
Heart Ki

Akashic Records Reading [Written]: Arcturus and the Study of War

The following is a Akashic Records Reading (Written) originally performed for a client. This is a reading performed over two weeks and delivered to the client in written, essay form. All references to the person's identity were replaced with a fictional alias to protect their privacy. For the purposes of this publication, some portions of the original reading may have been rephrased, edited out, or added to, but no changes were made that would impact the original, intended meaning. Additional readings are published at the Patreon page. For more information about Akashic Records Readings in general, please see: Akashic Records Readings. For more information about Written Readings specifically, please see: Reading Types at a Glance.

This reading was one of several performed for Andrew (not the person’s real name), and may contain references to materials not addressed on this occasion. You can see the reading as part of continued work, and as such you may find some matters to be discussed briefly, if not even appearing “out of the blue”. Even so, I believe the information is sufficiently intelligible to be properly understood in a standalone manner.

Part I – Arcturus

1.1 Introduction

Andrew has a background of experience beyond Earth, stemming from the region of space that is associated with the system/star called Arcturus. In absolute terms, it would be inaccurate to state a Soul is “from” a certain place of the Cosmos. This is because the spark of Infinity which is the Soul, is ultimately from/of Infinite Creation, therefore never truly bound, strictly speaking, to any one planet or place. Still, while this remains true, it is also valid certain places in the physical realms hold more significance than others for the Soul and Its aspects. This is for example the case when they incarnate and take experience there, when they live stories at those locations, and if, for a time, for as long as it holds, there is challenge and lesson related to there. Each entity’s stories have their place in their heart and mind. And that is how it’s meant to be. This is fine, acceptable, and intended.

A spiritual self is therefore always entirely free to feel affiliated to a place, to an origin, to a star, to a planet, to a region of space, and to the stories and experiences lived there, maybe more to some other than to others, and for any set of reasons, for as long as that affiliation holds any inner significance. The specifics, the experiences, the memories of a place, can be of just as much importance as the observation coming from a purely detached and abstract perspective. It would be somewhat inaccurate to portray Andrew’s connection with Arcturus as a strong close-to-the-heart affiliation i.e. “I come from here, this is where I belong”, etc. What it is like, how it is felt within, is more akin to it being part of his story and background. It is, if you will, like a part of his spiritual resume. A calling card. Imagine you studied and graduated in an University, or trained at a Academy, that happens to be notable, famous, and you happen to identify strongly with.

There’s a sense of pride, not just of having graduated in itself, but from the weight of what was lived there. It’s not so much that there is a perspective of wanting to “go back to it”, as much as it is about the fondness for, and identification with, the place and experience that took place there. It’s also about having a certain level of identification with the region of the Cosmos, with its ethos and vibration. With the “institution” it represents, so to speak.

1.2 Beacon

When we use to the term Arcturus, we are not referring (exclusively) to the one specific star of that name, or to a single planetary cycle of reincarnation. It is often the case that by using a word, we’re using it like a collective noun i.e. pointing to an overall, general area of space – in this case, the area loosely around the star with this name – not just physically or ”geographically” but also in energy.

When we mention the name of the star, we’re referring to the energy of the groups, the civilizations, the planetary cycles, and the stories that took place in them. Among a certain area of space, the stories that arise there, even in seemingly unrelated places/place, will usually showcase a core thematic i.e. a set of common spiritual matters, questions, doubts and challenges, with a common kernel of spiritual significance, for a number of reasons. It is to the energy of such area or region we’re referring to by using the term Arcturus. How does this work? Geographical/physical distance can play a factor.

How far a given planet/civilization can physically “reach”, is dependent on their technological levels, as well as their development in awareness, those two aspects (loosely) going hand in hand. Eventually, the progress in awareness of a planetary cycle (civilization) will see it transcend the limits of the physical, in some way or another allowing the members to, essentially, ‘travel anywhere’, in thought and intention for example. They can become more energy than physical, or at least, reaching a point they’re no longer are strongly restricted to physical limits. Before they reach that point as a group however – these are things that take an immeasurable amount of (linear) time – all the while their spiritual advancement is advancing and taking place, physics and distance are factors that will condition how far spacefaring civilizations can go and reach; what and how much they can do, affect, and influence; and how frequently they can.

Some places are settled or colonized from a blank slate by a (sufficiently) developed group, thus becoming direct off-shoots of it, both in awareness and technology. In other cases, as the civilization explores space, other already existing spacefaring civilizations are contacted, and will then receive and exchange some level of influence from that group, through interaction, communication, travel, trade, and so on. Sometimes, a planet is influenced and/or “seeded” at an early stage of its societal/sentient development. Even if and when that planet is going at the time, or will go through at some point, a 3D stage of development (i.e. countries/kingdoms feuding, local in-planet rivalries, not able to access space travel), as a society that planet would still hold some “residue”, directly or indirectly, primarily in subtle form i.e. in its spiritual consciousness, due to the external influence in its past, to whichever degree said influence might have taken place.

While technically possible, it is very seldom the case sentient (societal) life spontaneously sprouts on a planet out of nothing, without some sort of external intervention or influence from a spacefaring group, or several. Sentience in the Cosmos is never truly disconnected from other sentience all around it. The same thing could be said about Life in general. With sentient societies – Souled individuals incarnate in the physical – external influence (from outside the planet), to whichever extent/degree and at whichever level it took place, is usually the norm, helping accelerate what would otherwise be a purely natural and spontaneous – and comparatively slow – process. Even if there was no external physical influence, and a planet still gradually and spontaneously generated sentience, most certainly there would have been some form of underlying emergent spiritual significance, relating life on that planet with the external setting around it, in some way.

These various areas, at whichever points in time and stages of development they happen to be in at a given moment in time, won’t be literal copies of the original society/energy. They’re going to be off-shoots, associated, perhaps related, or at least influenced, by the original energy. Like parents to children, the spiritual matters that were handled at some point by the previous society, will be “taken” by the next cycle that succeeds it, at the point of progress they were in when they were “passed”. Generally speaking, it is in this way certain core spiritual themes propagate and are “passed on” through the various sequences of planetary cycles, as one society influences, interacts with, and/or seeds the beginnings of the next.

Spiritual selves can, and will, venture ‘into’ new planetary cycles to progress in their individual spiritual challenges, working on matters by participating in the specific cycles they find will serve them in that regard. This gives spiritual selves the possibility to continue to progress on their relevant spiritual matters in the next cycle, if they find their questions/challenges were left insufficiently addressed by the previous. In certain cases, spiritual selves will, for one reason or another, stick ‘around’ a specific “region” of the Cosmos – such as that of Arcturus. That region will have its own set of specific spiritual characteristics and tendencies, thus enabling the spiritual self to partake in the challenges most often addressed there.

This is a fairly commonplace. It is how/why many spiritual selves incarnating on Earth have what we’d refer to as ‘otherworldly background’ (from the perspective of living on Earth). That is to say, they each will have a certain affiliation, on a spiritual level, in terms of the Cosmic region they belong to, feel most in tune with, or in essence came from. If a spiritual self has previously and consistently participated in the same general familiar energy or “region”, then the core themes of challenges on a collective level taking place there are that much more likely to be familiar/related to the spiritual challenges of the self, one aspect closely relating to the other.

Over time – “eons”, “millennia” – a radius of influence ends up forming stemming from a certain location, which for one reason or another emerged as more prominent. Throughout that region, the various influences from, and commonalities with, the original, more central or prominent energy can be pinpointed. Examples include the more notable Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, and so on. Each of these might not mean just on star, but a general “area”, along with its prominent energy and vibratory characteristics of the consciousness there.

When you travel abroad to a very distant land, and someone asks you where you’re from, you’re unlikely to go into too much detail to explain it. In fact, you might purposefully abstract a little, and refer to the best known city next to where you live, or maybe even the country, for the sake of simplicity. It will be enough for the locals to understand the general area where you’re from, rather than the specific neighborhood or sub-culture inside the region you live in. Because they might simply not know about it to relate, and/or it might not be relevant to them. So for the sake of simplicity, you’re going to “point” to the whole region. Generally speaking, it’s a little like that when we mention places such as Arcturus, Sirius, or Pleiades. Now you can also factor in multiple places/planets, in multiple timelines, going through different stages of individual and collective spiritual advancement, on different Densities. We therefore point to the region, and to the energy, to abstract from the minutia. It represents a vibration, a theme if you will, even across Densities. It is transversal to the Densities, spanning across the spectrum of the Density chart.

In the case of Arcturus discussed here, there’s a more central group or region of space we could refer more as the “original” or “core” cluster or area of Arcturus, and then there’s a wider, more widespread or expanded region all around it, that also shares traces of the core energy, but may more or less also be considered as being influenced, engaged by, interacted with, directly or indirectly, with that core energy, while still being able to participate in spiritual stories and challenges related to it.

As you exist here on Earth, you carry within you the Light and memories of experiences on Arcturus. And as you progress and develop spiritually, parts of these attributes re-awaken and become more active, as if this Cosmic part within you also becomes more intense, more awakened. This effect is potentiated because certain aspects of the life you’ve chosen mirror the themes and challenges of the Arcturus, or Arcturean energy.

Picture the following. Imagine you’re walking across the surface of the Earth, as you go about your daily life and routines. And as you do so, you’re perpetually and continually being bathed by a light/energy being projected from that area of space, to which we’re referring to as Arcturus, akin to an enormous spotlight being directed at you, with its light beaming down on you. While this is primarily a metaphorical representation of the metaphysical attribute within, it is in part also somewhat literal to an extent. The stars and celestial bodies do have some energetic influence over each other. And in some aspects you are, you function as, a beacon from the energy of Arcturus, as if an “embodiment” or representation of that energy projected onto Earth. Note, a human being is not just one thing or another. This is not all there is to you and who you are – but it is a relevant part, and it plays a strong role in you.

1.3 Conflict

Being a beacon of, resonating with, a Cosmic energy with certain traits, comes also with the challenges that relate to it. One of the main themes of challenge of Arcturus is that of conflict. The term ‘conflict’ we’ll be using means to refers to an energy. It can be interpreted both in a specific, as well as in a more subtle/general manner. The word ‘conflict’ is used because in the past it did apply and correlate, specifically, to situations and scenarios of dispute, confrontation, and war – between countries, groups, planetary civilizations, and individuals as well. In this sense, the theme of conflict can be seen as being related, therefore, with the military context. But the energy also has a more subtle, inner, energetic/emotional interpretation.

The theme of conflict is present and infused throughout Andrew’s energy, perhaps like a constant ‘hum’, or a ‘tune’, being played in the background. It might not be easily discernible, since there’s no backdrop to distinguish it against. It is more of a vibratory attribute, throughout the energy as a whole, rather than something discrete/concrete you’d be able to put your finger on. The reference to the energy of conflict is not meant to be interpreted in an overly literal manner – for example, as implying Andrew’s constantly “picking fights” with others for the sake of it. Rather, it is primarily meant in the sense the energy represents an emotional/energetic state within. We will be using words to describe this aspect, and attempt to match those words with that aspect, as closely as possible. Still, it is vibration and feeling, perhaps more complex than what the words may be able to portray.

It is an energy that carries tension, distress, agitation. It equates to a general perception/sensation of not being at peace, not being quite at ease, things not being calm, quiet, or settled. There is a slight sense in the background of the state of things not quite being ‘alright’. There’s a vague sensation to the existence of, or potential for, challenge. For the most part, it is vague, non-specific – although some circumstances or events can and will spark the energy to life more, functioning as a materialization and justification of that original tension. It’s a little like an enemy/foe/challenge presenting itself, being identified: before it was something vague and indiscernible, but now the energy has “shown itself”.

The energy in itself can give rise to an overall sensation of anxiety, tensing up, “being on edge”, virtually all of the time. It’s as if the self senses at least a part of it must always be ready, prepared to become focused and steady itself quickly, on demand, to ‘come alive’ on a moment’s notice. Meaning, to shift into a state of preparation, should challenge arise. If someone around you sensed this energy in you, and wanted, hypothetically speaking, to help you go into a state of peace/quietness, they could say, for instance, “it’s alright”, “all is well”, “relax”, or something along those lines. But even if they did, they probably wouldn’t be able reach you. Because your inner perception would be prone to dismissing this kind of statement “on arrival”. Within you, that tenuous sense of tension/uneasiness – perhaps, in a sense, struggle – is active permanently. And so someone seeing it from the outside and trying to contest it, will likely be dismissed by you on the grounds they can’t understand how you’re feeling inside. It’s like they don’t know the struggle within.

The military context of this lifetime reflects and is adjusted to the existence of this energetic attribute, but it did not create it, it re-kindled it and/or expanded upon it at most, brought it to the fore more, out of resonance. But the core of the energy already existed, within, from spiritual memory. Certain aspects to the energy have it function like a constant “haze” or fog around the self. Picture for a moment a television set (the old ones) out of tune, transmitting the image and sound of static. The energy of tension can accumulate, and work as energetic static or noise, “covering” and “bringing down” the self’s awareness. The effect of this “static” is making difficult for the self to see/feel life in an uplifting, clear, hopeful manner, and making it difficult to navigate life through the heart, freely. In other words, the present moment becomes a tense one, of unease, and difficulty, rather than clear, free, and easy. The self may also be prone to inadvertently shut off or close off its own energy from others, for example blocking others from opening communication channels, preventing new potentials from manifesting, and/or otherwise metaphysically delaying the natural flow of situations.

To a very large extent, many of these are inherent consequences of the energy itself, rather than being something done consciously. They are at arm’s length of the the self’s spiritual work, but nonetheless have certain traits that make them function like they do, in their “nature”. In this sense the materials of this reading aren’t meant as judgment or criticism – i.e. you did this “wrong” and need to do it “right” – but more of an understanding of the energy as well as the potentials for spiritual work at hand. We will be reiterating this throughout whenever necessary. This is the energy that came forth as the primary theme for the reading. And it is to understand in depth, and correlate it with the memories of Arcturus, that we’ll be addressing it at length.

1.4 Excellence

The energy of Arcturus is one of excellence, quality, mastery, also of overachieving. It’s about performing to one’s fullest, in order to achieve the best possible outcome, of the best possible quality, in the situation at hand. It’s about developing the the fullest of one’s abilities, excelling at them, by whichever metrics of quality are in place and accepted within. It’s about achieving an end result one can be proud of, being able to withstand the test of time, and so that it shines, it glimmers, and be praiseworthy. It is about being up to the task and performing admirably.

If the task at hand is the learning and prowess of an individual, then that individual must excel at what he/she set out to learn. If the task is developing a functional and benevolent collective/planetary system, then that system must perform impeccably, even when under duress and subject to strain. If the situation is the measurement of the spiritual and ethical parameters either on an individual and/or on a collective level, then the aim will be for those principles to be solid throughout, and upheld to perfection. If the situation is how the development of a planetary collective compares to the development of others, then they must not only compare impeccably, but ideally grow to become a standard others aspire to meet.

Sometimes, there can be a degree of ‘arrogance’ in the intent of trying to achieve excellence. However, there can also be the notion of quality in that same intent. Becoming a standard can represent an aim at performing better than what had done before, which will tend to set a new benchmark others may then follow. In this sense, the idea of excellence is also tied to leadership, in the sense of leading the way, of doing something with quality, that others may attempt to do so too.

Arcturus – FYI in my ‘color code’ depicted as soft/medium purple – is shown as both technologically advanced, but also ethical and spiritualist. Arcturus prides itself of being solid, and this includes of mind, body, and spirit. Arcturus is highly advanced ethically, culturally, socially, and technologically. At the core of this desire, is an aspiration to bring the qualities of Spirit onto the physical, wholly, completely. Therefore, no aspects/venues by which awareness develops are missed, all become included in the idea of excellence.

