Akashic Records: Damarcand and Hindu Mythology

Krishna and Radha, Tammy’s Edits
Damarcand was a society of interplanetary status. It was spiritually advanced, capable of space travel, and had connectivity with the tapestry of civilizations of similar capability around our neighboring Cosmos.
Damarcand – like Samarcand the city, but with a D – is a name received in reading referring to this society; it can be symbolic and broad and may or may not reflect the name by which the society referred to itself.
This society was relevant as there was a lineage of advanced entities from Damarcand that had come to Earth and were governing over several locations, at various points in time, generally in the areas of Central and South Asia. This can be traced back to the times of mythical Atlantis (main article) but continued at least some time after its fall.
The Hindu texts are the mythological accounts most related with the presence of those from Damarcand on Earth.
In terms of collective spiritual advancement, Damarcand was at the top 4D, in other words, it had attained the top layers of the 4th Density, almost nearing the fifth. And as a result of its spiritual development over time, this society attained several “special” traits. One of these, in particular, was that a spiritually advanced individual could have some ability to “multitask” their own spiritual aspects, having them co-exist at the same time, in the same space, and be able to display them outwardly.
For various reasons, whichever way you look at it – spiritual, esoteric, physical – the co-existence of multiple aspects is a difficult premise. For example, the Soul can have various aspects incarnating simultaneously i.e. as different, separate human beings. But there’s typically a metaphysical rule that they can never meet each other – this kind of event could cause a metaphysical “break” of their realities.
Even on a purely abstract level, two aspects of the same Soul can be distinct and different, enough that it would be difficult for them to co-exist within the same frame of conception. What does this jargon mean? A good way to understand this is by establishing a parallel with the different facets you can display in life.
When you’re in a social setting, you’re this version of yourself akin to your “social” or “friend” self. In a family environment, you’re more the family self – son/daughter, sibling, parent, and so on. In a romantic context, you’re the romantic self. In a professional/work setting, you’re the work-related self. And so on. These different versions are all the same you, but, at the same time, they’re all slightly different (even if sometimes overlapping somewhat), and it would be difficult for you to try to change this even if you tried. You’ll tend not to be your romantic self in a social setting; your professional self in the family context; or your family self when at work. This is natural and unavoidable to an extent, and you’re not being any less truthful because of it. As a human being, you have different facets or aspects to yourself: slightly different versions that come forth depending on the setting you’re on. Which how it’s meant to work, even if you strive to be true to yourself in all moments of your life. And this is a reflection, on a smaller scale, of the exact same mechanisms by which your Soul has different spiritual aspects – and of how they tend not to be able to co-exist within the same context.
It happens that Damarcand “unlocked” the ability to realize and manifest multiple spiritual aspects of themselves, within the scope of the same physical existence (physical incarnation or “avatar”), while achieving so still at 4D, very much a Density of physical realms. This development was, if you will, an evolutionary breakthrough that came as a result of their particular spiritual trajectory as a collective.
Simply put, they could hold and/or shift between multiple spiritual aspects within the same physical manifestation/incarnation. This was more than just the facets of the individual, it was the metaphysical aspects of the self’s Soul. This is where the humanoid appearance with multiple arms comes from, for example. The pairs of arms, as well as many of the other types of feats described in mythological depictions, were a representation of one’s various spiritual aspects made manifest by the individual at will.

Meenakshi Temple, India, depicting Lord Kartikeya/Murugan.
This type of depiction represents the deity displaying their multiple aspects.
This is tricky to explain because it’s quite esoteric. Essentially, their spiritual progress brought them to a state where the metaphysical/ethereal was very intertwined with the physical/tangible, namely and especially with regards to their bodies, appearance, and the topic of life force in general. One aspect of this was that they could present to others, how they would appear to others, was malleable.
There are multiple, layered components to this. Metaphysically, what you see with your physical eyes isn’t actually there. This has to do with the ultimately holographic nature of the physical realm. What you see is dependent of you as an observer through a combination of several factors, mainly:
- A reflection of what you hold within (beliefs, bias, energy, state of mind, karma, etc.);
- What you expect or are ready to see;
- What you want/desire/fear seeing;
- What the other person wants you to see and know about themselves, whenever applicable;
- Otherwise (“else”) the automatic or baseline rules of the physical reality.
