a carrer? How long do I have to make up my mind and choose one? How much time do I have to build a family? Am I too late to be successful, happy, impactful? Will I have enough time and vitality to enjoy my goals even if I accomplish them? Will I be safe in retirement?
Even if you’re spiritually awakened, perhaps cognizant of how death itself isn’t an ending at all, the availability of time in the physical can still have ways to “get” to you. Do I have enough time to heal/ascend? Am I too late to embark on a new journey? Am I on the right path in life or have I wasted my time?
The hard limit of your time in the physical, and the realization that things must come to an end, can bring your awareness closer to the infinite present moment and help you discern what things in life matter most. That said, paradoxically, it’s also a pressure that takes away from the original nature of abstract consciousness, which was joyous, light, unworried, carefree. How much would your mindset and outlook in life change, if you knew you had 800 years instead of 80? As vibration rises on the planet, consciousness will naturally and continually seek an experience closer and closer to Source; this means an existence with less restraints, less limitations, less elements that create pressure. Biological limits included.
Acceptance, Humility and Spiritual Development Still Paramount
In short, the topic of longevity isn’t exclusively of the ego; there are components to it that are spiritual and valid, and that relate to the experience in the physical setting as a whole. The energetic shift taking place on Earth describes a movement of rising in vibration, that is consequently lifting the standards of the experience ever closer to the nature of Source, the parameters affected including those of health and longevity.
This doesn’t mean you’ll get to live to 800 in this lifetime. It means humanity is spiritually establishing a bigger and bigger contrast between the state of abstract consciousness and the limitations imposed by the physical construct, and as a consequence will gradually create the experience of living longer as well as the circumstances to support it.
Therefore, expect over the years to see advancements in technology for aging and longevity, as well as in to the technology aimed at maintaining appearance. Whether these are created and used in balance and integrity or not is up to their creators, and up to you – but these are the available tools of this field. Pay attention to the news popping up here and there, over time, that might relate to longevity medicine, experimental techniques aimed at delaying aging, and new solutions for existing diseases that might reduce their impact or even cure them. Expect also to continue seeing a growing, and not always shallow or “frivolous”, sensitivity towards age and appearance, with a desire and openess to work on maintaining the physical body for longer, and be able to do so more gracefully, naturally, and perhaps with less effort. And expect people to ever so slightly, very gradually but surely, to be able to live to grow older, while also being able to keep their appearance longer. You know, the “90 is the new 30“. Or something.
That being said, this is not to portray the spiritual as secondary and the physical as the most important. It is only to illustrate the biological as part of the equation for the experience in the physical plane; but where spiritual development perpetually remains the fundamental driving factor. And for the effects and purposes of spiritual development, one is still bound to be in integrity, observe restraint where needed, and seek to maintain a healthy balance between treating and changing what can be treated and changed, and accepting, embracing, and making peace, with what can’t.
Remember that even if death isn’t an end, no matter who you are, where you spiritually stand, or what it is you wish to accomplish, you aren’t getting out of this alive.