Once again we reiterate, this is described as a general energy, not pertaining to any one specific location, individual, or planet. Even if at any given point one a certain society in this alignment isn’t advanced in comparison to others, the inherent principle/drive will tend to drive it to continually strive for excellence. What happens, is that this drive more often than not will generate precisely potentials for said excellence, and eventually these may, and often will, come to fruition. For in seeking excellence you will often achieve it. At its core, the drive towards excellence as a thought/concept/priority, in terms of its metaphysical qualities, is the drive to bring Spirit onto matter, i.e. to fully bring, materialize, and embody, the qualities of Spirit into the physical realm.

Intelligent Infinity is whole, complete, and, in a sense, excellent. Consciousness projects onto physical matter, in itself representing a plethora of potentials but also the absence of that original wholeness, for exploration of Itself. In the process of that exploration, there will be an effort of raising the vibratory quality of the incarnating entity, which in turn will also raise the vibratory quality of physical matter they’re ‘using’ as well. Think the Density level of a given reality or planet, “pushed” and “raised” by the spiritual work of the inhabitants in it, performed over time.

The essential principle of excellence is about the aspiration to bring the wholeness/entirety of Spirit onto physical matter – as opposed of preferring some aspects over others, i.e. raising the vibration of, say, compassion, sapience, love, or knowledge, but disregarding the others aspects. For example, avoiding becoming the civilization that grows to become very compassionate yet simple-minded, or vice-versa; or one being very knowledgeable, but lacking in compassion thus tending towards lack of love, maybe even negative polarity. And so on. These situations, where certain aspects are lacking, will typically, eventually, require eventually processing further lessons, either collectively or individually (the reason why many spiritual entities venture back into lower Densities) they happen to be lacking in due to the path they took in their development. Excellence is in actuality an effort in wholeness: it strives to ‘hit all the marks’ so as, in principle, attempt to avoid, or at list limit or minimize, heavy processing of lessons that are lacking due to the bias accumulated towards one aspect of Consciousness but not others.

An additional, but core vector involved in the desire for excellence, is the advent of sub-optimal choice-making. It only applies to Free Will i.e. choices made and enacted in the physical realms. Arcturus deals especially intensely with the situation of a choice that was made “poorly”. What does that mean? It abhors the specific situation where a particularly meaningful and important choice/experience made in the past is revisited in the present, and in that evaluation it turns out “things could have gone better, would have turned out differently, if only I had made this choice, behaved this way, realized X or Y at the time, etc.” Arcturus quite simply cannot withstand this perception, one where it is felt a sense of imperfection of the choice-making – even as that imperfection is still part of said process of said choice-making.

Free Will in physical matter is purposefully, actively, designed in such a way that the choice-maker is often unaware of the energetic quality/relevance, or of the exact consequences of the choice. In fact, the choice-maker is unaware of the nature/truth of the choice, precisely because that’s his/her lesson – he would probably not be in such position if he knew the lesson already! The process of lesson in the physical involves the firsthand experience and analysis of the consequence of the choice. In any case, the process of living in the physical isn’t neat and orderly, by nature and design. It can often be difficult, confusing, and therefore, imperfect and messy.

Choices in matter, are choices in matter: ultimately, in absolute terms, they aren’t “right” or “wrong” – metaphysically speaking, all choices lead to the intended lesson – eventually. Still, some choices lead to the path that takes longer to learn the same lesson; that make that path become longer and/or harder; that make life more difficult; and/or that bring about more suffering. Arcturus, embodying and representing excellence of Spirit, inherently deals poorly with poor choices. It deals poorly with the perception of failed opportunities; wasted time; wasted potential. It’s not so much that it wants choices to be made a certain way, rigidly (at least not at the core of its intention). It’s more about dealing harshly with the retrospective analysis revealing a choice that could have been made differently, and could have achieved better results, could have provided better outcomes, could have brought more development, than what it did. To perceive things this way, to understand and feel things in this manner, and to do so intensely, is the particular bias of Arcturus.

This might make sound like a perfectionist and therefore idealist attitude – and in truth, it is, so to some extent. But it is not an ungrounded intention at its core. It is an effort in optimizing the quality of choices made in the moment, reducing the frequency and the amount of choices that are made less optimally, i.e. that could have been made better. So it may involve the tendency towards a perfectionist attitude, however there is nothing wrong about desiring to improve a process. So such essential aim/intention, in itself can be considered legitimate, spiritually worthy. The continued striving for excellence is, therefore, an attempt to prepare oneself for the upcoming choices/testing as best as possible, so that the possibilities of choosing the best and optimal (and possibly the spiritually desired) choices are as high as they can be.

This is, again, a form of coping, dealing with, the Free Will system of testing often implemented in the physical realms. You can call it “an approach to handle them”, if you will. That approach is about attempting to reduce the ‘wastefulness’ of choice-making as much as possible, to provide the best outcomes, the best progress, and the best development, there can be. In the broadest of senses, in terms of achieving spiritual progress through the way abstract Infinite Intelligence comes into the physical to incarnate and perform spiritual work there, the drive for excellence is, deep down, a form, and attempt, of exponentiating, or perhaps better said expediting, said spiritual work. To achieve more, in a shorter amount of time, and with less effort. To achieve the most that can be achieved. It is a way, if you will, of “pushing” the spiritual work to the maximum of its potential. This is what truly lies behind, beneath, the idea of ‘excellence’.

1.5 The Arcturean Bias

The core principle to Arcturus of seeking excellence and quality, in an absolute sense, isn’t ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than any other principle. It’s not “wrong” in itself; it isn’t “the only one that’s right” either. It is a spiritual filter, a bias, one among many, by which infinite Creation came forth to explore Itself. It has qualities, and it also comes with inherent challenges. On the highest level of abstraction, each Soul is a certain bias, or a collection of them, of Creation. A Soul is a filter, a lens, of Creation about Creation, through which Creation Itself sees reality through. It is impossible to perceive anything of reality without any lens/filter whatsoever. For as long as there’s the Soul, there’s its filter. Additionally, this specific bias is intrinsically tied to dealings in the physical realms, where spiritual work is carried out by experience in physical matter (5D and below).

A bias is a preference, an affinity with, a leaning towards, some parts/aspects/qualities of reality, while doing so less with others. By adopting (becoming) a certain bias, or a filter, one is establishing a preference, and that preference is neither good or bad, right or wrong, better or worse. One’s simply choosing some things over others. And that defines a path, which the self must travel in its exploration. That path will also define how the self will, eventually, return Home. So the drive towards excellence is neutral in and of itself. It’s even, perhaps, ‘good’, ‘sacred’, and ‘spiritual’. At its core it is an essential aspiration to seek and do the wholeness of Spirit.

But, like any bias, it may nevertheless make the energy prone to a certain set of tendencies based on said bias. When abstract Consciousness, of any nature or origin, projects into the physical realms, it will have to deal with the separation present in it, to whichever extent that separation exists and applies. In the physical, there is the me, and then there is that which is not me. There is that which I seek, that which I don’t; that which I want to uphold, and that which others do, or don’t. This can introduce challenge and difficulty, as they will continually limit consciousness to make choices between one thing and another, and have it deal with that which might appear as different, and perhaps what it wouldn’t choose otherwise. When the Light of Arcturus is projecting in the physical, its desire/principle to seek and embody excellence makes it prone to delve into a number of tendencies, intrinsically deriving from that essential spiritual nature.

Due to the bias towards the idea of excellence and its tendency to seek it – and often embodying it – Arcturus often tends to see itself as superior. Namely, compared to those around it, who might not embody the same intrinsic aspiration towards excellence. On one hand, this perception is somewhat natural, even legitimate, to some extent. Because excellence is what Arcturus strives for. So in a manner of speaking, it is “who they are”. In priding themselves for striving for excellence, they do end up achieving superior results, objectively speaking. One’s baseline aim and intention determine where you’re headed in terms of progress and development. An aim/intention doesn’t constitute guarantee of an outcome strictly speaking, but in metaphysical terms it does: an aim determines where you want to go. And so for all effects and purposes, sooner or later you’ll find yourself there.

But the bias of striving for excellence can also, and easily will, create polarity. In seeing oneself as superior, intrinsically there will be things, or those, that are inferior – or, at least, not so great. Striving for excellence can mean there will be those who don’t, or don’t do so as well. There’s going to be a tendency to perceive those who don’t strive for and/or achieve perfection as inferior in some way, under-achieving, imperfect, weak, not-as-demanding with themselves, and so on. By dealing poorly with what’s perceived as sub-optimal, “less good”, that particular bias creates the tendency to disdain or reject that which is less than optimal. To consider it lesser, worse, possibly rejecting it.

The concept of excellence will very quickly, intrinsically, imply non-excellence: that which is not as excellent, or may even be poor, sub-par. You can’t have one without the other. This duality becomes more apparent when the energy comes bound to physical matter, where the bias ‘manifests’ more tangibly. In this observation, right away we observe already an hint of pushing and of tension amidst the energy, aimed at achieving a state of perfection, perhaps by out-working and out-pacing others in their own efforts and rate of development – a friend, a rival, a country, a neighboring planet – with the express intention to rise to the top of the “excellence meter”, while also avoiding being on the bottom, thus coming under one’s own labels of imperfection, or non-excellence.

1.6 Dynamics and Polarity

The Arcturus energy often gives rise to stories of the “big guy” vs the “little guy”. It is the circumstance of a top dog ruling over smaller domains, subjected to its determinations due to its superiority. In the macrocosm, this is an advanced planetary or multi-planetary group or civilization with superiority over a less advanced one. In 3D, it is the story of a ruler or a kingdom interacting with inferior kingdoms. Picture, on Earth, the larger imperialistic nations dealing with smaller nations, or with how the modern-day North America sometimes deals with smaller third-world countries.

The smaller player, for all effects and purposes, is subject to the whims and designations of the larger one, not so much by choice, but due to its practical superiority, advancement, and might. This consideration is irrespective of the specific, current alignment and identity of either the “big” or the “small” one. Sometimes the larger realm will indeed be benevolently aligned, and protective and nurturing of the smaller one, purely out of principle, “for the sake of it”. This is of course not unheard of – but alas, that is not always the norm.

In clear power there’s often the tendency for the looking down upon, and therefore for a level of arrogance, if not even for the temptation of taking control of the situation. If the weaker party displays biases, beliefs, perspectives, and tendencies that may be seen as less evolved and/or negatively aligned, the more justified that intention of control will appear to be. If there’s a weaker party with some form of exploitable vulnerability, without checks and balances sooner or later someone will come along reaching power in the bigger party, eventually aspiring to take advantage and explore the weaker one, particularly in larger groups with many individuals are involved at any one time, and multiple ideals, perspectives, and those in places of power come and go.

In the microcosm, the “big guy”, “small guy” story, will be the story of a teacher/mentor watching over student/apprentice, perhaps with proven merit and expert knowledge, but also with a strong level of arrogance and disdain as well. The teacher might perceive himself, to some extent, holding control or ownership over the choices of the apprentice, and/or holding ownership of what’s correct, i.e. righteousness. It is the story of the father who for the sake of watching over the son, and out of his own perception of what’s right and wrong for him, attempts to steer the son’s choices in a certain way, while doing so from a place out of love. The father may be somewhat invested in the outcome of the son’s life, unconsciously attempting to compensate his own unmet aspirations and frustrations through the son and his accomplishments in the eyes of others.

Arcturus will collectively and typically give rise to an advancement which isn’t just material/practical, but also ethical, of principle, spiritual, i.e. of awareness. So it’s not that a rising civilization is devoid its own merit and direction, in terms of ethical legitimacy. However, that same perception of superiority can also give rise to the disrespect over the sovereignty of those beneath them, and to a certain degree of, as stated, arrogance. When you’re highly intelligent and with acuity of though, yet also arrogant, you can become prone to situations where pragmatism will override ethics.

Picture the situation of a kingdom/civilization believing so strongly a certain, specific measure is the best possible and needs to be taken by a smaller one under its care, that the measure will be enforced/forced against the Free Will of the inferior one, justified by the big player knowing better. Effectively, for good and bad, the sovereignty (Free Will) of the lesser group is overruled and stepped over. This can create situations, of varying degrees of integrity, where barriers of ethics become diluted and are bent, or even crossed, on the grounds of superiority, both practical and of awareness. This would often be a point when Arcturus sometimes crosses into thresholds of negative polarity, by the circumstances of “ruling over”, oppressing, and otherwise forcing the Free Will of others.

It is to be (briefly) noted negative polarity was explored by Andrew within Arcturus. This type of experience would, generally speaking, be about being part of a fear-based alignment/structure, settled upon an essential belief the superior group knew the best ways to achieve greatness, success, and/or progress, and therefore had the ‘right’ to impose its force on others, and use whatever means necessary to achieve its aims. In other words, the ends justifying the means. It is often the case the ‘bad guys’ (the negatively-aligned player) absolutely believe in the legitimacy of their goals, and in have the conviction they’re doing what’s best for all. This was sometimes the case with Arcturus. It would seldom be a gratuitous, power-based motivation. Rather, it would most often be a conviction based upon righteousness, i.e. “we know what’s best”. In other words, the “evil version” of the principle of seeking excellence.

Within the inner, vague sense of tension and anxiety referred to earlier in the reading, reside, also, the memories of the heavy quota of fear-based charge that’s permanently present whenever undergoing experience in a negatively-aligned structure/group. Within such type of environment, since the ‘goals supersede and justify the means’ (the belief that’s subscribed within such type of group) the fear the neighbor might attack the self is permanently installed – which might even be valued, and encouraged, by the society/group. The top dog is expected to oppress and enslave the ones beneath him; the ones below him are expected to fight for their place, contest him, and even resort to violence, betrayal, and even death, in order to do so. As a consequence, the self is permanently subject to an enormous amount of pressure, at all times, from all directions, having to forcefully be prepared to handle any potential threat accordingly.

Originally, this sense/energy of pressure was the very same pressure coming from the desire to strive for excellence; to prepare oneself as best as possible in order to meet choice; in order to achieve the best possible solutions and the best possible progress – now converted to work in negative alignment, contributing to hold it in place. You’d be surprised at how quickly and suddenly a sufficient quantity of accumulated stress/tension would have an originally benevolently-aligned group devolve into the negative. This is because a negatively-aligned group exists and retains cohesion, for as long as it does, precisely at the expense of the fear-based energy it can hold, and can be fostered by its members. In these situations, the energy of tension in itself was a key ingredient facilitating regressing into negative polarity, when it did.

Even if not outright NEGATIVE, the Arcturus bias would still be prone for stories of abusing superiority, and crossing ethical and Free Will boundaries, often on the grounds of ethical/moral superiority, and/or sustained in pragmatic supremacy over others. This is the irony/paradox: the energy who aspired for excellence in principle and ethics, is the one who ends up trespassing them.

1.7 Processing Separation

Whenever there is an instance of disregarding the sovereignty of another, disrespecting another’s identity and nature, inflicting suffering (means) as justified by a goal, idea, or agenda, at that point the group, and/or the self may be creating separation, and the need to process that separation. This processing will usually involve stepping into the shoes of those who were at the receiving end of the action of separation, in order to re-integrate back that which was separated within, by the concepts and beliefs that creating the action. You may see this as a form of karma, to some extent. It’s not always the karma that it applies in the reincarnating process on Earth – but it is a form of karma nonetheless, in the sense all separation that is created intrinsically, by its advent, implies that separation will need to be reintegrated within, so that wholeness can be achieved again.

