Akashic Records Reading [Written]: Beyond the Threshold
Part I – Memory
1.1 Arcee Berrgha
I’m taken to a spiritual memory of Evelyn, where she participated in a incarnational cycle on a different planet. Once upon a time, the spiritual entity today known as Evelyn was incarnating on a different planet, in another civilization, in a different time and place. Any information that relates to civilizations on other planets, even within an already spiritual or metaphysical reading, can at points become challenging to receive. So if at any point the information becomes difficult to believe or relate to, my suggestion would be to interpret it with an open mind, a grain of salt, and, perhaps, as a fictional story happening to a made-up character. Then, throughout the course of the reading, in time, you may then see if in any way the aspects of the story relate to you, and how much.
The name I received for this planet or civilization was the following: Arcee (maybe it could be “R.C.”?) Berrgha. Names are not my specialty: I don’t claim this to be the exact name the individuals of that civilization would call themselves at the time. I’m most comfortable stating that this is the name that can be used to refer to the civilization in this reading. Sometimes, the name that is offered could represent aspects of the energy of the civilization in some way; reflect energy or behavioral patterns of relevance for the reading; and/or maybe have some particular meaning to the person being read. Nevertheless, this is the name I received for this civilization.
At this point in time (of the memory) this civilization is socially and culturally undergoing a heavy industrialization process, but has not yet ventured into space. Previously handmade processes are being automated and performed by, or with the assistance of, machines, their efficiency largely dependent on the levels of technology used, especially those related with the energy sources used for power. At this stage of this industrialized civilization there’s a strong aspect of air and environmental pollution. The concept and reality of pollution are very new and unfamiliar to them. Little regard is being placed into what power sources are used, where they’re drawn from, or what side effects could they cause to their environment or health. There’s no concerted effort of any kind to regulate the usage of power sources in terms of environmental impact. What was most important were the strictly functional priorities: how much power could be extracted from a given source, in order to power the automated processes.
1.2 Physical Features
With regards to their physicality, the beings in this civilization are humanoid, mammalian, and digitigrade. This means that physically they would walk on their toes (of the two feet), with the joint between the long foot and the leg (ankle) staying above and off the ground when walking, giving the impression of the “knee” bending backwards. Both the torso and the two arms are slim and long, but both legs are extremely wide, voluminous and bulky. The proportion of the legs in relation to the rest of the body is similar to the same proportion in the body of, say, a rabbit on Earth. The legs are quite large relative to the rest of the body. When they walk, they do so on their toes, with their legs stretched out to be able to bend and achieve motion; but when stationary (standing still) the two large, flat, broad feet come down and sit firmly on the ground, and both legs curl up on themselves, appearing even bulkier – particularly the forelegs. In this stance, the two large legs form a broad base where the rest of the body sits upon, upright. In this stance each of them would appear a little like a chair or a throne. They would look like if they were sitting down on the ground, but with no chair.
Their biology creates a curious disparity between the walking and standing stances. The large, flexible legs invite a walking motion that is quick, swift, in strides rather than steps. It would be physically difficult for them to walk slowly, due to the shape of the legs, and the amount of energy required to move them. The sitting stance, on the other hand, as the body would come down to the ground to sit, almost invited a mindset of being completely at rest, at ease. Once in the sitting position, it would require a non negligible amount of effort to unfold the legs again to move back into the standing, moving stance – a little like the effort required by a human sitting in a chair to stand back up. Nothing too demanding, but not negligible either; it was enough that it encouraged the individual to be in either one of the two stances: in the sitting position, completely at rest, or, moving forward, in a fast, rapid motion.
There was an aspect to them due to way their physical worked, which seemed to almost brew a degree of what could be described in human terms as “laziness” (but which was simply natural, and perhaps even necessary for them): once gone into a sitting position, the position itself as if asked for the individual to stay that way. It was a bid of the physical body to conserve energy, by not spending it unnecessarily in constantly sitting down and back up again. It was easier to continue moving at pace when already in the walking position, than it was to shift from an idle stance back to the walking one.
As a result of these factors, there was no middle ground in the way they moved: they were either walking and moving at a fast pace, or, completely idle, at rest, and staying that way.
1.3 Psychological and Anthropological Features
Their physical nature reflected on their psychological traits, on the species as a whole.
