
Heart Ki

The Indigo and Crystal Children

photography of Paris with Sun in the background

An Indigo person is someone who has born with their core spiritual attributes and their connection with those attributes intact within, in a way that they can’t forget or dismiss it even if they want to. This intensity makes them very driven if they are aligned with their own identity; or very self-destructive if they aren’t.

Such a person naturally values love that is unconditional, and has a very abrupt and harsh emotional reaction against things that are made of falseness or disrespect. This might appear as dangerous, violent, or inappropriate, if they themselves don’t understand this.

Indigo is a broad energy rather than a black-and-white, you-are-and-you-aren’t labeling. Some have more, some are less. In a general sense we are all living with a degree of “indigo energy in the air” at this moment.

The thing about this subject is that Indigo is a spiritual energy rather than a conscious perspective. This means that an individual might be Indigo, and have a number of specific emotional and spiritual traits, but not necessarily acknowledge them consciously. In theory it’s perfectly possible for a person to spend a whole life being Indigo never realizing it, simply because no one told her.

5D Consciousness

In very simple terms, Indigo is 5D consciousness which is active within one’s Soul. It’s not possible to shut it off, because that’s the nature of 5D energy. By “Soul” I’m not referring to the more “technical” definition of the densities chart, I’m simply alluding to a person and its spiritual energy in a broad sense.

It’s possible for someone who had many incarnations on Earth to just now have a 5D portion of its own Soul coming “with him” for this one incarnation. It’s also possible for a completely new Soul to incarnate on Earth for the very first time, with an active 5D attribute within its energy.

Both can be true at the same time: a 5D aspect that’s never been on the planet, incarnates together with an aspect from the same Soul that has had many lifetimes on 3D Earth. They are both the same “you”, simply portions of the Soul that are more particularly “from”, “used to”, one specific Density/reality more than others. 

It’s often said that Indigo energy is now coming to Earth for the first time in a large scale; that many Indigos are from “the stars”; and that many are vastly old and experienced Souls with many past-lives on Earth. For the reasons explained before, all of the above are true, sometimes simultaneously, varying the particular circumstances for each individual.

Merit and Expertise

The consciousness of 5D is one of doing. It’s an energy of action, of merit, and of expertise. It’s an energy that doesn’t like sitting idle doing nothing. It likes excitement, it likes stimulus, it likes processing, it likes things happening. It’s rapid-cycle, fast-paced – be it mentally, emotionally, or physically. The child might be extremely quiet and still, but its mind continuously spin at one billion miles per hour. The Soul came here to do something, and it has no time to waste.

When you see someone (adult) who’s extremely assured at what they do – especially in a professional sense – someone that doesn’t like to lose too much time or energy with things, people, conversation, etc that they consider to be superficial or superfluous; someone who’s perhaps a little abrupt, impatient, and almost eccentric in this sort of demeanor; someone who’s always “straight to the point” and fearless in a way; then you’re seeing a person with an Indigo energy that has reached a relatively mature and balanced state, through training, life experience, and sufficient validation. This is nearly always someone who, in some way, has become widely acknowledged as an authority in its field.

This is the fish-in-the-water situation for any Indigo.

It doesn’t necessarily mean the person is a saint, a role model, or the perfect example of a harmonious human being. It simply means the Indigo energy found a medium to vent his energy constructively, with a degree of teetering balance. An Indigo is also very keen on the act of teaching – just as long as the one being taught is truly open and receptive, rather than resistant, fearful, opposing, or confrontational.

Indigo is an energy which came here to do things, which in an overall sense goes beyond familiar attachments, even if they are present. It came here to do a service, and do it well. Again, it doesn’t necessarily mean the person is “spiritual” or even aware or concordant with the concept of Indigo. It’s simply an energy that exists within people, applicable to any field.

Transformation By Opposition

The Indigo energy is not fully “enlightened” (in the guru-in-the-mountain kind of way). The child is not born in an halo of light. She is not above other’s opinions or material things. Indigo people are not that much different from any other person, save for their inner spiritual attributes. More often than not there are subtle esoteric powers, intuitive capabilities, but these aren’t necessarily “paranormal”, they can be an affinity with a form of art, a field of knowledge, or a way of doing things.

What the Indigo energy does, is to demand liberation from untruth, closed-mindedness, and closed-heartness, becoming very unstable if it doesn’t meet these things. This is the Indigo’s greatest vulnerability: validation (or lack thereof).

It’s fair to assume very few parents on planet Earth are spiritually enlightened. Everyone has portions of darkness and unsolved issues. When Indigo children are dealt with lack of love or truth, including and especially in the minor day-to-day dealings within the biological family, their energy will react very strongly. This is where the difficulty arises.

No emotional unbalance or issues developed by an Indigo ever stem within their adult professional life or relationships. All unbalance originated within the subtle minutia of interactions within their biological families, from day one of their lives.

Let’s say a parent has a specific expectation for his child’s education and profession. This is a form of violence by the parent, because the Soul of the child doesn’t necessarily want to choose what the human parents wants it to. It’s normal to desire success and that your child does good in life – but the expectation placed upon the child (even if not acted upon or spoken about) is a lack of acknowledgment in the Soul’s ability to be able to learn and perform its own choices.

Likewise, when a parent has a expectation upon his child’s behavior, physical condition, or “performance” in some form or another, this is also a form of non-love, or conditional love, since the parent will love the child less when she doesn’t meet the parent’s expectations. The child will then not be acknowledged as a ‘proper’, ‘worthy’ individual to the degree that these expectations are not met. Needless to say, cases of physical and/or verbal abuse are also situations of lack of love, where the child’s free will and personal space are not being respected.