When is it separation, and when is an action justified? Separation, in the metaphysical sense, equates to a belief/perspective that something/someone has no place in reality, it should not exist (i.e. is “separate”) and results in an action of some description that in practice is devoid of love, tolerance, empathy, performed instead for a motive that includes the belief in that separation. Fear (of what that is being rejected) may also be involved; so will the attempt to control, enacted out of those same fears and perceptions.

Separation equates to the actions were performed from a bias of masculine-energy (explained further ahead) that, in one way or another, overrules the respect of the sovereignty of another in favor of something, such as a concept or principle that were seen as more important than the right of choice of the other; an objective that is seen as so vital that all else must be disregarded. Sometimes, while there’s a basis of achieving a state of perfection/quality, negative polarity will, nevertheless and simply, aspire for power, status, and gain, and in the process stepping over whatever stands in its way.

Separation meant the action came from a belief that saw that which is disregarded, as less important than the objective, the outcome, the image of quality that is sought. If the action isn’t considering compassion for another in equal terms with the consideration for perfection/quality/excellence, than it is, spiritually/metaphysically speaking, rejecting the intrinsic existence and sovereignty of the other entity/group. This is what “separation” means.

When we mentioned the bias of Arcturus created stories of the “big guy” vs the “little guy”, in this equation Arcturus isn’t the big guy only, Arcturus is also often playing the role of the little guy – because the polarity involves both sides. Picture this as the two sides of the same coin, in which you don’t have just the “good” side, if you subscribe to the coin you get both sides of it, both having equivalent “weight”.

Processing challenges pertaining to the duality that is tendency to Arcturus – both individually and collectively – will often involve exploring, and being at the receiving end, of whatever actions of separation were engaged with. Namely and for example, being at the mercy of a more powerful group; being subject to bullying and abuse; being conquered and enslaved; being at the mercy of the whims and wishes of a third party, be them fair, just – or not. Being subject to control and domination, often with that domination being exerted on the grounds of some form of lack: weakness, lack of advancement, lack of intelligence, lack of might, lack of personal acuity in terms of ethics and principle, and so on.

Upon inspection, you might be able to co-relate the explanation of this processing, with some of the challenges you’ve experienced in your personal life, and the types of frailties and shortcomings you feel and fear about yourself. Without intending to go into the specifics about the source and causes of each individual situation, we’re showcasing the type of karmic difficulties the broad spiritual background tended to create. The biases involved in striving for excellence can often create a need for processing where the self (individual and/or collective) is put face to face with what was rejected for the sake of the intended excellence.

1.8 Counterproductive Patterns

The higher spiritual layers of the self developed an understanding of the “meta” aspects of the patterns that tended to develop from the Arcturean bias. While this applies to the energy of Arcturus as a whole, keep in mind we’re now discussing less of the group/wide energy in general, and more of the gaining of the understanding of your own spiritual self concerning these patterns, based on its own experiences and lessons held in, and/or related to, Arcturus. Although, it is difficult to discern where one stops and the other begins. The self understood that the headstrong seeking of excellence, together with the levels of tension coming from the constant exigency to attain it, tended to develop a certain type of pattern, often forming a closed loop i.e. a cycle.

The self would seek excellence, and eventually, inevitably, attaining it, since its in its nature >> then, upon attaining said excellence, it received the merit and acknowledgment for it, put perhaps also, along with it, inevitably and to some extent, a level of arrogance and/or sense of superiority, because that was involved in the rejection of what was perceived as “less excellent”, as explained >> in one way or another, these ingredients (merit, relevance, power, combined with a sense of separation) would inevitably lead to circumstances of who/what’s perceived as lesser worth being dismissed, bypassed, disregarded, or overpowered by the self, i.e. the circumstance of creating separation (which was already held within, as an idea/perception) >> the manifestation of this separation generated karmic attributes, i.e. the need/potential to experience the reverse of the separation that was caused, to understand and solve it >> then at this point this would lead to the processing of said karmic attributes, in which, understandably, the self (or group, collective) now had to play the role of a smaller party, weak, less advanced, less powerful, vulnerable and feeble. But in dealing with the processing, and/or upon completing it, the self would carry on seeking excellence, either as the “solution” i.e. the method by which it would vow to regain power over the oppressive party, and/or upon completion of that processing, simply because that’s what it reverted back to doing.

Patterns of learning and lesson aren’t “unusual” in the Universe by any means. Perhaps the real issue, if you want to call it that, was in generating large amounts of karmic processing due to participating in such patterns. There was some level of disappointment and frustration with the amount of karmic processing that the pattern led to. Karma might be (ultimately) about understanding a lesson, but it’s also (ultimately) a detour. Karma is the choice of going the harder route – the route of pain and suffering – in order to get to (ultimately) the same lesson i.e. one would be achieved either way! From the Arcturean perspective karma is destructive, and counterproductive, therefore a waste. On a certain level, karma is precisely the antitheses of what is being attempted by Arcturus. Upon re-shifting to positive polarity after a ‘stint’ in the negative, the perception of the time spent there will involve feelings of regret; a time spent in destructive behaviors, then processing them; a time that didn’t have to be spent that way, had the correct choices been made. This perception is precisely what Arcturus abhors and tries to avoid.

Arcturus ideally aspires for excellence, and for achieving the maximum possible spiritual advancement. But – while ultimately, on a very high level, it is understood someone has to play the negative “role” – to do so in the first place is barely seen as optimal, let alone as anything remotely close to “excellent”. The irony is that the Consciousness that most wishes to optimize and develop a full, complete, whole, Spirit-like consciousness in the material realms, can also spend a lot of time generating and processing equally significant amounts of karma and suffering – as large, as the intensity of the drive/aspiration to attain excellence.

When these negative/karmic cycles developed, what was gained by Arcturus striving for quality in the experience in the physical – completeness of traits of technology, ethics, spirituality, etc – was then all lost/wasted by all the karma that had to be processed, and the time spent doing so, on the back of that desire. That is the same to say, that often what was gained in excellence, was then wasted in equal measure in the karmic processing. Arcturus vows to be the benchmark, the reference of excellence others can look up to, a major card in the spiritual development of the Universe – so this is by no means the greatest of calling cards.

And, critically, what Arcturus absolutely does not wish to, is to be seen as the great big boogeyman instead: something, or someone, that is as capable of the greatest endeavors and achievements, as of the greatest atrocities of negative alignment as well.

1.9 Counteracting the Cycle

The higher spiritual layers of the self desired to halt and break the cycle, and it was devised and developed an understanding of the ways to do so. The seeking of excellence has a masculine-energy bias, in the sense it has a tendency to seek a perceived goal, often at the expense of whatever is in the way, in order to get there. Masculine and feminine energy are not a man and a woman (although human genders tend to be an embodiment/representation of them). Rather, they are ‘modalities’ describing aspects to all energy that exists in the Cosmos. Masculine-energy tends to be forthcoming, i.e. function based in what’s tangible. It conceives things based on what it can think, and what it can see. It tends to operate based on the visible, the apparent, the already known. As such, it tends to focus on, and hold on to, what it wants to get, i.e. the visible outcome, the desired goal. This is opposed to feminine-energy, which is more subtle, passive, felt-rather-than-seen.

What happens is that in these cycles, the consciousness with Arcturus-based bias will ‘hound’ on a perceived objective, seeing it as its target, then proceed to go to great lengths, with varying degrees of commitment but always with great intensity and tenacity, to achieve its goal. This can be seen as representing certain qualities, namely resilience, determination, tenacity, steadfastness. But as we’ve been discussing, in this endeavor certain thresholds can be crossed, where the ends may start to justify the means, and/or the goal that was chosen might not be the one that is aligned with the path of greatest good – but was still sought anyway, out of determination. This would holds the very real danger of deviating from one’s higher spiritual goals and spiritual integrity, for the sake of the pursuit of the goal. This is at the basis of virtually all of the ‘derailing’ of the Arcturus energy, as it often lead it to engage with, and accumulate, karma.

The i) very high levels of exigency and tension in seeking excellence (masculine-energy) together with ii) past experiences in the military (both Earth and especially beyond) which tend to sharpen one’s acuity but also one’s sense of alertness, and iii) memories in negative polarity, which are about living in a constant state of fear, would lead the energy to be biased towards patterns of fight-flight. This relates to the vibration of conflict we’ve referred to in the beginning of the reading. On an essential basis, this energy makes the self have a tendency to perceive any new element – an input, a person/figure, any form of external difference, especially if opposed to the self, putting the self in question, and/or, otherwise, in a position of authority/power – as a potential threat/problem/foe to be dealt with.

This is somewhat difficult to pinpoint – it is the energy of conflict mentioned previously – but it ‘hardens’ and ‘tenses up’ the energy of the self, which has the effect of fueling the patterns of inferior/superior, weak/strong, thus propagating the dynamics of creating karma and processing it. The self is as if always on edge, ready to antecipate the next issue that might come up, and react to it accordingly. It is part of the bias creating the patterns in the first place. This is the tendency the self wishes to break.

The solution that was devised to lessen the ‘tightness’ of the pattern, and perhaps break the cycles of creating karma, was the introduction of Feminine-Energy, which, in an otherwise Masculine-Energy pattern, may and will be lacking.

Picture a soup being cooked in a pot, circling clockwise at a constant speed, from being stirred. The soup has a certain color, from the ingredients already in it. This soup represents the Masculine-Energy (M-E) dynamics of the Arcturean energy. Now imagine that a new, liquid ingredient is added to the soup. It’s not added all at once; a liquid thread of the new ingredient starts to pour in, slightly changing the color of the soup, as it continues to spin. This liquid represents the adding of Feminine-Energy (F-E) to the existing dynamics. The F-E has the purpose of balancing the energy, reducing the excess of M-E bias in the equation, therefore the tendency for the pattern. In simple terms, you can liken the pattern to a sense of “tension”, of “overfocus”, if you will, that are always present. So the aim is to diminish that tension, to un-tense so to speak. The M-E bias tends to see the outcome as the ultimate goal, but often to the extent that seeking takes hold of the self, leading it beyond natural balance. The F-E helps the self realize the full spectrum of relevance of the matters at hand, beyond what the Masculine allows him to see. It allows him to detach from the often obsessively desired outcome, rather than being drawn to it, akin to a moth to a light. It is this overfocus/attachment, perhaps a state of “overdrive”, that often brings the imbalance, and is often where it resides.

Excellence is a quality that can be possible without being bound to a specific outcome. This is a core tenet from this re-balancing. Allow us to give an example to illustrate. Without F-E, in the old pattern, you’d have the teacher that was rigidly holding to the specific ‘right’ way of doing things, and invested in imposing those ways onto the student/apprentice – a form of control/oppression. With the introduction of F-E – in other words, the heart – the same teacher is invested, not in formatting/controlling/directing the fate and behavior of the students, but in vowing to be a catalyst for them to achieve the best potential they have and who they can be – whatever that is. This teacher isn’t invested in having the apprentice turn out a certain way, in a certain mold; but in fulfilling their potential. The teacher isn’t thinking about himself only, he is instead going beyond himself, still preoccupied with performing well, doing a good job, but in the service to whichever happens to be the nature of the individual being served, i.e. helping the other achieve their own excellence. This is an example illustrating how the introduction of F-E to the same equation shifts the balance of energy, so that there’s less of an attachment to a specific end result.

By the same token, the introduction of F-E also helps alleviate the hold that the fight-or-flight, tense interpretation of the external reality has on the self, allowing for a greatest range of motion, thereby reducing the tendency for the propagation of the cycle that was mentioned. More on this will later. We reiterate these materials aren’t meant as judgment. The reading isn’t correcting. The sole purpose of this information is to be an explanation: for you to better grasp the bigger picture of many of the situations you’ve gone and are still going through in your life, and also, a better understanding of the ones still to come, going forward.

[It is my understanding, from the reading and in interpreting this information, that in your present moment and going forward there will be a priority in introducing Feminine Energy in your experience for re-integration, as part of your personal path. This is part of the message of the reading, and why this information is coming forward. Again this is not a ‘correction’ or a ‘test’, it is not something that’s happening due to improper conduct or poor performance from your part. On the contrary: It is a re-calibration planned for this junction, one that you worked spiritually and legitimately to arrive to.

It is also my understanding that this may involve experiences in the romantic type, in other words, the arrival of a romantic partner or partners (undisclosed). For there is no more direct, straightforward manner by which to introduce contact and integration with F-E in the human reality, than the experience of romance. This also seems to be in alignment with various forms of recent input you’ve received in readings and services, which appear to cumulatively point at the potential of romantic experience.
Still, I also want to point out the introduction of F-E as an experience doesn’t have to come strictly from emotionally engaging with a partner. The integration of F-E in one’s experience may assume more “indirect” forms i.e. less-straightforward-to-anticipate, given the spiritual premises being presented. For example, integration of F-E- may mean, in some way, adopting a perception of an aspect of reality with more F-E (subtlety, patience, feeling) qualities than M-E (action, choice, decision).
The reading will move forward, elaborating further on the dynamics that have been explained so far, as well as in the concept of integrating F-E in existing M-E biases.]

Part II – Yannicca

2.1 Beginnings of the Space Age

This is a memory of a past-life taking place in another planet. This planet is/was situated in the region of space of Arcturus. Given the previous description of a ‘core’ energy, and of a wider, more peripheral region around that core, this planet could be said to sit, both geographically and in energy alignment, at around the ‘line’ or ‘border’ between those two ‘areas’. It sits, roughly, in an area such that it could be considered part of the core, and incorporating many of its characteristics, challenges, and lessons, but at the same time it also has some variation/variety to its energy as well.

At this point the planet is currently in 3D consciousness, but at a “late 3D”, where it has begun to advance into the space age, in doing so, in the beginnings of starting to go in awareness beyond the identity and perception that were held on the planet itself. In other words, on a broader scale of interplanetary ‘dealings’, and in terms of Densities also, the space age had only just begun for them. These are its beginnings, where the technology allows venturing into space beyond the immediate vicinity of planet, gradually longer distances and for longer spans of time.

The planet, as it came to be known by them (actually not the planet itself but the star – for some reason they identified themselves, or came to identify eventually, more with the star itself than with the planet) had a medium-sized, feminine-sounding name, phonetically a little like Yannicca, Yaricca, Jannaya, something along these lines. [My connection is less able with formal details, such as names. It could be the case this is literal (the actual name), metaphorical (to represent the energy/information of the reading), or perhaps a combination of both. For the sake of simplicity and using a stylistic approach, I took the liberty of settling with the name Yannicca, naming this section after it. Even if there’s some inaccuracy, I don’t think I’ll be receiving any phone calls about it.]

The planet has developed the ability to travel some distance into nearby space, within the solar system. Travel throughout the entirety of the solar system, as an endeavor, is still both significantly costly and time-consuming, and as such, somewhat restricted in scale and usefulness. But they’ve been able to access and tap into a series of nearby resources still relatively close to the planet, mostly asteroids. That allowed the mining of raw materials, which are rare and scarce on the planet itself, but by contrast are in abundant, concentrated supply, and easily accessible, on said asteroids. The resources harvested include a large portion of compounds primarily used in the manufacture of the advanced fuel, used not just on the planet but by the space-faring technology itself. The rate at which this fuel technology is progressively being expanded and improved, is accompanying the rate at which the effective, practical reach of the civilization is increasing beyond the planet. As one goes up, so does the other. There’s significant activity and business built and revolving about the act of space travel, and travel back and forth from the planet to space and vice-versa. Quite a lot of financial weight has been accrued by the topic of fuel, which is now of widespread use.