It is difficult to make generalizations about a group of individuals as a whole, since all individuals are different and unique. It is however possible to make some generalizations, that hold a degree of validity, much the same way it’s possible to observe common traits among Europeans, Asians, North Americans, or South Americans, for example. These groups show a certain levels a number of common psychological and cultural traits by which they can be somewhat distinguished from each other – while, at the same time, still admitting the difference and uniqueness of each and every single individual if considering the whole world, their totality.
The nature of the biology of the intelligent beings in a society – as well as, sometimes, the reasons and context that led to it being the way it is – can influence how the individuals see their reality, their surroundings, and how that society works. This may perhaps and arguably be difficult to analyze clearly, when the members of a species analyze themselves with no other reference for comparison. The propensity to physically have a stance of rapid movement reflected in the elements of the civilization being quite industrious – i.e. passionate about working rapidly and abundantly, at a rapid pace, with a large quantity of effort and results. They appreciated having things functioning, that is to say, the results of efforts producing visible, tangible, quantifiable results. Preferably efficiently (less effort, more results), preferably in quantity: the more the better. Much like their physical body greatly valued the amount of biological energy it had and spent (which it had to manage judiciously), this created a sociocultural mindset where individuals tended to value the amount of work done, the amount of visible results that this work produced, and the ratio of the amount of energy/effort spent vs the amount of energy/results that activity produced, as well as the viable ways and improvements to obtain better ratios.
What this society valued the most was what worked in a pragmatic sense. That was an integral part of its definition of success.
Still on the topic of the physical, once the body went in a moving, active stance, it would be more efficient for it to continue moving rather than going back to the idle stance, and then having to return to moving again. The corresponding psychological trait, was that it was generally seen as preferable to continue with something that had already been started. For example: it would be best to carry working on something, as long as that work remained productive; if something wasn’t broken, there was no need to fix it; it was easier to keep working and do something, rather than spending too much time thinking about it; it paid off to be productive in excess, as opposed to being too pensive, talkative, or reflective; it was preferable to stick to a decision and a course once those had been decided, rather than questioning things all the time.
This did lead to a kind of thought process and decision-making that was generally, stiff. They didn’t spent too much time delving on things. Their minds weren’t particularly “deep” in a philosophical sense – even though they were acutely sharp and intelligent. They also tended not to question decisions by figures authority. They didn’t care too deeply about why things were made – at least not as as much as if and how they could make them. The doing took precedence.
They were not mindless machines; they had philosophers, thinkers, guides and innovators. They did have a level of thinking that was abstract. It was just that they did have a tendency for a way of being that was more pragmatic and functional than it was abstract of meaning-focused. They were quite good at operating like this. They were especially good, masters, at perfecting and achieving optimum levels of efficiency of processes – i.e. the ways by which things worked in their society. They also had abundant natural stamina, resistance, resilience, on the biological level, which they took advantage in order to be focused on creating and improving on things, in this manner, all the time. They could push on working for long periods without rest, in general, on any level and area of life (as long as they didn’t have to stop, start, stop, etc). It was virtually easier for them to push on doing something, than it was to question weather or not to stop. Once they started with something, they could keep going, and going, and going.
There’s a reason the battery company chose a bunny to be the animal for their commercial.
1.4 Leap
Then the society entered the Industrial age, it was like water meeting the watermill; food meeting the starving. They were already industrious, prioritizing work and productivity above all else. So the moment they discovered, as a society, they could go beyond handcrafted means and start to automate things, and mass produce – i.e. achieve levels of productivity beyond what each single individual could attain otherwise – they were enthused. To them it was an enlightening. Industrial automation seemed to be the answer to their every conceivable prayer. And so they set themselves to redesign the whole society implementing these new production techniques. And in improving and perfecting them, so they could produce more and more.
As they did so, pollution set in.
The technologies they used, much like in the early stages of the industrialization period on Earth, relied on burning vegetation-based and fossil fuels to produce heat, which could create steam, which in turn could achieve motion. This was the basic principle behind their motors. This was what had achieved automation for them. However, burning physical fuels released an immense amount of polluting agents into the air, which did not disperse easily – also like would happen on Earth. Furthermore, achieving motion through steam wasn’t a particularly efficient process: the materials needed to burn in order to achieve just a small amount of motion, would release a disproportionately large amount of polluting agents into the atmosphere. The result was that, as the initial industrialization frenzy took the whole world by storm, and everyone and their mother started using steam to power everything, quickly the planet became almost completely encased by a think layer of smog and fumes, perpetually fueled by a never-ending growth in the use of these technologies.