In short, what you see with your physical eyes is fundamentally a holographic illusion – albeit a very “real” one – that results from several compounding factors. This is always fundamentally the case in the physical plane; but it happens that those from Damarcand could influence these mechanics to a significant extent. When you read, in this case in Hindu mythology, stories of entities or deities being able to change form at will, disappear and reappear, display multiple arms or versions of themselves, or otherwise capable of these seemingly otherwordly feats, they’re generally referring to real individuals, and real things they could do.
Those of Damarcand held mastery of how and what they presented outwardly, while also being able to “tune to” their various aspects, thus being able to put them forth and incorporate them in appearance at will. This was what created the display of multiple arms, or the “holograms” of multiple facets of the same individual, each more or less (roughly) equating to one of their spiritual aspects.
These manifestations, though, weren’t imaginary – in the sense of being purely an illusion, a magician’s trick, something insubstantial you could “phase” through if you tried to touch it. There was a component to this that was metaphysical, yes; they were ethereal and holographic, yes – but in the sense of using the holographic nature of the physical plane. So even if very esoteric, these were also very much physical, tangible, real. They were made manifest through thought/intention, then becoming matter as real and alive as you or me. This is the part that’s somewhat tricky to convey: because these elements were ethereal and physical at the same time. These were abilities that straddled the line between ethereal and physical.
Damarcand’s collective society had achieved remarkable spiritual progress, in a way that allowed spiritually advanced incarnated individuals to cross some of the lines between physical and ethereal – perhaps more easily and naturally than other societies equivalent in spiritual advancement. Spiritual progress doesn’t follow one unique path; there are multiple routes on the way to Source, and some will achieve progress and specialization in some things more than in others. In Damarcand’s case, they attained mastery over life force, physical manifestation, and even over their own physical appearance, often able to shift and shape these things at will. This was “their thing”; a veritable “mind over matter” type of accolade.
For Damarcand, and for those who had arrived from this society, the forms of affectation/”malleability” of the physical they were capable of, such as the display of multiple arms/aspects as mentioned, were as much of a symbol of individual advancement as they were used to impress. The more advanced one’s Soul becomes, the more aspects of itself it will tend to have; from this premise, it derives that the more arms you could display, and the more easily you could do so, the more spiritually advanced you were. These type of displays were therefore a badge of honor, as well as often used almost as a party trick of sorts. You could announce yourself and your spiritual advancement, your “splendor” and quality if you will, in relatively short order, “on demand” almost.
Now, in a spiritual/metaphysical sense, the distinctiveness of two spiritual aspects can be such that if you were to try to “have them together” (i.e. if you try to see them as the same, without distinction) their identities will tend to “repel” each other, like two magnets equal in polarity. You know how it can feel “weird” to wrap your mind around the idea of your Soul having multiple aspects walking around somewhere. This is instinctively difficult to conciliate, but why? Because two aspects are effectively two different, distinct, separate entities in their own right. How can there be another Me someplace else?
Spiritually, metaphysically, the only way to perceive two aspects as co-existing, is to raise one’s point of view to the level of the Soul, from which you’re able to see each aspect as an intrinsic portion of the whole. Distinct and sovereign, yet naturally and legitimately belonging.
And it is this same principle that is at the core of Damarcand’s advancement. Those of more remarkable development would be those who had achieved a sufficient level of identification with their Soul, that allowed them to recognize, and hold a level of manifestation, of their own spiritual aspects simultaneously, beyond the specific identity of their incarnation. This is why the co-existence of one’s aspects was regarded as a feat: it symbolized how you managed to identify as your broader Soul, who has the ability to see and manifest its aspects. Abilities such as bending or contouring the strict limitations of physical manifestation, and more specifically the shifting of one’s own appearance, derived from this advancement.