The planet has also developed a number of orbital and space-built habitats, as well as the ability to sustain life, relatively comfortably, for significant periods of time in them. These habitats and stations had various purposes, scientific ones among them, but they were primarily used by and involved in the process of travel back and forth from the mining/extraction processes, closely connected to them. Some of them were involved with the activity of mining the asteroids, some of them as space-based stations. While not ‘perfect’, and not as natural-feeling than life on the surface of the planet, technology gradually improved so as to allow one to live aboard these stations virtually indefinitely. The best approximate analogy is the idea of building a bunker to withstand a natural disaster for an indefinite amount of time, stocking it with supplies, water, air generation, temperature regulation, and so on. Life there wouldn’t be as natural, in many regards perhaps not as balanced and healthy, than one lived on the surface. But a number of essential conditions were met, and costly catastrophic risks were kept at bay to a sufficient degree, that it would be possible for life to endure, persist, in a functional sense.

Eventually these space-built habitats, deeper in space but especially the ones closer to the planet, came to be densely populated, the larger ones highly urbanized in tightly packed settings, like neighborhoods or small cities. Life there gradually came to be spent in a more long-term manner – or at least that type of situation became more normal – as the jobs and activities involved in space-based activities grew and became more elaborate and complex. The larger population of the space-built habitats placed more strain on the resources needed to constantly supply and feed them. These habitats had some farming/food-production capability, but never with the same scale than that of the planet. The practical difficulty, and constant management of perpetually limited resources, needed for all aspects of life in space (where resources of a planet aren’t immediately available) dictated these habitats were still tightly dependent on the planet for food, medicine, and all items tied in one way or another to the natural resources found abundantly on the planet, but not outside of it.

[Regarding their physical appearance, the reading presents the image of them being human. It is however known to me this image is purely symbolic rather than literal, used for the sake of normalcy and simplicity. No clues or hints to their literal appearance were presented, in any way, and as such it is unknown how human-like they were in appearance, and/or how much they differed from it. This aspect will be abstracted from, for reasons that will remain undisclosed (from me included) for the remainder of the reading.]

Despite the technological advancement described, which was more advanced when compared to the current moment of modern-day Earth, the mentality of the inhabitants of this planet wasn’t, comparatively speaking, as far ahead as the technological element. This is the exact same as to refer to their average, broad level of consciousness. The reading presents a clear, straightforward point of comparison as reference: the mentality at this time would be equivalent to that of Earth in and around the 90’s. This abstracts from specifics and variations, pointing to the “medium/average” level of awareness, as well as state of spiritual evolution, of the collective of the planet (and now around it). It could be observed that the technological advancement was a testament to the ingenuity and endeavor of the Arcturean energy present within the mindset/vibratory qualities of the collective. At this time there is no contact with, or awareness of, any form of off-world intelligence, in any way. In other words, they haven’t met anyone else. All they know about the Universe is confined to what they discovered on their own in their own planet.

Despite this not being consciously known, this world has a strong has energetic/spiritual afinity with Arcturus – it has various influences from it, in its distant past. One of the ways this was reflected, was in the colective, cohesive push and effort in advancing in the technological fields. In reality, at this stage in time a 3D world nearing the beginning of the space age will often resolve ingrained tensions between countries though war – but this world largely bypassed the ‘temptation’ for war, instead uniting “early” in its efforts to push into outer space. When the various societies on the planet perceived the possibility, the hypothesis, that it could be possible to venture into space, unconsciously they all, one way or another, turned their attentions to it, rather than towards each other with hostility, in practie uniting in their efforts.

2.2 Tensions Escalate

As life in space began to become more “normal”, the institutions and organizations that managed the space-built habitats and operations gradually grew more independent, eventually coalescing into fully-fledged, and virtually autonomous. This was a similar process to when on Earth the European powers founded colonies overseas, in the American continent. Initially tightly dependent for resources and identity from their parent nations, over time a combination of their growth, combined with the logistical aspects (physical distance, traveling back and forth, the difference in realities, and so on) led the colonies to see themselves with an identity of their own. The management of the off-world “regions” and operations was run by groups and organizations which, while not unified per se, functioned halfway between a corporation and a fully-fledged country. They eventually grew sufficiently sizable and complex, and sufficiently autonomous, that by this point in time they had a leverage and an identity of their own.

The tensions escalated around the topic of fuel – specifically the price of it. The off-world habitats mined the compounds and produced fuel easily in space, but depended very heavily on the planet for the sustenance of their growing population. Whereas the countries on the ground now needed fuel in large supply to continue running their now widespread technology, but couldn’t fabricate it nor get the materials needed to do so in large, cost-effective quantities, thereby strongly depending on the off-world for it. There was much tension in these dependencies. There was no longer a planet or its countries, what there was now was the planet and those not-on-it. These two realities had very distinct priorities and requirements. In the off-world life, there was constant pressure. Any mistakes meant loss of life, and/or catastrophic loss of investment/resources. All the while, industries were constantly attempting to grow and expand, in order to have the resources to mitigate these risks. So the tendency was to ask for more price per amount of fuel.

On the other hand, physical life on the surface of the planet didn’t have these difficulties, and wasn’t particularly aware of them. Naturally, biological life tends to take for granted the settings of the planet it was born in. Unless you’ve spent time off world, you’d be somewhat insensitive to the crude and harsh life circumstances in space. They would be somewhat distant, like when you hear news on a distant, foreign country. On the other hand, the global efforts in technological advancement had turned the fuel-using technology widespread and ingrained. Meaning, the ground now thoroughly depended on this fuel to function, for farming, for travel, for power, for basic needs, for everything. They were very dependent on it. Further, the ground tended to see the space companies as working for them. So on the ground there started to appear some dissatisfaction for the ramping up of prices of fuel – which they sorely depended on – performed by the off-world industries.

There was also tension from the off-world: they felt the ground was dispassionate and insensitive towards their difficulties, their way of life. There was, on the background, in terms of their emotional, a grudge towards the ground: for them seemingly not understanding, and not caring, how difficult and hazardous – and life threatening – was to perform that work – which was being done “for them”, only threatening and making demands instead. You might be anticipating where this goes. Originally ‘flour from the same sack’, one people, and one planet, now you had two different realities, two different perspectives, two different sides, and which tensions escalating. They were two siblings, part of the same family. But brothers fight too – sometimes harder than enemies.

2.3 War

Tensions eventually escalate so high that war erupts. The vast majority of off-world companies unite under one banner, and begin functioning as a cohesive, independent collective. The factions on the planet do the same – they share the same goals and agendas, and difficulties, in dealing with the fuel. So what ends up happening, is that we have the off-world going to war with the ground. There are various factions and interests, things are more complex than black and white, but broadly speaking they are all uniting into two basic sides. It is quite the same as a World War, except in the two sides aren’t fighting on the planet, instead one side is the planet, while the other is not.

It isn’t a brief war.

There are deep-seated tensions accumulated over a long time, and grudges because of the other side’s apparent lack of empathy towards the other’s plight. And crucially, the moment the war starts, the two sides are suddenly, desperately, starved of vital resources for their functioning and survival. The off-world doesn’t have the resources to grow food on the long-term – but it does have significant manpower however. Weapons, soldiers, and the means to transport them. From its vantage point in space, the off-world can easily and quickly dispatch troops to any point on the planet, and/or strike it with bombardment. The off-world represents the technological factor: they are severely limited, and severely hard-pressed, about feeding and sustaining their numbers. But in space they can easily a) manufacture fuel and b) use it sparingly and efficiently to travel, as well as manufacturing weapons and components that rely strictly on mined materials. The off-world has a vast planet that it can monitor, and target. It’s motivated to strike quickly, rapidly, and frequently – partially, but critically, due to the necessity of food. It is also motivated to pick and choose vulnerable, less protected locations to maximize resources. When possible, they do control/hold, but they mostly choose to pillage, locations with resources, most notably food. It is far more difficult for them to try to take and hold locations; it is much more effective to strike, take what is needed, and leave. The war isn’t about conquering territory: it’s about having the other side submit.

On the ground, it is the reverse. The planet is a vast place, lacking in raw resources. However, it is defending against an enemy that has the mobility to strike hard, at any point, at any time. It is now also deprived on fuel and technology it used to function, instead relying in decades old and decayed technology, that doesn’t need modern fuel – but is also quite sub-par, ineffective and prone to malfunction. The combination of scarce resources, not enough means to harvest and produce them, while having to protect an infinitely vast territory, placed the ground at a disadvantage. The ground was predominantly in a passive stance, at the mercy of strikes from a space-born enemy, with limited ability to go forth onto space and strike back. The planet isn’t going anywhere – but the population and any and all civilization centers were exposed. There is abundant raw farmland, yet not the technology to use it efficiently, which means hunger is still going to happen. If/when a location happens to produce a significant quantity of food or resources, it inevitably becomes a target, either for the off-world to disrupt its production, and/or to acquire its resources.

The whole planet rations its supplies, fuel, and technology, reserved mostly for military use. Society stops functioning normally, in many ways reverting to low technology, or even pre-technology in certain aspects and places. It is almost on the brink of collapsing altogether. The ground struggles to adjust to an everyday rationing and scavenging of what little resources are available, as well as to a constant, pervasive war-like mindset, which over time becomes deeply ingrained. It is difficult to discern which was worse. All they were, all they knew, was the planet. The planet is their world. But war is all around it. There is nowhere to be on the world where war isn’t. The enemy can descend from the sky at any moment, in any place, without warning. Nowhere is safe. Life becomes war.

To compensate for the lack of resources, as well as to protect as much area as possible as efficiently as possible from a technically superior, mobile, and able enemy, drafts are implemented. To put it bluntly, the ground compensated with numbers. Death and famine are regular. Families live divided and torn. Pain and loss become a constant.

2.4 The Crater

Andrew belongs and fights for the off-world. There is a memory of a moment lived during the conflict, during an attack on a urbanized center on the ground in which he participated. This moment isn’t so much about something specific that happened, it’s more about something that was realized. The soldier is presented in the memory as if it was Andrew himself, in the sense of physically looking very much like he does in this current life on Earth. While this is more than likely metaphorical, it does transmit that the stage of development and consciousness of him, at this time, is close and approximate to the awareness of who Andrew is today. The troops were deployed at this location via airborne personnel transports descending from space, as it would usually be the case. The transports are depicted as high-tech, box-shaped vessels of straightforward design, which upon landing would lower a large door to let the soldiers out. This may be another metaphorical image, an idea familiar to the mind of the modern-day; still, this was the function of these vessels.

Before the landing itself, there was in preparation bombing strikes performed on the location, to reduce/soften enemy resistance and make troop operations easier. Upon landing, the soldiers would rush towards their assigned objectives, in the process releasing their built-up energy and preparedness, accumulated during the descent and in the moments leading up to it. As the mission is happening and shortly upon the deployment of the troops, there’s a moment when the soldier (Andrew) is standing on the top of an elevated ridge. This ridge is overlooking a city, or urban agglomerate, which was the main intended target for the assault. The ridge is reasonably high, with a sharp and abrupt incline, and allows a clear, elevated, unobstructed view over the urbanized area, where the majority of the civilian population lived. His attention for a moment focuses on the urbanized area. As he’s moving towards his assigned objective along with his fellow soldiers, he halts, stopping for a moment, doing so on his own volition.

Imagine a movie depicting some form of military action, with many soldiers rushing and shouting in a frenzy, maybe a ‘Starship Troopers’-style of action, everyone running, fully committed, psyching themselves up for a situation. And while that’s happening, the main character – the person the story is focused on – while initially participating and rushing also, then for a moment detaches from the generalized mindset around him, and stops to observe something, facing the screen as he does so. When he does this, he’s as if detaching himself from the collective ‘blindness’ i.e. the mindset of everyone else around him, and of what he’s been taught and trained for, in that instant going above and beyond it. This is this type of situation. In this moment the soldier abstracts from the military ‘process’ happening all alongside him, and goes into his own thoughts, a form of introspection.

Where there used to be the urban setting, now there is a single, large impact crater in the center. The crater itself, as well as a large radius of area around it, is almost completely devoid of debris or any other thing – it’s burnt and scorched ground mostly. The explosion wiped clean whatever was there. Only in the outskirts, away and outside of the main impact, there are buildings partially standing. The urban center had been completely obliterated. This meant anyone living there had been killed instantly, which was the bulk of the city’s population.

This had been a preemptive strike from the off-world, carried out in preparation of the ground assault. The soldier had not witnessed the strike itself, as it happened while he was on board of the transport. So when he arrives and disembarks, the strike had already taken place, with no sounds or other signs perceived from its occurrence. He arrives, and watches the crater just “being there”, as if that had always been there all along. Without warning or the possibility evacuate or hide, the bulk of the population in the city had been wiped clean with this strike. This city, and the urban centers of the planet in general, are of a relatively smaller scale than those of Earth. The more important ones could often be tightly packed, much like a modern-day urbanized city or city center on Earth can be. But their size would roughly equate to the size of a residential town or neighborhood outside of said main city. The larger urban centers on this planet would also, generally, tend to form a circular shape, with the most concentration of people and things packed closer to the center. But these factors meant that even a moderately-sized explosive device, aimed at the core of the city, had the capability of instantly pulverizing it almost entirety.

The off-world employed the strategy of using explosive devices for this purpose: to perform a critical strike on the urban centers about to be attacked. The explosive devices that were used had a limited and smaller ‘blast radius’ compared to an atomic device used on Earth, but conversely were extremely potent, of a ‘concentrated’ effect. The blast area would be nothing short of pulverized, leaving little to no trace of whatever stood there before. These allowed the strike to deal absolute damage to a certain area/target, while largely sparing whatever was standing next to it, perhaps allowing the retrieval of the resources there that were desired.

2.5 Realization

The soldier, unconsciously, without thinking, stops himself for a moment, looking at the crater. There is a stark contrast with the gravity of the situation, and with its stillness. Troops are running and shouting right behind him, but the town itself, now little more than the crater and outlying rubble, is quiet, silent, and still. There’s no movement, not even wind. There’s no screaming, no cries for help. Other than the sight of crater itself, there are no other cues, visual, auditory, or any other, to what had just happened. It’s as if this had always been this way. The contrast is between the brutality of the image and its stillness, almost lending an aura of timelessness to it.

The soldier stopped, as if holding on to, and seeking more of, the sense of extreme brutality of the image, that was otherwise vague and barely noticeable, almost wanting to escape one’s perception. In this specific moment, this “seeking” almost as if opens a window, a breach if you will, in the hardened, drilled curtain of his ‘military mindset’, allowing him to think, what we’d call today, “outside the box”.

What he does, is to evaluate – and, therefore, question – what’s happening. In his mind, in that moment, a weighting of the gains of the war, the consequences of their actions, juxtaposed to the “why” they’re doing it, takes place.

He realizes the sheer amount of destruction that is being inflicted, easily and purposefully, for the sake of the war, as well as the sheer number of lives lost, wasted. And with them, their identity, their culture, their knowledge and experience.

The war is presumably being fought – and so is the general mindset even outside the war – so that the most optimal and advanced world can exist and be developed. This is always their goal as a collective, as a people. This is the baseline reason everything was ever done – it is “part” of the Arcturus energy. But the effect of the war is largely, purely destructive. Once the war ends, whenever it does and regardless of which side is the victor, there will be then an immeasurable amount of time, effort, and resources needed just to recover from what’s being destroyed, to rebuild, and get everything back up and running again, to the point equivalent to where they were before the war started.