It would be very difficult to dissect here all possible variations of lack of love and validation in human life. Nevertheless, Indigos are extremely sensitive in any situation when they are not acknowledged as sovereign beings, in other words “treated with respect”.

This does not mean that parents need to be “perfect”, nor that the children are to run the household. What it means is that parents should conduct their lives with an open heart, regardless of any problems, shortcomings, or doubts they may have. Expectation and flaw is an illusion. Flaws and mistakes are not that relevant if you come clean, surrender, and deal with others with an open heart. Within the spiritual energy of Love there can be no flaws. True validation from the heart is what inevitably diffuses any and all issues with an Indigo. This is what Indigos came to teach their parents – inadvertently.

The emotional and behavioral aspects from the close biological family that are untruthful, and cause “violent” reactions from the Indigo, are almost never known or understood in a rational sense, neither by the child nor by the parents. The reactions are primarily emotional, spiritual, in a sense visceral, so to speak, and the child can’t turn them off and stop being who she is. Therefore the Indigo energy can become very abrupt, and cause instability within the standard of “how things are supposed to be” held by the parents, and in all their attempts of keeping up with appearances or staying within the norm.

Crystal Energy

Whereas Indigo energy is a projection of 5D consciousness, Crystal is the equivalent for 6D. They are both sensitive and highly tuned energies, each in their own different ways.

While an Indigo will tend to deal with things abruptly and suddenly, a Crystal will struggle to be aware there are things to deal with. A common impulse for the Indigo when facing with uncomfortable and/or unfavorable circumstances, for example an oppressive family or work environments which make him feel suffocated and controlled, is to suddenly cut all ties and try to escape and “disappear”, never to be seen again. The Crystal, on the other hand, has difficulty in separating and detaching himself from the close identity of groups and relationships he’s inserted in.

At the 6th Density level, Souls are often “merged” into larger collectives bonded by similar alignment in terms of traits and values. While each Soul has its own unique identity, they can also become part of a larger group or “family” where the wills of the group become one and almost indistinguishable with the wills of the individual. Within such groups there’s a very high degree of Unity, harmony, and cohesion, and individual Souls are used to treat the perspective of the group as their own.

So when a person has a significant degree of Crystal (6D) energy active within its consciousness, this means she will naturally and instinctively treat the perspectives, ideas, values, and priorities of the biological family, and any other relationships, as their own, without ever putting any of them into question, or stopping to consider her own identity, affinities, and desires. This is why it’s often said that Crystal children tend to mirror and adopt the identity of those they are surrounded with.

While the challenge/frailty of the Indigo is validation from others, the vulnerability of the Crystal is to discern and acknowledge its own individuality from those of others. The challenge of the Crystal individual, as with the 6th Density entity, is to reserve itself the possibility to serve others while discarding the need to do so.

The difference between 6D and Ascension is that an Ascended Entity knows it’s free to serve others – or not – and to choose its own experiences regardless of what experience others may or may not choose. There has been the realization that the experience each Soul is having is completely of its own responsibility, and as such there is no need (as in “necessity”, “obligation”) to help, assist, teach, or otherwise perform service to others, if there is no spiritual inner desire to do so.

If you’re wondering that these traits can be both found in the same person, that is absolutely correct. We’re addressing a continuous spectrum of consciousness, rather than strict labels and classifications. It is perfectly possible for a person to have aspects that are more Indigo-like and others which are more Crystal-like. It’s possible, for example, for a child to have significant Crystal attributes to begin with, but then find the necessity to develop Indigo attributes when trying to deal with a reality that is too harsh or insensitive to her subtle nature. Therefore the correct question should be, what percentage of Indigo energy, and what percentage of Crystal energy, does this person have?

A Tall Order on the Self

While an Indigo child might be inexpressive and introverted, yet containing its own hyperactive energy within, a Crystal child will be genuinely timid and shy. When children are dealing with an uncomfortable situation, the Crystal will attempt to passively generate calmness and harmony around him, rather than doing something, speaking, or trying to “fix” things. While both are sensitive, the Indigo will be more likely to react, speak, scream and move around, while the Crystal will most likely just cry.

Crystal children can be perceived as passive and quiet. They usually blossom if they feel genuine sensitivity from others towards their inner state, and their expressions and emotions. Crystal energy also tends to deal less comfortably with practical 3D tasks and responsibilities. Simply engaging a new store owner is dealt with hesitation and carefulness, if not fear.

While the 5D energy is about doing and acting, 6D is more about feeling, emotion, and pure abstract energy, and it is less comfortable when it has to engage and do something. When an Indigo energy finds an aspect of reality that is not “optimized” and contains a significant degree of untruth, its first thought is how to improve it, what is wrong with it, what do I do. When a Crystal energy finds the same energy, the reaction instead is what did I do wrong?

At the 6D level of consciousness, there’s an acquired awareness that all external reality is a direct reflection from the inner state. Therefore, 6D consciousness is always monitoring what was done/chosen within, that generated a possibly undesired external reality. Also, there’s a very focused commitment to pursue whatever goals the collective is holding: learning, teaching, evolving, pursuing spiritual growth in a certain sense, etc.

So this 6D “training”, when translated to a human existence, becomes a natural tendency to constantly attribute perceived failings and problems to the self, as well as automatically accepting full blame and responsibility from others, without questioning.

So another challenge for the Crystal individual is dealing with the practicality and “solidness” of matter and everything within it, while having a degree of compassion with oneself, not blaming oneself, should things not work out as desired. Matter is messy, and things are harsh and difficult for everyone.

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