For all of their achievements, Damarcand was still at the top of 4D, collectively aiming to graduate to the 5th Density. And as with any graduation, they faced a few “snags” along the way: spiritual challenges they needed to overcome in their path. You can see these as things weighing them down and preventing their upwards progress; alternatively, as the type of challenges that naturally arise in any meaningful spiritual graduations, that must be surpassed precisely as part of them. Coming to Earth was intended for working towards these spiritual aims, with each individual contributing to the spiritual progress on behalf of their broader collective. To some extent these were experienced as challenges during their lives and experiences on Earth, even imbued in the accounts that survived to our day and are now largely considered mythical.
CHALLENGE #1 The type of spiritual accomplishments Damarcand achieved resulted in some distortion/bias towards external impressions i.e. how others perceive you, and a little bit towards the energy of vanity. Yes, even in higher spiritual states you can, and you will, still have ego-like attributes to work through. It was somewhat ironic – the most pressing, core spiritual topics usually are – how a spiritual breakthrough about going high within to realize one’s Soul in purity, could result in an overfocusing on outward impression i.e. on what others perceive and how they see you. But this is a bias their development resulted in. Often it is the master of A who becomes the precise opposite of A.
The transition from 4D to 5D involves acknowledging the unique, irreplaceable inner spiritual essence/flame within the self, and then prioritizing that realization and its expression; yet a bias towards outward focus is dissonant and goes in the opposite “direction” of that realization. In other words, this was a contrary “movement” to a 5D graduation, thus contributing to preventing or at least delaying it.
CHALLENGE #2 To reveal and display one’s spiritual aspects simultaneously, you’d strive to evolve continually and connect spiritually within, to be able to acknowledge and manifest more and more sides of your Soul. Yet, this was nonetheless a somewhat counter-nature action – because aspects really don’t “want” to co-exist together within the same frame, especially in the physical reality.
Spiritual development universally is a process of expanding a refining your spiritual identity (or your awareness of it), and never reducing or diluting it. And in particular, the movement towards 5D is specifically about attaining more spiritual identity and sovereignty. Yet, trying to “cram” as many aspects as possible in the physical realm, and while in the same incarnation, could become a movement that sought to reduce each of their identities. Further, 5D is also about acquiring disciplined and structured maintenance of one’s boundaries, rules, and personal space/energy, yet you’d be implicitly inducing a reduction of these values in order to manifest your aspects together. These are consideration pertaining to the nature of abstract consciosuness. For the sake of the explanation, consider the analogy of trying to cram pickes in a jar: you’re pressing your aspects together so they can co-exist – but in the process you may be “squishing” them, that is to say, not acknowledging their individuality, thus not allowing them proper room and space to be, expand, grow.
Thus, a bias towards equating spiritual development to being able to hold a multiplicity of aspects could paradoxically result in contraction of awareness rather than its expansion, as well as in the dillution of boundaries both inner (of the self) and outter (of others). Figures/deities of this context were prone to find themselves in stories full of enmeshment, sometimes with one’s boundaries ignored if not trespassed, others with the self trespassing on the boundaries of others. Not to mention that, due to outward focus, there could be some tendency to evolve spiritually in order to cause outward impression i.e. trying to grow spiritually for a certain purpose. And this type of intention could become a subversion of legitimate spiritual advancement, which is achieved purely from the Soul’s inner directives. Thus these types of bias also were “movements” against graduating to 5D.
CHALLENGE #3 Finally, the lineages from Damarcand on Earth would often manifest a dicotomy in energies, sometimes between different aspects of the same deity, others as different rulers diverging in alignment and approach. Some energies could be more spiritually evolved, yet not too terribly involved with the affairs of those they ruled over – perhaps immersed in personal/family affairs, or vowing to stay in high vibration, for example. While others could be less advanced, or have less ease in esoteric display, but be more pragmatic, involved, and action-driven. The first could typically be wiser, but also more uninterested, focused within rather than outward, while the latter could be more engaged and assertive but sometimes placing the importance of action above spiritual clarity, sometimes to the extent of engaging in war, for example.
This represented the essential dichotomy in Damarcand’s energy: between a level of spiritual connection such that allowed pure access to the Soul, and other less “high” components reflecting a still very close relationship with a physical existence.