Whatever type of value or resolution is gained with the war, if any, it won’t ever be able to outweigh what’s being destroyed, and what’s going to have to be rebuilt, recovered, and re-remembered. It is of note this is an extremely pragmatic consideration, essentially formulated in logistical terms. The cost of what ‘touched’ him in this moment wasn’t so much in terms of lives lost, personal suffering, families torn, the pain and trauma that will endure for posterity, etc. Even considerations about individual lives are weighed in terms of the knowledge and expertise they lend to society. This is not ill-intended, however – it is a testament to how the mindset of the collective worked at that time.

Arcturean energy in general is always extremely pragmatic, objective-oriented. This was a part of this collective also. This is how they had united in a joint/collaborative, planet-wide effort to go forth into space, as opposed to engage in mutual hostilities. In addition, you also had the aforementioned military mindset, now deeply ingrained in everyone, exponentiation to its maximum this same pragmatic thinking.

This essentially meant all individuals were in some way or another focused in the war, be it to help their faction/side prevail, or as a result of the habituation of dealing with the trauma, the death and loss, or otherwise with the sub-par living conditions. This mindset made it difficult for them to operate outside of purely pragmatic considerations.

Still, what was being realized by the soldier was a (sad) irony: the baseline objective was to build the most advanced possible – yet the war efforts were working in a manner that was precisely counterproductive to that goal. This realization was in line, in spiritual terms, with a/the moment Arcturus-based consciousness realizes that war/conflict had wasted time and resources more than it had gained; that it was undoing everything positive/productive that had ever been achieved, and would be achieved in the future; and that it was incurring in a cost that far outweighed any possible gains, forfeiting its own future in the process.

For this specific lifetime, the higher, more subtle layers of the spiritual self intended to show the incarnating self, involved in the physical experience, firsthand, the lessons that had been gained “above” i.e. on the more spiritual layers. Namely, regarding the patterns resulting from a M-E bias: the realization these patterns equated to the accruing of karma that would have to be processed in the future; that war, conflict, and destructive intent used for a purpose would often not only be directly counterproductive to long-term goals, but could even be avoidable without the bias in place – intrinsically defining them as a waste of time, energy, and life. Which, here also, was precisely opposite to the purpose of Arcturus, which is, at its most core interpretation, to maximize progress.

To this understanding on the spiritual layers, corresponded, resonated, ‘trickled down’, the realization the soldier had in this specific moment. In a broad-level metaphysical perspective on this matter, we need to observe that, to Source, each entity in Creation is free to choose any path for lesson, and all paths will lead to that lesson, regardless if that path involves negative polarity, accrued karma, and/or time/effort it takes to get there. This is the essential mechanism by which spiritual lessons are intrinsically valid. It’s not that Infinity doesn’t care, but that It doesn’t judge. In other words, there is no criticism for a certain individual and/or collective engaging with negativity, as spiritual progress i.e. “work” will be achieved regardless of the path chosen. It’s just that i) the energy of Arcturus, ii) the information presented here, and, iii) the current spiritual alignment and background of the one being read, are closely tied to the physical, and to a perspective of achieving spiritual progress there.

This memory now closes, with the reading moving on to a different lifetime.

2.6 Waiting

This is now a different lifetime, occurring some time after the events of the first.

This life is of a woman. She lives alone in a terrain she owns, by herself. This terrain is located relatively close, but still some ways off and isolated from, a population cluster nearby. This cluster isn’t one of the more advanced cities, but a small, peripheral town. The place already existed before the war, but over time it grew somewhat, out of being a mixture of survivors, mostly civilian, gathering at this location and subsisting how they could. Technology is now scarce, life being a difficult, low-tech endeavor, as the previous functioning of society as a whole has disintegrated to a large extent. The town itself is an improvised mixture of the old way of life, and the difficult, low-tech one. Much of the infrastructure isn’t solidly built, but an improvised patchwork of parts and pieces roughly put together.

In human terms the woman would be the equivalent of around 40-50 years of age. She lives in what would be the Yannicca’s equivalent of two-story country house. This house isn’t luxurious by any means, rather it is simple and functional, but still quite spacious and adequate, perhaps more spacious than a person alone would need. Her resources are meager. Her lifestyle is similar to that of those on the town, in the sense she has to work hard, improvise, perhaps also scavenge and/or depend on those who do, in order to get the materials she needs to survive and to maintain the property.

She lives a lonely life. Loneliness is a factor, although it’s not because of the lifestyle itself. She’s comfortable with her circumstances, and perhaps her choice, of living mostly by herself. But she does have a daughter. This daughter had gone to join the war, and she hadn’t heard from her ever since.

Communications are no longer easy or widespread as they were in pre-war days. Some forms of communication do remain (for the most part, picture the equivalent of AM radios) and are still used, however it’s not the kind of communication where you easily dial a box in your pocket and you’re instantly in touch with someone on the other side of the world. Communication is sporadic, difficult, intermittent, and taxing.

The woman waits for news from her daughter. If not the daughter herself returning, maybe a message received in the radio or equivalent, or perhaps the military visiting with word. However, this doesn’t happen – even though in theory it could, despite it being difficult. What in practice happens, is that she never receives any form of news at all. Leaving her strictly to work based on assumptions, what she on her own can think and come up with, whenever dealing with the fact her daughter is absent.

This creates a great deal of distress in her. Not the distress when you face an impending danger, or an illness of a loved one, or a shortage of resources. But the kind of distress that is pervasive, constant, and kills you on the inside, slowly, day after day, with virtually nothing you can do to resolve it.

In her mind, there could be various reasons for her not receiving any news. It could perhaps be the case her daughter is so caught up with the war efforts, occurring worldwide and in a vast-planet with a weak and imperfect communication infrastructure, that she simply is forgetting to say anything. It could be that something happened to her, but that the military neglected, or simply don’t have the resources or the awareness, to call her to notify her. There is a great deal of mind-numbing chaos all across the planet, which meant any of these could be true possibilities. It is of course also a possibility that the worse had happened – but in that case, she thought, the military would likely have reported something back to her, to notify if something had happened to her daughter.

But days pass, and none of these happen. And so she’s left to work with pure speculation.

It is difficult contemplating a foreign (otherworldly) pragmatic and functional form of thinking, in a mindset of generalized war and in a society on the verge of collapse, to try to relate to how families appreciated each other, how interpersonal connections worked, how affection was felt. Even so, consciousness is consciousness, and feelings are feelings, anywhere they manifest, even if some aspects to those connections are emphasized more than others.

There was much investing in nurturing and guiding the small child from a small age, being close to her and watching her grow and bloom. There was true pleasantness, and expectation, about witnessing the person she would grow to become. There was genuine heartfelt appreciation and affection for watching the potentials of growth in her. Seeing who the young person would mature into, and the path they would choose as an adult.

The mother very much enjoyed having the daughter around. It was a source of gentle happiness. A pleasant, heart-based “full” feeling that satisfies and gives meaning, not in an intense or powerful way, but of the soft/calm kind. Then, what happened was that as the girl went to war, this was taken away from her. And so she missed her daughter, having her next to her. It pained her not knowing, not being being able to connect with what happened, whatever that was. Was everything the same, and she was still participating in the conflict, out there, somewhere? Was she close, far, or even away from the planet? And was she being successful? Or was she in danger? Alas, all of this was always confined to her thoughts, with her not being able to truly know.

Weeks, days, years pass, and nothing changes. No word is received from her daughter. The way she feels about this, it’s as if she’s been forgotten – either by the daughter or by the military. She feels that, in the middle of all the chaos, the demands of war, and the generalized decay of civilization as they knew it, with its overall sub-par life conditions, in the middle of all of it, no one had occurred to them to notify a lone mother about her daughter. That was, in a way, somewhat comprehensible, given the circumstances, given the state of the world. She and her daughter were very small, insignificant, in a drama of vast proportions.

But that didn’t make it any less painful or consuming.

In her mind the affection from her daughter wasn’t so much in question; it was essentially a matter of, day after day, year after year, being left in the dark entirely, for unknown reasons, by someone. Someone was supposed to remember, yet no one did.

2.7 Satisfaction

For this lifetime too, did the higher spiritual echelons of the self have an intention. Whereas the memory of the soldier belonged to a context of integrating insight about the wastefulness of conflict, this lifetime, taking place after the first, was part of an effort in re-integrating a portion of Feminine Energy bias in one’s perception, as a counterbalance to the predominance of M-E before it.

Firstly, we have a female figure, for the most part living alone – and therefore, largely apart from the ‘pull’ of the consciousness of the masses, vibrating in group-thinking, and more towards war. Thus, she has the opportunity, or more of an opportunity, to focus on her own personal, individual thoughts and perception, rather than what the larger collective needs or wants (and of a objective, pragmatic mindset).

She’s also caring for another female. She’s also deriving, perhaps spiritually rediscovering, a sense of satisfaction, from the guiding and upbringing of another. This is an energy of nurturing, a an experiences is of a different kind than the pursuit of goals and objectives of a pragmatic M-E mindset. It is more F-E in nature, in the sense it’s a satisfaction that is softer, calmer, and long-winded, a type of a process that is more of a “slow burn”. That is to say, there isn’t a specific goal to reach, a place to get to, or a set of objectives that can be clearly quantified/measured. Instead, it’s a long-term process of upbringing and caring for another, where the goal is to potentiate their growth, and watching it unfold. In this sense and for these reasons, this is a type of process more in tune with F-E.

The process of rediscovery of the activity of mentoring/teaching is roughly of the same nature of what Andrew wishes to attain in this lifetime: in the sense that it is of teaching, instructing, impairing knowledge, and guiding others. It is a desire to, in part, re-experience and reconnect with this type of satisfaction. This life was intended for the self to re-experience a more F-E-style of teaching, mentoring, guiding, nurturing.

Spiritually, and unconsciously, the ‘looseness’ and calmness of the process acted as a relief to the self (a relief from the contrast of the tension/pressure that is held of trying to reach something specific, having a tangible goal in mind). Still holding a responsibility but now one that was without a specific objective to pursue, the self felt peaceful and liberated, along with the enjoyment of the nurturing, affection, and rewarding nature of the process.

In this memory, at the stage of the spiritual journey on this planet the lifetime took place, it’s not so much this sense of satisfaction of this nature was completely “new” to the self. But in having engaged before in M-E and pragmatic biases for long periods, it was often so easy to neglect, lose contact, with the sensation of guiding something/someone, watching them grow, and deriving a gentle type of satisfaction from doing so. Yet they are part of the self just as well – and, it needs to be said, part of the Arcturus core also: nothing in the Universe makes sense without the ability and capacity to transmit it to others. In other words, to share it with the Whole. As such, the purest form of the energy of excellence is closely linked with teaching and instructing: excellence in teaching. In this regard, it could be said nothing is more important than the ability to teach.

Human culture has a number of sayings transmitting a type of thought along the lines of, no profession is of greater importance than that of the teacher; no activity is more noble than teaching; you don’t truly know something until the moment you’re ready to teach it successfully. On a metaphysical level, these are purely Arcturean tenets in nature and origin. And what they convey is no greater excellence exists, than excellence in teaching. Then, these tenets will sprout forth, from time to time, at various junctions and places, in various cultures and circumstances, all throughout Creation.

2.8 Karma Burn

Secondly, for this lifetime we have an embodiment and experience of the difficulties that the war created, experienced firsthand – as opposed to said experience being a secondary aspect of life, an afterthought, and/or something inflicted onto others but not directly experienced by the self.

The woman goes through loss of all what was dear to her, and frustration in uncertainty to what happened to her daughter, at the expense of war efforts she is comprehensive of, but ultimately unrelated to. This is part of experiencing “the other side of the coin” of an overall setting of war and conflict, i.e. not as someone invested in the war, but as someone receiving impact from it on a personal level. Under a metaphysical interpretation, this served to reinforce, through direct firsthand experience, the insights pertaining to the costs of war.

Even if a new lifetime the self had to deal with some loss, if there was still any level of personal investment in the war effort of the collective, then that loss would have been taken but endured, places into perspective, painful but seen as “necessary”, “collateral”, and therefore “understood” – reducing its impact as an experience. The integration of the concept of the ‘costs’ of war needed a perspective of someone standing outside of the war, within it, part of it, but not particularly invested in it, and passively and against their will suffering at the hands of it. The costs of war often involve the sheer disrespect and overruling of the individual Free Will of others, it’s what is called ‘collateral’. But “collateral”, unlike some would have others feel, doesn’t mean secondary. Each individual person’s suffering is the vastness of the Universe in and of itself. It is not secondary. It is the true cost of war.

There was also a third aspect of spiritual intention to this lifetime. It pertains specifically to the significant portion of the woman’s life lived in frustration, for not knowing what happened to her daughter. In fact, she passed from the lifetime without ever knowing what happened to her daughter while living. This means a large bulk of her life was experienced under this heavy charge of frustration.

We don’t want you to think Spirit purposefully plans difficult situations for the incarnating self to go through, for the sake of penance, or out of some sort of perceived necessity of “giving back”. There’s nothing to give back, no one to give it to. It is only ever the case that the incarnating self, by virtue (and sometimes necessity) of navigating tests of Free Will in the physical, incurs in a set of biases and/or separation (self-inflicted metaphysically speaking) that become incongruent with its projected path moving forward, thus dictating the need to undergo experiences meant to revert/restore/heal/re-balance the current spiritual state. This is a process which you’d most likely refer to as “karma”. The “necessity” of going through certain experiences, namely of an unpleasant kind, isn’t so much “mandated” by Spirit; it’s more the case of Spirit managing and planning such experiences limited by, according to, what is dictated by the current spiritual state and development of the self, as well as the nature of the separation(s) incurred – always, intrinsically, closely tied to one’s spiritual lessons.

The state of frustration the woman lived in for a significant portion of her lifetime, functioned as a counter-weight to the more directed, aggressive tones of M-E bias of the previous lifetimes. It forced the self to have an issue or challenge where there were no buttons to push to achieve a goal; there were no measures to be taken to change the situation, not even to alleviate it; there was no specific enemy or discrete threat to tackle. In other words, it was a challenge in which there was nothing that could be done. It was vague, rather than specific; it was unknown rather than known; it was indefinite, rather than definite.

This experience and emotion of frustration, admittedly excruciating and difficult, was designed to counterbalance the long-term of accumulated bias towards M-E: the mindset of charging towards a goal; taking pragmatic measure; chasing an objective; fighting and overthrowing an enemy. The challenge was precisely that there was nothing that could be done: there was no measure to take, no plan of action, not even choices or options. It was a form of suffering that was purely Feminine-Energy in nature, in the sense it was about stand passively, not out of desire but out of choice, being uncertain of that what happened, and if and when one would know. The frustration itself was “doubly” excruciating because of the previous tendency of the self in reacting to a problem by taking action, by seeking an objective, by doing something. Here there was nothing that could be done.

The “purpose” of this situation – understanding the term purpose as in serving the intention of re-balancing the state of energy of the self – was to introduce a level of Feminine-Energy experience, perception that would have the effect of toning down the large amounts M-E bias accumulated previously. And the reason for this was that the precious spiritual realization of the Arcturean pattern that was connected with in the life of the soldier.

Picture, once more, the metaphor of the soup being stirred and receiving a new ingredient, changing in composition as said new ingredient is gradually introduced. Another suitable metaphor would be that of purging or venting, aggressively pushing out, a toxin or venom present in the body, that wouldn’t leave otherwise, on its own volition. This was the effect of prolonged exposure to a challenge that was F-E in nature, predominantly of frustration for not being able to take action.

