
Heart Ki

The Dreamer and the Tested [Quick Reading]

The following is a Quick Reading originally performed for a client. This is a reading of the Akashic Records that takes me a few hours to perform, and is delivered as text by email. All references to the person's identity were replaced with a fictional alias to protect their privacy. For the purposes of this publication, some portions of the original reading may have been rephrased, edited out, but no changes were made to the original meaning. Additional readings are published at the Patreon page. For more information about Akashic Records Readings in general, please see: Akashic Records Readings. For more information about Quick Readings specifically, please see: Reading Types at a Glance.

Audrey is a 4th Density (4D) spiritual entity (hence, a Starseed) who also has distant, past background on the 6th Density (6D).

We could say that “up” in the 6th Density Audrey has a version of herself who is the equivalent of her Soul, or the Higher Self if you will, which then projects a portion of itself downward onto the lower Densities closer to the physical experience, namely the 4th Density. Then, we can consider the entity on the Fourth level is also able to participate in 3D reincarnation cycles such as the one on Earth.

At the same time, and because of how time and its effects are perceived from the point of view of the 4D entity, what happens in practice is that the latest, most recent, and most relatable style of experience for Audrey is the 4th Density version of herself. Whereas the 6D part of her story registers as being something very distant, very far. Something that might seem to go way back into the past. And it’s therefore felt as something that is not very present; something like a very distant memory. This is a fairly reasonable interpretation of the truth in the sense that from the 4D entity’s perspective their own Soul had projected downward onto the 4th Density “a long time ago”, and much experience and memories have been taken since.

Still, despite these different versions of her standing at different levels and in different points of perception of time, they are, and represent, different sides of her. They all are part of her, in a manner of speaking, and they can be addressed as such.

The 6D entity/Soul is an aspect of consciousness of Audrey that represents a very high, very subtle form of Feminine Energy (F-E) and feminine-like qualities. The 6th Density itself is a high-level plane of existence comprised only of abstract and immaterial consciousness, thoughts, energy, etc. and with some polarization towards F-E, with these qualities matching the type of awareness on that level.

Audrey’s 6D awareness bears values that are very much fantasy-like. Of dream and potential. Of idealization. It is an energy that exists at the start of journeys, representing a highly pure child-like curiosity, an intense anticipation for what’s ahead without safeguards, and a pure sense of excitement for what can be. It is an energy that is highly soft, subtle, and free, capable of dreaming and manifesting ideas and thoughts unto existence, while also being somewhat innocent and naive, like that of a child. Purely for the sake of coalescing the image we’re offering, we’d suggest the color or tone matching this energy as that of a very bright and soft, “girly” pink. And we would say this would be a very whimsical and bubbly energy; very much an energy of fairy tales, unicorns and rainbows, colloquially speaking. It is an awareness that dreams in idealization and the theoretical i.e. how things should be in an ideal sense and/or with the self having full reign and control over them. In some ways, it is a type of abstract consciousness a human self would associate with being bright and full of energy, but perhaps preceding practical experience.

The 4th Density awareness, in turn, is very much like the opposite of this.

The Fourth Density itself, while being more closely related to physical realities and experience, like the Sixth is similarly polarized towards F-E, is a Density of love, connection, empathy, sensitivity, and mutually chosen harmony. It happens that Audrey, as a 4D entity and therefore spiritually embodying the baseline traits of the 4D, is nevertheless very much a battle-hardened being.

Many things were lived ever since the Soul projected onto the material planes for experience. On this spiritual journey there were many successes, and many failures as well, all of which were experienced and learned from. Expectations were adjusted and re-adjusted; corrections and experiments were tried and trialed until a few were found to be effective while discarding the rest; and generally speaking the self, on a spiritual level, largely reached a point where they felt they had things, for the most part, figured out. This on its own doesn’t mean bad or unwanted things won’t ever be experienced again, or that an easy solution will always be around the corner. But it means the self now feels prepared and wise enough to tackle most of them. The self feels experienced enough in 4D to mostly stand in a place of having a “I’ve got this” approach for navigating it.

The result is that Audrey, as a 4D entity, is an extremely practical, experienced, and grounded consciousness.

This could have a strong translation to Audrey’s conscious awareness in the present moment i.e. with her coming across as a naturally mature, experienced, self-assured, and/or wise person. Alternatively, it could be something very subtle and/or that only manifests at certain points – all humans have insecurities and moments of doubt and altering, as this is a normal part of life. Nevertheless, to whichever extent this part of Audrey might be manifest or come across in her current reality, this is a part of her that transmits a great deal of calmness, assuredness, and above all, safety. It’s a sense of safety that is spiritual and intrinsic, less about specific external circumstances that might allow or justify it, and more something that just exists in Audrey’s presence. You could say in her “vibe”, or in her aura.

This arises from the fact the spiritual self largely feels mature, ready, able, and empowered, thus self-sufficient, to tackle whatever comes their way in terms of experience. It’s a calm-like form of confidence when it comes to dealing with the outside (physical) world, and namely with any possible things coming from it that might be unexpected, unwanted, etc.

