This material is an excerpt of a reading performed for Julian (as always a fictional alias), which part of a reading sequence published on Patreon. This information in particular is from Quick Reading #4 of the sequence, that is to say, this was information that came forth during the 4th reading performed for the client. At the time of this (…)
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The following equates to two readings which are part of a series of Quick Readings performed for Daisy. These are readings number 9 and number 10, mainly addressing a past-life experience/memory on another planet.
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Part I – Memory As I connect with your energy, I’m shown a past-life. This is a girl in the 1700s or 1800s. Socially the feeling is that of a social upper class with had balls arranged as social events. In these balls classical or orchestra-style music would be played, and to which attendees, formally dressed to the occasion, would (…)
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The following text is the first of a series of three. It may be revised further. One of the major types of spiritual plan made by those incarnating on Earth involves the goal, or mission if you will, of having children during their lifetimes. The life choice, or even spiritual intention, of having children, is by no means a “higher” (…)
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Attachment is when you feel you need something – or someone – in order to be well. You become so focused in the idea of having, getting, or achieving that which is your focus of attention, that you’re no longer capable of holding an emotionally stable state. You become stuck, bound, attached, to the thing you want or seek. The (…)
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Don’t worry if you don’t have a valentine, a romantic pair (today is the day before Valentine’s day). If you aren’t in a relationship. To desire a true connection from the heart with another person, and be truly embraced in a mutual and deep love and understanding of each other, this is a natural thing for anyone to desire. But (…)
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The vast majority of people idealizes that upon meeting a Soul Mate, they’ll be in a permanent state of bliss. This is not true. The first part about being prepared to meet your Soul Mate, is to discard the common human illusions about love. 1. Relinquish the Illusion When you are “in love”, you’re high. You’re floating in the clouds, you (…)
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Two grownup siblings, brother and sister, were constantly getting upset over their two children, as one of the kids would frequently hit the other. Both children were boys, about the same age. The child who got hit would then run to its mother crying, complaining that his cousin had hit him. An argument between the two brothers would then ensue. (…)
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Always be attentive to the energy behind any words, knowledge, or information, any information at all, and specifically information that is spiritual in nature. Energy is how you feel – and how you feel about yourself – when you get in touch with a specific person, situation, or information. Energy is about feeling. Energy is when you walk into a room a (…)
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Within Love, there is no problem. There is no challenge. There is no thing to do to or be, better. If you can see a problem, you aren’t within Love. Within love, there is truly nothing to improve. There is nothing, even, to heal. All that was wounded now it’s gone. All that was not, now is good. All is, (…)
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The day-to-day objective of many is to get to the next promotion, find a better earning job, improve their life. Parents leave their kids at an early age with grandparents, or in a day-care center, in order to attend to their daily work and commute. Kids who many times aren’t even 3, 4, 5 years old. A child this age needs uninterrupted, (…)
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2000 years ago, the coming of Jesus the Christ to Earth changed the paradigm. It changed the idealization that man made, of what he looked up to, what he wanted to become. It was a turning point in humanity. Before that time, the heroes were the ones who defeated the oppressors, or conquered others. Heroes like Alexander The Great. They (…)
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This text is dedicated for those of you who might wonder if there’s The One for you: that perfect person, prince Charming, the perfect princess, your soul mate. YES, there is. The question is, what does it take for this person to appear in your life, and how do you do it. Regarding Love, there’s a myth about another myth. One (…)
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