Essentially and in a simplistic manner, the experience of frustration for not being able to do anything acted as a counterbalance to the previously accumulated charge and tendency to act pragmatically i.e. when there are things to pursue, actions to do, clear objectives in sight, and measures taken to reach them. In this sense, the scenario of frustration was both i) a “karmic burn” of the M-E tendencies of the past and corresponding actions undertaken, and ii) a countering or toning down of those same tendencies in order to reduce their “hold”, and re-balance future behavior and choices. These two aspects being one and the same, having the same meaning.

2.9 Self-Defense Mechanism

The process of exposure to an experience of frustration F-E in nature, such as the one described, is something the spiritual self has used often in the past, in his Cosmic background. This equates to any situations experienced currently where there is some difficulty in the situation progressing forward; where there’s waiting for something to happen that is not under the self’s control, likely without receiving feedback and/or with perceived ill-intent from those with the power to have change things, have things progress, or make happen what the self wants to happen. The predominant emotion in this type of situation is being forced to passively wait without having the power to do much else. You can observe this in the, current at the time of writing, situations of waiting for transfers to go through, paperwork standing in uncertain limbo, lack of feedback, and so on.

These situations can vary in intensity and in nature somewhat. Some will allow and perhaps require a degree of measures to be taken to influence them, along with the aspect of waiting; while others will permit very limited intervention, being largely out the self’s conscious control. Some require a change in mindset from the self in handling the situation, perhaps adopting more sensible, caring, or patient approach – while others are devoid of even that, being simply about the wait and little else. But present within the situation, regardless of the shape it assumes, is, at least a portion of, the wait. This is its defining aspect. An extreme ‘version’ is showcased by the experience of the woman, where she lived the remainder of her lifetime without finding resolution to her daughter’s whereabouts. In this case there was only frustration, without any way to vent it.

There are numerous, possible scenarios that may have the spiritual self come to a place that lead it/him to decide to create these situations. Sometimes it’s planned as a “karmic burn”, that is to say, a venting of previous accumulated energy from past M-E bias. Sometimes it’s created to soften/tone down an existing ‘overdrive’ or ‘overfocus’ on a specific goal, that could potentially lead the self into a ‘blind’ chase after something that was otherwise not the ideal scenario for him to get to. Sometimes it is to avert a perilous tendency for future potentials of excess power leading to shifts in polarity, even if unforeseen from the consciousness in the present moment. Along with these goals, it can be created with the purpose of allowing a moment of re-balance of the self, i.e. to give him time and space to ‘absorb’ enough F-E that will allow him to re-calibrate, and re-equate his choices and desired path.

The common factor in all of these situations is an active presence of an element of M-E bias – which may be observed in a tension-predominant spiral of overfocusing on performance, achievements, setting a goal and focusing on nothing else. [In the light of recent readings, the setting enlisting special forces as the ultimate objective, but with a rigidity that could overthrow the focus on the spiritual goals, fits this.]

One metaphysical effect of the experience frustration is that, over time (important element), this type of F-E experience, energetically-speaking, re-binds the self with a more feeling-centric form of perceiving reality. By its nature it restricts, as if “pulls back”, the self from his own tendency to take action, go on the offensive – due to difficulty or impossibility of doing so. Unbeknownst to the self, he is “forcefully” and passively being re-directed towards his own feelings (Feminine-Energy) as opposed to channeling his efforts towards action (Masculine-Energy), while the experience is taking place.

This means that, apart from any of the possible discrete, punctual measures that can be adopted within the situation to address it – a different approach, reaching out, a different mindset, the training of the virtue of patience, etc. – otherwise a significant portion of the experience is exactly, by design, not being able to do anything about it; i.e. an experience by design not contemplating measures that can be performed about it. The experience’s nature is designed so that is precisely achieved through the sense of frustration that is felt, in a “passive” manner so to speak. This explanation is intended to allow some respite and acceptance, in understanding how the experience’s purpose is achieved, at least in part, simply by its existence, without active participation of the self being required – sometimes with participation being even inadvisable and counterproductive.

If anything, you may find this type of experience of frustration may tend to respond better to the softer, tranquil approach, and/or to a mindset contemplating the vibration of peace and perseverance; while it may tend to respond adversely to the action that is taken to “push” it, to “attack it”, and/or to try to “force” things through, at least by default. This is because the experience is in nature a response to, precisely designed to counteract, that very pushing, predominantly of M-E, and prevent it from becoming the dominant energy/response. The situation wants F-E tempering, and as such it will tend to respond well by “giving it what it wants”, if you understand this statement.

This being said, we feel compelled to state that what we’re explaining is an heuristic i.e. a broad guideline, rather than a strict rule meant be followed without discernment. Certain moments, at certain junctions, may still call for the good old M-E “shove”, known and loved, as well as the values of courage, pulse, strength, all M-E in nature – rather than the soft, peaceful yet inert and ineffective approach. The value of strength and merit isn’t ‘wrong’ in principle, they remain valuable lessons and assets for you still. The spiritual self’s only goal is to prevent those energies to become dominant and overbearing, exerting such influence that they end up becoming what dictates the path.

What the spiritual self absolutely wants to avoid, is to waste time through making sub-optimal or inadequate decisions that will later regret in hindsight, and/or miss opportunities that would have led to the spiritual satisfaction that is sought, yet weren’t chosen.

This form of experience/energy, albeit unpleasant (sometimes excruciatingly so given the self’s response of acting) is a form of self-defense mechanism: the self uses it in order to shift, temper, redirect back, his own energy towards F-E, in order to avert its own tendency away for overfocusing, the “cycle” or “spiral” effect of the Arcturus/M-E bias, and the effects it produces, which are part of his tendencies and memories. It is also a form of the self giving itself time to reconnect with his true spiritual purposes and intentions, avoiding going down routes that are misaligned with them. This type of experience of frustration is one of the forms we mentioned previously of the self re-integrating F-E within its perception/energy – once again, the metaphor of the new ingredient gradually being introduced to the soup as it stirs. It might be a more “indirect” interpretation of that idea, but it is still the case.

The re-integration of F-E, in this specific case via the experience of frustration, is particularly important for the scenarios of teaching that are sought for the future. Not just to allow yourself to rebalance and re-focus on them – detaching from external rigidly-perceived objectives, focus on performance, etc. – but also to allow a more feeling-centered perception that can value the gentler type of fulfillment of teaching/mentoring, accompanying another’s growth. This sense of satisfaction, which is part of the self also, is soft, calm, gentle, but by definition is/necessitates the energy of detachment to specific outcomes, objectives, goals. Which is why, vibrationally/energetically speaking, it is opposite and incompatible with the overfocusing and rigid thinking of M-E.

To summarize, the integration of F-E is meant as a tempering of the energy of the self, so that excellence in teaching/guiding can be understood and sought, and any personal decisions are made according to that understanding.

2.10 Healing

Energy of healing is offered to the past-life of the mother on Yannica. She was only able to discover the truth about her daughter after passing. [It is unclear to me whether this next information took place sometime in the past and the reading is showing how this happened (given this is taking place in a situation that belongs to the past of another planet and is now closed), or if it was performed via the course of this reading. Perhaps it’s both at the same time, since linear “time”, to the metaphysical, are relative things].

I’m shown a scene that in no way differs from the look and feel of those previously shown, however on this occasion I know this is something taking place in the afterlife of the mother. There are traces of this scene that register somewhat “like a dream”, so to speak.

She is on board one of the troop transports, of the exact same type of the ones that were used in the war. Perhaps because this kind of vessel is something that was conceptually known to her, she knew it to exist. It is indiscernible who else is with her aboard – even though there’s a “knowing” there would be someone else, the ship’s being flown and crewed by someone other than her. Again, it’s like when in a dream-like state certain things don’t register, or are vague. It’s assumed this scene represents her spiritual guidance team leading her through a process by using references she would know.

The ship is airborne, traveling through the air, high above the ground and at some speed. For comparison this would be roughly the equivalent of flying in an helicopter in speed and height. She’s looking through a wide opened door or window, being able to see outside. She’s looking mainly onto the ground, as if looking for something. There’s a purpose in this voyage: she is, they are, looking for her daughter. Or rather, she’s taken to be shown what happened to her. She’s being led straight to it.

After some time, on the ground straight ahead, comes up the location where a urban location used to be. This one was also scorched, with a crater in the middle, having been destroyed almost completely as well. Then, a thought arrives in her mind. It’s not a thought like those she’d have on her own, it’s more like information transmitted to her, a fact, a truth. This is where your daughter’s life ended.

The daughter was at the center when the explosion occurred. She and all else around her were instantly killed when it happened. No traces were left behind. This was how the blasts worked. There was no pain, it was in an instant. It happened shortly after the recruitment and deployment. She didn’t participate in the war for an extended period of time. Her participation was swift.
A number of things go through the mother’s mind. After an entire lifetime of grief and suffering, there is now reduced space for further pain and trauma. She’s emotionally spent and weary. So there isn’t a significant emotional shock upon receiving the information.

There’s a moment of taking the information in. There’s some sense of contentment in knowing her daughter didn’t suffer. There’s a quiet calmness, and even, almost a hint of an innocent kind of envy. At least it ended quickly for her. At least she didn’t suffer. And at least she didn’t have to endure the war for long.

What is also left, in the aftermath of learning the information, was a sense of relief. Subtle, somewhat in the background, but still there, emotionally, energetically, slowly rising above the surface. The information didn’t make things ‘right’. But it came from having finally received closure: knowing what had in fact happened to her daughter.

The absence of the daughter left a void, a hole, a gap, that wouldn’t be filled again. But knowing did put an end to the agonizing doubt. No longer she had to wonder, wallow in uncertainty, indefinitely, in her thoughts. A scar was left in its place, but at least it was healed, no longer aching in pain.

The scene and the information end here, on the emotional tone.

2.11 Sore Background

The setting of the war on Yannicca had a characteristic that, given the circumstances, was singular. We had mentioned this planet held core features of the energy of Arcturus, but also a number of differences.

It is often the case that in war – anywhere in the physical plane, and particularly in the conflicts that tend to precede the alignment of a planet before going into 4D – there will be two sides with, generally speaking, two different perspectives, ideologies, priorities, and, perhaps even of opposite alignments i.e. one representing a majority of positive alignment, and the other representing the negative. If this is not the case (or maybe combined with it) you may also have a difference of dimension: one side being much larger and powerful, while the other being smaller and weaker, perhaps technologically inferior, short on manpower, and so on. Regardless, conflicts tend to consist in the facing off of two sides with differences.

But this was not the case in Yannica. While the two sides in this conflict held a difference in roles, associated with the part played by each in the equation (in-planet and farming, out-of-planet and fuel) they were essentially the same people. There had been no major generational differences between the two, enough to have them grow apart in identity. Rather, the two groups had the same identity, the same sense of belonging, the exact same ideologies, simply adopting a different set of priorities than the other side. In fact, many of them were family to each other and had bonds across the side of the conflict. Often friends and brothers joined different sides of the war; many families had members fighting on each side. The war saw individuals who met and mingled during peace time, fighting with each other after the war started.

The peculiarity and uniqueness of this cycle was that the challenges and conflicts of the collective had been set up so that the consciousness/energy could face off and match against itself – rather than two very different sides opposing each other. When your enemy is different from you, it is extremely easy to dissociate and detach, seeing and feeling with distance what had happened to the other. It can be difficult to relate. Even after the war ends, what was caused to the other side, still happened to them. Metaphysically, this can incur in additional effort to play “the other side of the role” in order to understand it better and relate to it – so that one may live/embody the pain that was caused – in turn, potentially expanding the need for further karmic processing. But in this scenario, that was not the case. The hostilities struck quite close to home. In this planet, it was the Arcturean consciousness battling itself, equal to equal. The enemy wasn’t someone else. The two sides were the same, the enemy as one’s own people.

The cycle had been conceived and setup this way, so that the processing of old M-E tensions, and of the old Arcturus-based bias, could be brought closer to the heart.
Because of the Arcturean mindset infused in them, both sides were extremely pragmatic – equally so since they were essentially the same people. They shared the same mindset, the same ideologies and ways of thinking. This mindset, now specifically in a military sense, was of supremacy.

In true Arcturean fashion, both sides believed the optimal strategy to i) end the war as soon as possible, ii) reduce the number of casualties and material losses, iii) thus bringing the world to a peaceful state and a revised state of fairness (based on each one’s priorities) was to strike decisively, as hard as possible, in order to achieve superiority over the other side as quickly as possible. So as soon as war begins, both sides adopt a strategy of going all out. They venture forth to strike as hard as possible, as devastatingly as possible, as critically and painfully as possible, as a form of dissuasion to the other side. This is actually one of their main goals of each mission. Both adopt the ‘strike as hard as possible’ strategy. For the analogy, think of Nagasaki/Hiroshima in WWII, proving beyond question the supremacy of one of the sides.

The problem is that both sides aren’t different. They are equal, perhaps with different circumstances, bit balanced, matching, and sharing the same energy and mentality.

The ground lacks technology, resources, and defenses. They have scarce resources and means, save for numbers. So what strategy does the off-world adopt to inflict as much impact as possible? The civilian population is actively targeted – the aim, inflicting as much loss of life as possible. In turn, the ground doesn’t have that many options or resources to work with, and so they’re left with taking this strategy on board and use it: their numbers. Whenever possible they attempt to inflict as much damage as possible to the off-world when they descend – but mainly by throwing numbers at the enemy. In doing so, with near complete lack of regard for each individual life. What the off-world doesn’t have, is time. They are forced to attack frequently and relentlessly, just to get by, to sustain their numbers, which even if significant, aren’t boundless. The off-world is continually hard-pressed, perhaps marginally more than the ground, in being as decisive and destructive as possible. So each strike is made with the express purpose of eliminating civilian population, apart from obtaining resources.

The result is nothing other than pure carnage. Life just dissipates, in large quantities, and frequently.

The off-world is now cut-off from the planet, so it not just has lost access to resources, but also to its natural habitat, its way of life. Individuals in the off-world now live exclusively, indefinitely, in sub-par life conditions, therefore subject to constant amounts of tension and difficulty. This further presses, consciously and unconsciously, on the necessity of ending the war as soon as possible, or otherwise obtaining as many resources as quickly as possible.

If you were to point to the side that held a perspective that was more negative-leaning out of the two, that would probably be the off-world, as they were both pragmatically pressed to strike as hard as possible, as well as motivated to do so as well, out of the extensive life-long suffering they endured on behalf of the ground, which they perceived as unfair and towards which they didn’t receive any comprehension. However, the truth is that none of the two represented purely negative alignment. That is to say, none of them genuinely believed in genocide, i.e. that the other side, or some part of their people, didn’t have the right to existence; that some should be treated in a sub-par manner, etc. Both sides legitimately wanted to end the war as possible, in order to save lives, end suffering, and get back to building their world. It was an irony, then, how this motivation led precisely to what amounted to a genocide in practical terms.

None of the sides has the critical strength to achieve supremacy over the other. The off-world didn’t have the critical mass to ‘bend’ the ground, despite trying their upmost to inflict as much damage as possible. What the ground lacked in technology and defenses, had in sheer mass i.e. land and numbers, since they were the planet after all. The off-world couldn’t offset their own limitations and achieve an overwhelming supremacy over the planet.