This sense of confidence is very particular to Audrey’s spiritual energy, and in connecting with it, consciously or spontaneously, will possibly be felt in a very distinct, unique way. I would describe this by saying it’s probably akin to feeling most things are or tend to feel relatively simple; that situations and issues take a short amount of energy to handle; perhaps having a no-fuss style of handling practical matters in day-to-day life. The energy is very uncomplicated, very succinct, again, very self-sufficient. It’s akin to feeling I already have everything I need at this moment and don’t need anything more; and if I do need something I’m missing – an answer, a solution, a tool I’m lacking, and/or a missing piece of the puzzle – then all I have to do is just ask, take a peek, look around, feel around with my hands so to speak. And shortly after, sure enough, what I need will be right there, just around the corner.

So this would be a description of how Audrey’s 4D energy/awareness and its “vibe”feel like and can be identified.

You may perhaps notice a contrast between the two energies described above, with both nevertheless being part of Audrey’s own spiritual consciousness co-existing at different levels (or at different points in time, depending on perspective).

One of them, the 6D one, is very high level energy, very high in vibration, and is subtle and soft, almost delicate, in essence. It’s very primordial, or very early if you will, carrying a strong element of innocence and naivety, and in its nature bearing a limited connection with what we’d call “practical experience”.

The other one, the 4D one, is extremely adjusted: a cog perfectly fitting a wheel, so to speak. It’s something that works and makes things tick; a rudder and compass to steer the waters of destiny that are traveled boldly. This second energy is practical, hardened, and very wise in its own way, carrying with it strong elements of security and confidence.

In observing a contrast between the two, I would extrapolate that this contrast may have existed and/or been reflected at various points throughout Audrey’s life.

For example, it might have been possible for Audrey as a child might have (naturally, predictably) embodied more the naive nature of her 6D soft feminine self, fantasizing, daydreaming, playing. And over time, as she matured entering adulthood, she might have changed – perhaps somewhat sharply – in the sense of adopting or acquiring traits that were seemingly more masculine-like in nature. She stepped more into the 4D nature of the self, who was secure and “knows what they’re doing”. The words masculine-like are used here with a degree of purposefulness, referring to a Earth’s human-level consciousness with the approach that handles or reacts in succinct, pragmatic “no-fuss” ways.

Another possibility for this contrast to manifest or be reflected in, would be the scenario where the innocent/dreaming child would find clash or invalidation from a parenting/tutoring adult embodying a much more practical, pragmatic (but possibly, hypothetically, un-empathetic) energy. The latter representing the elements of practical know-how and that of hardening to life, knowing “how things work” – but perhaps also, again, having learned so at the cost of some loss of empathy, compassion, caring, etc.

The type of contrast described above, experienced through the types of situation mentioned or others of similar tone, might have given rise to a certain disparity within, an inner doubt as it were, concerning the two aspects.

It would have given rise to inner/spiritual doubts and questions along the lines of: is the truth of a matter in the idealization/innocence or in the pragmatic nous? Who’s more right, the child/dreamer but innocent or the adult holding power/money/influence/etc? Is “right” something that’s a function of and determined by power, or an intrinsic value in and of itself regardless of strength? This line of questioning will represent a certain inner dichotomy, deep down, pointing to some of the apparent differences in nature between these two aspects and/or levels of the spiritual self and Soul. And perhaps also, to some extent, to how the 4D self sees and relates to their own 6D Soul/Higher Self – and ultimately to Source/God in general.

Further, if the contrast was indeed experienced in any capacity through the interaction with parents or tutors, then this fundamental relationship will have been explored in more, if you will, direct ways, emotional and experimental beyond the purely theoretical/existential doubting. The human parent, in an archetypal, sense tends to register to their child as an undisputed figure of authority, with the former potentially holding a fair and meaningful amount of emotional/energetic “force” or pull towards the latter, a force that feels real and would lend the otherwise theoretical inner doubting a certain amount of practical, experiential weight to it.

Ultimately speaking, the two elements are not disparate and distinct but rather two “versions” of the same beingness. Two versions or aspects standing at slight variations of awareness, circumstance, and stages of spiritual development.

Thus, rather than being seen as different/separate (if not even opposing), in reality they’re two parts of the same continuum or totality. This is the principle by which they can both be accepted as co-existing, and any conflicts between them within approached, if not even resolved.

Communication with, if not transitioning between, one and the other is achieved through natural processes of experience and maturation: the original “child” (abstract consciousness), joyous yet naive, projected to the material worlds to garner practical experience and wisdom, becoming an “experienced adult” safe in their ways through learning and experience. But later down the line, even that adult will eventually return Home i.e. back to the original pure state of abstract consciousness, albeit bringing with them the practical nous in the form of safety, confidence, and assurance that were spiritually acquired and integrated within. One is the natural progression of the other, the learner who started their journey as the former.

It is therefore not the case there’s only space for either one or the other. But rather, that they’re always part of one another.

The innocence of the girl (6D consciousness) remains just as pure and steadfast as it was at the very beginning; and this girl desired on her own volition to go forth and explore practical matters, which she chose to and did. In turn, the practical nous of the battle-hardened veteran still holds the original innocence of the little girl within; and can, and is meant to, protect that original innocence and shield it with its life. As it is from that innocence that all things begin, and all things come back to.