In time, what happened is that both sides were gradually depleted over the course of the war. The off-world, while technologically advanced, was still limited in numbers and resources compared to those of a planet. Their numbers did dwindle over time. The ground, in turn, saw much of its already poorly maintained infrastructure destroyed, or disabled, without the means to fix it quickly. Population on the planet was now a fraction of what had once been, and there aren’t that many bountiful, thriving locations producing resources and holding large concentrations of population left. That also meant each strike produced diminishing ‘effects’ for the off-world.

The result was that the hostilities between both sides slowly but gradually waned over the passage of time. Off-world strikes were still brutal, but in order to prepare, “charge” for them, more and more time had to pass before the resources were available and the conditions were suitable. Eventually it comes to a point where the scale of the war is still worldwide, but strikes are extremely sporadic, war being more about the generalized state of decay on both sides, and words in a piece of paper or equivalent.

The war is eventually resolved, not by one side achieving dominance over the other, but by exhaustion [connection with depletion, tiredness, having nothing more to spend]. Eventually both sides come to the agreement the conflict will lead nowhere, and agree to cease hostilities and, finally, begin rebuilding. In the end, nothing was gained through the war. The society itself was on the brink of complete and irrecoverable collapse, which didn’t happen by a small margin.

Those who participated in the experience on this cycle were left with a deep charring on their hearts. As time moved on, they came to realize how deep of a trauma they had caused themselves, and how much was wasted and vaporized justified by war. War had been strictly destructive, causing countless casualties, famine, pain and suffering, and achieving nothing of what was intended, contributing only to set back the development of their society. The memory of participating and aligning with this conflict became a stain, of spiritual proportions, something transmitting only shame and regret. It became a testament of how deep the Arcturean conflict can go. How one can be driven, thinking they’re doing the right thing, with good, strong intentions and reasons, while in practice creating only destruction. This regret, of a path that was traveled wrongly, too far, that in insight resulted in nothing but wastefulness, was the same old Arcturean regret, already familiar on a Cosmic scale, only now felt closer to the heart than ever.

The planetary cycle had been designed so that Arcturus had the opportunity to face off against itself, in doing so being afforded the opportunity to confront its own tensions and daemons within. This time, Arcturus wouldn’t be facing an enemy that was inferior, and it could conquer and subdue, retaining a position of strength; this time they’d be fighting a foe they would never be able to overpower. It was battle no side could win. Because it was essentially the same energy, battling itself. Today those who have this memory, which again is of Arcturus consciousness at its core, tend to be quite cautious in not over-indulging in a sense of power and capacity that lead them down a path where they could, hypothetically, engage in the kind of mindset that might unwillingly disregard the ‘safety’ of balance, and might not be invested in trying and seeking alternatives to hostility/conflict.

Sometimes, one thing a spiritual self does when incarnating, is to place a certain amount of self-imposed limitations and restrictions, so that even if they strive to achieve merit and success, the success that is achieved doesn’t have them go too far, doesn’t lead them astray. This is, in part, the role the physical limitations serve for Andrew. They aren’t crippling per se, but they can be strongly limiting, impairing, in specific ways. While unwanted, “imperfect”, difficult to cope with and inducing a general reaction of displeasure, they also work as a catalyst for self-control, also self-care in a sense. They tend to induce a conscious mindset of balance, so as to not risk one delving too far into feelings of supremacy over others, the true long-term danger. They’ll also tend to become more prevalent, “flare up”, seemingly become more intense and urgent in a sense, the more one’s mindset significantly veers (or could veer) beyond balance regarding power from achievement and merit. In a spiritual sense, they are a mechanism of self-defense also.

Part III – Feminine Energy

3.1 Spiritual Intentions

This section of the reading will offer insights pertaining to the path going forward.

Some of these insights might not be clear or easy to comprehend and convey. In part, because they refer to elements of inner awareness that might not yet be fully realized. In part also, this is also because they’ll represent an abstract analysis, the lessons of which may translate to experiences in the physical in various different ways. This would be akin to referring to the concept of “re-integrating feminine-energy”, and then translating this to the possibility of experiencing difficulty through frustration. The purpose this information serves primarily, is to facilitate the understanding of events and situations, that might be associated with these insights, as they manifest going forward.

So as you read what follows, there will be some need for leeway: for you to leave some space, and some gaps left to fill, regarding what an idea might mean, what it might represent in terms of feelings and experience, and/or what type of situation a lesson might translate into.

In a broad-level perspective, it could be said the totality of what has been your spiritual journey thus far – not (just) on Earth but the totality of the journey across the Cosmos – has involved 5D and “below”. By 5D we refer A) in an abstract sense, to the consciousness encompassing the 5th Density and its corresponding perceptions and lessons, but also B) in terms of realms and planets explored. B) includes not just realms of the 5th Density but in those of 4D and 3D as well. 4D and 3D are as if “encapsulated”, i.e. contained within 5D. So “5D” also includes exploration of 4D and 3D realities as well, provided they met your 5D lessons. A direct example of this would be the self being currently incarnated on 3D Earth, in a 3D physical reality, while undergoing experiences that closely match his core 5D consciousness.

Here, the term 5D can be understood as equating to the broad context of the “outer” or physical realms – as opposed to the “inner” realms of the 6th Density and above, which veer more into an ‘abstract’ understanding of reality, and be comparatively more detached from the physical layers. The ideas and challenges that have been addressed in this reading, including the topic of the “Arcturean bias”, are to a large extent closely related and “involved” with the endeavors of Consciousness as it is invests effort, work, into achieving progress, in the physical planes (i.e. in 5D and “below”). We hope to have been clear enough about this.

3.2 Bathed by 6D

The current intentions of the spiritual self do not involve at the moment progressing from 5D to 6D. In other words, the self does not intend, at least not at this time, attaining a transition in Consciousness to the 6th Density, and the corresponding processes such transition would involve. A simpler way to put this, would be to say “the self does not wish to leave 5D at this time”. This means your lessons won’t match that type of transition. We’ll offer an exercise to illustrate this point.

This is purely conjecture from our part i.e. an extrapolation of a thing that is not real and does not exist, at this time. It is only being put forth to convey the idea. 5D consciousness can become hardwired to pursue and achieve. This is an adaptation and bias (i.e. distortion) concerning living in and navigating physical matter. In comparison 6D consciousness tends to be detached, or detach more easily, from the conceptualization of external goals, as, on some level, it sees them an ultimately illusory. To drive home the type of “difference” between 5D (physical, tangible) and 6D (abstract, energy), we need not go any further than some of the elements already used. Take the notion of “re-integrating Feminine Energy”: that would be a 6D-style conceptualization of spiritual dynamics. Then, a tangible – 5D – manifestation of those dynamics, a “translation”, if you will, into the (in this case unpleasant) experience of frustration in the physical realm. Since it is a situation in the physical, symbolically we could equate it to the the 5D equivalent of the 6D conceptualization.

In the current spiritual context (hypothetical) lessons pertaining to a 6D transition/graduation would be likely to involve, in some way, the necessity of leaving something behind, such as a specific desire, aspiration, or attachment. Such lessons could involve, for example, leaving family members, a cultural context, or a previously chosen career. While these types of scenarios can always verify at some point along the way, ultimately our point is that it is largely not part of the intention of the spiritual self to abdicate from the pursuit of goals it aspires to altogether. There will always be an agenda, a plan, a conceptualization of what is desired, and the foresight to reach out to seek it. In other words and to put it simply, the core 5D tenets are not meant to be abandoned altogether. That’s not what the spiritual self is after. And that is perfectly fine.

In fact, the opposite is true: the spiritual self intendeds to proceed at exploring reality through the 5D level, and in achieving spiritual progress in that regard. We would point out Andrew’s current overall aims and goals, broadly speaking about succeeding in the military as well as reaching a point of autonomous instructing of others, are aligned with the designations and intentions of the spiritual self. What the spiritual self does want, while not “leaving” 5D, is nonetheless to be bathed by the Light of 6D – or rather, of the 6D layers of its own self. The self seeks this to balance its own choices while navigating 5D, keeping itself in balance, in integrity, “in check”. Why? To prevent itself from becoming overly engrossed in its Arcturean, M-E bias while in 5D.

At its “mildest” form, the bias is about going into the state of overfocus, or “overdrive”, that has been mentioned. This is where there’s a seeking of objectives that may disregard meaning, balance, and/or one’s limits. It is an excess of focus that can easily lead the self to disarray. We call it bias as it’s like the rudder of a ship at sea that’s slightly off-center, tilting to one side, leading the ship to always having tendency to veer to one side. Without awareness of that tendency and mindfully accounting for it, the ship will just start going in a circle. At its extremes, this bias sometimes becomes about spending time energy and efforts in wasteful and/or destructive experience, or even in negativity. In all cases, this bias incurs, to some extent, in a deviation from the intended i.e. most direct spiritual path, or rather going down a sub-optimal, wasteful route towards said path (which, again, from a 6D perspective, is always achieved, eventually, but from a 5D perspective might be more or less optimal). This, again, relates with the Arcturus desire to avoid wastefulness, i.e. “bad decisions”.

To be “bathed” by 6D Light/energy equates to say the self wants to be steered with clarity and guidance about the personal path, in an effort to remain in balance and integrity while operating in 5D. Hence the continued seeking of guidance acquired from spiritual service from others. Furthermore, being “bathed” by 6D has precisely the same meaning “reintegrating Feminine Energy”.

5D is, and always tends to be, predominantly Masculine-Energy in nature and bias. It can, at best, hope to sustain a neutral/balanced state i.e. a combination of equal parts M-E and F-E. 6D, on the other hand, is predominantly F-E in nature. To use percentages – which are ultimately more of a conceptual approximation to convey a notion, not to be interpreted literally – 6D tends to be around 60% Feminine-Energy and 40% Masculine-Energy in proportion. What the numbers stand for, is that 6D is not exclusively F-E in its entirely, it does have M-E (6D includes 5D) but it has sufficient proportion of F-E that the Feminine (Love, compassion, patience, energy, overview/broad perspective) are prevalent, while Masculine-Energy (power, intervention, action, control, taking charge, taking over, specifics, materialization) will at points be utilized and adopted, will be appropriate depending on the situation, while not ultimately being the prevalent choice-maker – Love is.

6D consciousness represents a whole, a totality, a balanced approach and awareness. In principle and by definition it is comprised of the integration of Spirit Love (F-E, 6D), with the practical-minded application (M-E, 5D) based on the directives of that Love.

The intended result of 5D being bathed by 6D, is that of having access to clarity in making choices, and balance of said choices.

The spiritual aim for this lifetime is not strictly limited to a more literal interpretation, i.e. “to go to institution A”, “to reach B”, “to teach C”, and so on. There’s a “meta” aspect to those spiritual goals – not always clearly accessible as such, but powerfully driving Andrew nonetheless. And that “meta” layer is, is this lifetime, about being able to successfully attain the point of balance of operating in his 5D awareness and principles, while having accepted and integrated a degree of 6D Light/F-E within – via whatever means and experiences that were co-created for that purpose. It is also about successfully being in a position of teaching and leading. The two aspects are linked. The teaching will be the tangible manifestation and product of successfully reaching the intended balance. In other words, integration of 6D/F-E is a necessary step for the aim of teaching/instructing.

So why are these two aspects, integration of F-E and teaching, linked?

3.3 Bias: Fight or Flight

In the M-E Arcturean bias, a number of elements are involved: i) memories of military contexts, thus the necessity of staying ‘sharp’ and dealing with open hostility; ii) memories of negative alignment, and the necessity of coping with environments of permanent tension and fear; iii) as the general tendency of a M-E perspective in perceiving a specific way as the correct one, and/or defining specific goals, which are then sought determinedly. Please note, this applies to the Cosmic scale, not just on Earth.

The overall cumulative effect of the M-E bias creates an overall tendency for a fight-or-flight bias.

This is one of the more complex, perhaps more difficult/subtle points to get to, since it is ingrained and unconscious to a large extent. We reiterate this is not to be perceived as something “you’ve done wrong and you need to do differently”. It is a description of potential lessons, being offered with the purpose of improving their understanding.

This tendency for fight-or-flight equates is a certain, unconscious degree of tension, of sharpness, if you will, that is prone to seeing external elements of reality – circumstances, situations, people, events – as are either pleasant/good, must most importantly, as opposing, threatening. Situations are quickly assessed in whether they are “neutral”, or a threat to the self, so that methods of appropriate reactions can be devised if necessary. There is some quickness in seeing an external thing as either a target or a threat – that is to say, as possibly going against the self, preventing the self from attaining what it wants, and/or standing in the way, and therefore that need to be dealt with.

What happens, is that this perception can be quick to see foes and problems. It can also be quick to create them, even if they wouldn’t be so otherwise. For even if something/someone is not openly hostile, i.e. isn’t purposefully, in a premeditated manner, working, conspiring, against the self from the get go, it can be made to be that way if the self is predisposed to see things under this filter.

When one acts defensively and/or aggressively towards a situation, even if unconsciously, even if just in energy or in potential, this subtle spark on its own can ignite a defensive/hostile reaction from the other side. In other words, the other side might be compelled to adopt a offensive or defensive stance, out of their own necessity to defend themselves and/or deal with presence that is, to some extent, perceived as potentially tense or hostile, i.e. not serene, relaxed, without an agenda.

This is a part of the M-E and Arcturean bias. It can also, partially, be seen as a byproduct of overfocused, tense objective-seeking 5D awareness – hence the necessity of keeping it in balance. The bias is a quickness in perceiving and defining external reality in terms of friend-or-foe. This bias can inadvertently make the external element into a hostile, adversarial, working-against-the-self one. It has the effect of quickly “swinging”, “devolving” one’s perception in terms of this M-E bias, then manifesting it, and then finally reacting to it when it has become visible, mostly has it became either adversarial or openly hostile. The irony being that this comes from a spiritual desire to generate progress and harmony in the external, Spirit manifest in the physical. Yet it can spark, create, devolve a certain set of circumstances, into precisely the opposite into what it seeks.

Due to the influences of the bias in the past, individuals who are drawn unto the self in the current life may often have been karmic, past-life adversarial figures. Perhaps going far into the past, originally, the individual wasn’t an adversary, but at some point adopted that stance in the course of interacting with you. Or, perhaps the individual is simply misaligned with you in energy, so it will simply be “in their nature” to stand against you. Either way, those figures were draw because of the bias. If a perception expects an enemy, then an enemy will come.

The pattern is sufficiently complex that it won’t be feasible/viable to address it by trying to “correct it” – at least not forcibly, for instance sitting in the middle of the living room and forcing yourself to “change your perception”. In other words, it’s not going to be easy to discern the energy, let alone change it. These are patterns that arise from an underlying bias related to the Arcturean Masculine-Energy, close to the “spiritual heart”. If anything – and as we’ve stated – progress will arise primarily from situations in the physical designed to induce the necessity for adjustment.

3.4 Spectrum of Alternatives

The pattern is prone to create conflict because it is has sparse/little to no understanding of an intermediate response that is halfway between peace and war. As we said, it’s a “fight or flight” perception of reality, leading to equivalent co-creation. It potentiates that any and all situations either “fall”, eventually, into either full harmony, or (most often than not, since physical reality is about contrast and difference) hostility.

Conflict can be of the individual level. It can be the parent who disapproves of you, the teacher who is mean and oppressive, the boss that won’t give the raise, the spouse with whom you argue or with whom you dispute the divorce. Conflict equates to the situation where there is an adversarial figure i.e. one that is non-harmonious towards the self, external to the self and opposing it/him/her, and that creates the need to be dealt with and negotiated accordingly.

It can be on the collective level. Conflict isn’t strictly about war, military action taken against another group, country, etc – but when tensions arise, and circumstances between a group and another become adversarial, war is often the means by which the conflict ends up being processed. The same also applies on the individual level. War is sometimes a result, an outcome, of accumulating a high level of conflict between two sides, that it ends up with that energy being processed by going to war, open hostility. When we use to the term “conflict”, it doesn’t on its own imply war or the military – but, at the same time, they’re linked. War and the military are closely tied to the idea of service, of protection, of duty, but also to the scenarios of war, and of processing conflict. Conflict is a prevalent matter of the military. Hence the choosing of the area, and coming close to it, in the current life. Because the military, as a field, is “close to conflict”.

A realization/insight of a spiritual nature was had. This realization had been attained both by the Arcturus Consciousness/Energy in general, and by you “individually”, that is to say, by the higher layers of your own spiritual consciousness.

This is the realization that is being tried to “bring onto” the physical plane, by embodying it through teaching it, since there’s no greater excellence than in teaching – hence the importance of teaching.

Most situations of “open” conflict result from an escalation of differences. In turn, this escalation typically came about due to the stances both sides adopted. The more each party saw the other as opposing to themselves, the more it “upped its game“ (or it had to out of necessity to not lag behind or be oppressed). This then would lead to the other party doing the same. Each side saw would see itself as defending from hostile external foe, and/or prevented from achieving an objective by the other, but seldom considering its own role it was having in that dynamic. This created an escalation, a cycle, where hostility could only grow, until in the end war was more or less a certainty, the most likely possibility – sometimes the only possible outcome. But in many situations, war/conflict isn’t an inevitability – again, conflict as a concept, applicable both individually and collectively.

As a situation of rift or difference is unfolding, there is a range of intermediate stances and approaches can be adopted by each of the sides before the war, which are different from simply hostility and/or defensiveness, that may be able to disarm, diffuse the situation, processing the energetic charge that had developed, and perhaps, helping prevent further charge from building up in the future. This insight applies to the point of view of at least one of them, individually (which is what matters). Also and again note, applies to the individual level.

This envisions acknowledging the two sides do have differences, and that the “incorrect” or indelicate approach could lead to conflict, and very well may do so at some point. So the individual side of an equation will try to reach out to the other, and/or adopt a stance that is meant to reduce hostility, if possible, to the extent that is possible. This generally involves understanding the other’s point of view if possible, and an attempt to “build bridges” so to speak. Sometimes, the nature of a situation isn’t of conflict, yet adopting a M-E perspective and corresponding approach might lead to it – so with that in mind, in this type of “intermediate” approach, that of “building bridges”, might very well completely avoid the build-up of charge/tension.

Other times, the nature of a situation is of conflict. Perhaps two sides have actively conflicting interests, they’re competing for the same resources, they’re disputing the same objectives. Perhaps past events between them they can’t move past from are clouding their judgment. Perhaps they are simply too different, maybe holding opposite ideologies, core values, etc.. So they just can’t understand each other. In this case, the same “intermediate” approach isn’t about making friends, but rather carefully navigating a delicate situation in an attempt to disarm whatever critical tensions could spark an all-out war. Perhaps reduce those tensions to a comparatively “safer” level, under a pragmatic assessment.

Let us not sugarcoat this. Sometimes, war is inevitable.

Sometimes an attempt to “build bridges” will simply not work due to the ill-intent of the other party – in which case it will come across as “naive”, “silly”. In some occasions, there’s going to be a powerful entity/group that’s simply going to be able to overpower another without contest, and choosing to do so. Other times you’ll have two groups that can’t get along, and don’t want to, and both proceed to hostility. In 3D especially, difference is perceived as scary, unknown, or sub-par, and therefore seen as a threat, and met with violence. But even at 4D and 5D, as with anywhere else, circumstances manifest according to spiritual lessons – to whichever degree they do. And so even in “higher” consciousness, stakes can become so high that differences, for example in ideology, objectives, goals, and so on, may spark conflict.

The “outer” physical realms are of duality. There will be differences between individuals and groups – the “outer” realms are precisely about the experience of difference. So there will always be situations of conflict, and some simply won’t be able to be resolved sufficiently, and result in war.

Therefore, we can’t offer neither the hope nor perspective that war will something that is to end completely in the physical realms (5D) across Creation. This is one of the reasons why military aspects will remain relevant, and useful, and worthy of importance and merit. This is why your efforts aren’t going to waste, nor are they devoid of spiritual significance. Throughout the physical realms across Creation, if ‘push comes to shove’, the M-E is still to be used, applied.

This being said, what we can say, is that a large bulk of situations of war can be avoided, or perhaps better said, falls in the category of being avoidable. We could go so far as to say 90% of all situations of open conflict are of the nature of being avoidable, and may therefore be averted -> provided at least one of the sides can adopt the mindset of negotiating the situation with the aforementioned intermediate approach, adjusted to the situation – as opposed to face the differences with the other side strictly as impending threats and not going beyond them.

These are most often the cases of the escalation that ends up leading to war. War usually doesn’t occur instantly, you meet your neighbor and bam! war. Before war itself arises, there’s often a process during which the tension between the two sides is rising, with exchanges back and forth, which if left unchecked will grow and grow until eventually war becomes the only way left. However, that same period of escalation is precisely a window of opportunity during which it can be possible to revert the process and disarm the situation, if not completely at least “discharging” the tension enough so that open conflict is averted.

Averting a single potential of all-out conflict might not seem like much at first glance. However (and while destruction is in principle easier than construction) it is also equally true opportunities for destructive impact of a large scale can be just as fleeting, and require as much specific and precise alignment, than those of benevolent and constructive type. Which means averting a specific instance of war, during its specific window of opportunity, may very well mean that war was completely averted. And that, in turn, will open up a host of possibilities: of construction, progress, growth – only possible because of the absence of the war, and that would not be possible had the war occurred and required a reconstruction stage thereafter.

This is what Arcturus Consciousness aspires to: opening up as many windows for progress and growth, and cutting back in windows of opportunity for destructive conflict, as much as possible. This is what Arcturus wants to embody, and teach.

The embodiment of teaching, under the Arcturus bias and in this “archetype” of lesson, cannot come from a person detached from war, dreaming of an idealized, ungrounded notion of, in a manner of speaking, angelic peace. It must come from someone who knows how to handle war, but also, and coming from that exact same knowledge/background, knows how to not i.e. how to avoid war: which involves the effort to take every step possible to avoid war, within reason and if possible.

The teaching must come from a person from within the topic of war in the physical i.e. with inside knowledge and expertise on the matter – meaning, not necessarily someone who’s served in this or that scenario, but above all, as someone proved who themselves able, and able to understand the field from within. In other words, the teaching must come from someone “of the military”.

Hence, once again, how the conceived aspirations of merit and achievement are legitimate and valid. It is also a reference to the Arcturus background of participating extensively in military contexts, as well as in its core, related lessons.

In order to teach how to not wage war, the mindset and intention of “building bridges” is fundamental. It is a key to it. And in order to do that, integration of F-E is required, in order to perform that approach, and in order to temper the M-E bias from inadvertently increasing hostility as opposed to decreasing it. Hence integration of F-E is closely tied to embodying these lessons and teaching them.

Experiences of F-E integration may sometimes, in some way or another, be reflectively/emotionally perceived as if “getting in the way” of one’s goals, in other words, consuming the space, time, and/or effort (perhaps sometimes blocking, impeding) the aims as they are conceived, namely and perhaps, those of a professional nature and/or spiritual purpose.

An example of this could be the idea, if nothing else held unconsciously, that a relationships/girlfriend would be incompatible, and/or draw away energy/attention from, your professional objectives, and therefore being incompatible with them. That it would take away your attention, time, motivation, and/or your concentration, that are needed to sustain your efforts. And/or that the person could dissuade you from pursuing your goals, taking away your energy from them, directly or indirectly, for example by subtly undermining them over time.

These types of beliefs could have you believe, on some level, that a relationship is incompatible with your current moment in life, then contributing (by how metaphysically speaking you’re choosing your reality) in either inadvertently blocking the manifestation of said relationship, and/or co-creating potential partners that reflect these types of fears and/or practical incompatibility back to you. If that is the case, this would partially be a 5D notion, in a sense “archetypal”, equating to 5D fearing being “taken over” or getting lost by 4D influence (4D being how normally relationships/love are perceived and associated to).

However, the truth is that integration of F-E is in actuality a necessity for successfully achieving your goals of teaching.

3.5 Effort in Reaching Out

As we’ve reiterated throughout this reading, the intention of moving forth to “build bridges” applies both in the collective and individual sense. It can be a country trying to navigate an equal-to-equal (or even strong-towards-weak) interaction with another, with a view to prevent the necessity of conflict that would be destructive for both parties. It can also be the self attempting to navigate a difficult situation to prevent open hostility with another person.

The “building bridges” effort consists, essentially, in not just attempting to comprehend the other person’s point of view in an intellectual sense, but in actively and purposefully pushing forward, by via of the heart so to speak, in reaching out and connecting with the other side. It is an endeavor actively engaged to connect with the other in a non-hostile manner, and with their own perspectives and how they feel the world, whatever those might be.

It is, mind you, an effort. In other words, doing so might take non-insignificant amount of energy to perform – depending on the natural inclinations of the person, their temper, their mindset, their psychological and cultural attributes, and so on. And perhaps most especially, for someone of M-E bias and/or who is simply not used to doing so.

There are already beginnings of such an effort taking place. This is, for example, when you make an attempt to understand the other side’s perspectives, to get where they stand and why they act the way they do. It is of note, still, that a large proportion of this effort is (understandably) used in, and intended to navigate, hostile and adversarial circumstances. It is a principle, good and correct, and to be picked up upon and expanded – but not yet the finished product. The fully-fledged version of this same effort, will be engaging with it as a way to maintain open the “communication channels” and a tense-free environment, and to prevent tension and hostility from appearing altogether.

In addition, we have the Density-based, archetypal interpretation of this dynamic. For an entity of 5D Consciousness, to reach out to the other for these purposes, with this type of intention, will very much look and feel quite 4D-like. It will very easily be perceived – and perhaps even at points actually fallen into! – the old 4D-style pampering to the another’s tastes and whims, i.e. an attempt of the dreaded people-pleasing, performed to avoid conflict. So 5D Consciousness might very well be unwilling or resistant to even consider doing so to begin with. This would be a very “traditional” manifestation of the 5D entity looking at the idea of “peace”, mistaking it with 4D, and dreading all manner of measures necessary to stay there.

However, the issue with not doing this, is the constant peril of 5D consciousness veering from and into hostility. It results in the bias that ends up co-creating conflict. This reaching out is not a 4D attempt at control, rather a mindful, purposeful, considered approach designed to negotiate critical, tense-prone, or otherwise potentially delicate and challenging situations, to be applied mindfully.

It is an endeavor of Feminine-Energy in intention, since it very much aims at connecting with the other through feeling and understanding – or, if nothing else, with the practical, express purpose of disarming tensions, benefiting both sides.

Hence, the theme of the reading being centered in the spiritual intentions of being bathed by 6D Light, and in re-integrating a portion of Feminine Energy, so as to temper and guide 5D behavior. The purpose of this, spiritually speaking, is to temper the bias that can constantly turn everything into conflict; prevent the cycles of accumulation of tension that lead to hostility; and avert the 90% of situations that end up in war.

3.6 Relationship Dynamics

Relationships, in general but specifically of the romantic type, are prime grounds, in the physical realm, for learning this matter on a frequent and consistent basis, from two individuals choosing to live and function in close contact with each other. Therefore, we’d like to conclude the reading by offering a number of insights in this regard.

The reading does not delve into a definitive, concrete perspective i.e. “X will happen”, “Y must be done”, etc. Rather, a more analytical and generalist approach was adopted. What matters is having the choice. Independently of what happens, particularly in the realm of relationships, it is important that in each situation you’re choosing what happens, making the decisions from your aware and conscious self about what is wanted and what isn’t, every step of the way.

Generally speaking, for a relationship to serve the tenets of your core spiritual progress, the person cannot be a representative of 4D consciousness, that is to say, 4D only.

A person embodying 4D can offer you an experience that is somewhat intense, emotionally “full of things” if you will. However, they’ll likely not be able to reflect back and validate your core self back to you, as well as the importance of your inner priorities and objectives. They may, for example, not see your objectives with the same priority you seem them in your life. This a big no-no (to you). Ultimately they won’t be able to respect those elements like you respect them and desire to be respected, which is one of the primary things you aspire to. Spiritually this is a “requirement” for you, so to speak.

This is a fear the type a 5D entity has in coming in proximity with 4D vibration. Which in this situation would be the literal case, thus justifying that fear.

In the event the person choosing to be with you (as opposed to remain uncommitted, unwilling, etc.) chances are you’ll eventually tend to either fight the nature of the 4D energy – often felt by 5D as oppressive – or seek to escape from it (fight or flight). 4D Consciousness also tends to not be able to self-analyze. This means 4D can process difficult memories and emotions from the past in order to heal/release them, but it may be difficult for them to acknowledge and own their own role in emotional/energetic dynamics in the present moment. This can hamper the potentials for joint spiritual development in the long run. These aspects combined contribute to a partnership with an individual embodying 4D awareness to be, generally, dissonant with your spiritual objectives as a whole.

A person embodying 5D wouldn’t be able to serve you.

A type of thought can often occur with the human about the romantic aspect of his/her life: to unconsciously aspire for a “copy” of him/herself. However, it is very rare and metaphysically inadequate for two partners of approximately equal Density alignment to meet and/or form a connection in the physical. Relationships seldom involve two individuals of too close of a spiritual alignment in terms of Densities. Relationships are, metaphysically speaking, about exchange. When the human feels they “want the other person”, they are (spiritually, unconsciously) interested in the vibratory attributes they are seeing in the other, and in partaking in the sharing of those attributes. But in order for a relationship to materialize there must be exchange between the two sides, and this is made difficult, if not entirely impossible, if the spiritual selves stand exactly side-to-side, like a (literal) mirror. We could illustrate this by saying “two equals push each other apart”, much like two magnets of equal polarity repelling each other. So this is something that “never takes place”.

The relationship that would bring about progressive effort, “surprise surprise”, would be someone who spiritually has opened the ability to hold and sustain aspects of 6D consciousness.
This would match the criteria and principle of being “bathed by 6D Light” while retaining the 5D perspective. The relationship would function as if “representing” that dynamic.

Such an individual, bar personal lessons and charge, would be able to spiritually connect and validate your inner priorities, as well as understand the essential core values and principles involved in spiritual development. They would therefore not wish to stand in the way of your objectives, allowing you to pursue them even while in the relationship, in whichever way you wish to attain them. If not an acquired, innate comprehension, it would be something that could be integrated over time.

When standing next to an individual holding aspects of, embodying, 6D Consciousness, one of the possible sensations is of the person being able to “see the real you”.

The ability to sustain aspects of 6D awareness would also bring about the potential for further learning and putting to practice the “reaching out”, the “building of bridges”. For this to take place, some potential for conflict would arise, perhaps in the form of tension and/or dispute, in the relationship (to which that approach would be the response). It is fair to say the potential for rift and tension would probably anyway – due to the challenges pertaining to the Arcturus-based bias. The difference is that with a 4D individual the scenario would be likely to devolve into fight-or-flight, as 4D would place limits in what could be mutually achieved and understood. Connection with the 6D-able individual would conversely open up the possibility for training the “intermediate” approach of bridging the gap between sides, something 6D does tend to respond positively to.