There was some concern, on some levels, about pollution. Some began to observe it, notice it. But in an overall sense, the concept of the environment becoming polluted, and degrading as a result, was unfamiliar to them. No environmental studies had been made yet, and no correlation with illness had been established. On Earth, it would take a significant amount of time (and it is still taking…) for the civilization as a whole to realize, and come to terms, with the basic need to safeguard the integrity and stability of the planetary environment – for the simple reason those who live on the planet rely on it to physically exist. But to the society of Arcee Berrgha, the concept of pollution itself was still very new, very foreign; while the desire to industrialize everything, on the other hand, was conversely large.
1.5 Decision
So what was happening was that the pace at which awareness of pollution grew – which is required for the society itself to even begin coming to terms with it, and deal with it in practical terms – was being far outweighed by the pace at which pollution was being created. Pollution was there, the gases were there for all to see. But the population in general – despite beginning to live in the midst of smog, and living and breathing an atmosphere that seemed to have different attributes – was far more concerned in achieving high levels of productivity, and in improving their life, than they were in dealing with some yet-to-be-discovered, possibly hypothetical health or environmental concerns. If any issues were to come from the gases, they would be dealt with soon enough, like they would always do.
They trusted their own ability to deal with problems as they appeared to them. It’s all they did. Plus, they didn’t realize, at all, what kinds of issues could arise from those gases in the air. All of this was completely new to them. They didn’t saw themselves as one planet, in need of safekeeping. But in the space of a generation or two, their air had gone from being more or less clean, to being almost completely saturated in greenhouse, dense gases. And more were being created by the second.
Soon there came a time when a collective, concerted decision from the global civilization of the planet would be required to acknowledge and tackle the situation – this need was largely dictated by the situation itself, which was worsening. It would require such decision if there was any hope for it to be reversed in any meaningful way.
But the individuals of this civilization was far more concerned in producing than they were in minding the long-term consequences of how they did so. But most importantly, they were never aligned among each other, about what joint steps to take, or if doing so at all. They were far more busy attempting to out-compete and out-produce each other, each “rowing the boat”, if you will, in their individual direction, rather than trying to cooperate with each other in any way. There was never any alignment among them. First, because of their individual desire for success, which drove them in a frenzy of activity. Secondly, because they were already naturally predisposed to not think too much about why they did what they did. They were never too focused in matters such as environmentalism or ethics (i.e. the way of operating beyond what is strictly functional). Ironically, all of these factions coalesced together and resulted in an even faster rate of pollution.
Some more sensitive and observing individuals did notice. Such individuals instinctively knew the seriousness of the situation, and that the collective as a whole needed to come to an agreement and mobilize in order to safeguard the planet’s integrity. These individuals knew that something had to be done, and so they tried to mobilize the others. In fact, the one today known as Evelyn have a lifetime as one of those who spoke out. At the time, he had an instinctive awareness of the necessity for such a decision. This knowing wasn’t supported by any scientific studies (because there were little to none) but it came from an inner, intuitive understanding, based on signs that could be observed all around them – no clear skies anymore, the weather shifting significantly, changes in health, etc.
Alas, the agreement never came. There weren’t enough individuals in the collective who could agree that something indeed had to be done. Those who did speak, were discredited, ignored. They had no audience. So no concerted effort was made in this regard, nor were any measures put in place. In a sense, the decision that was in place was that of not making a decision at all.
1.6 Critical Point
The shift happened, almost, virtually, overnight. The polluting gases that were a large part of the atmosphere were now almost completely blocking natural sunlight from coming into the surface. Because sunlight couldn’t easily come into the surface, temperatures dropped, and water vapor could more easily condense into liquid, much like in the windows in the house in cold weather. The changes in the subtle ecosystem were so that the planet’s climate, previously of regular, stable patterns, gave way to an abundance of almost non-stop storms, with intense rain and wind.
It was a critical point because it was no longer possible for the planet to recover from it. Even if, hypothetically, at that precise moment everyone on the planet ceased to release polluting agents, the ecosystem would no longer be able to revert back to normal on its own, naturally. The sunlight coming from the star was warming the atmosphere of the planet, which had the effect of holding part of the upper atmosphere in gaseous form – therefore still blocking sunlight and sustaining the temperatures of the new equilibrium – but the lower and more unstable and uneven temperatures closer to the surface made so that rain from that atmosphere would continue to fall. Together with the winds resulting from the sharper contrasts in temperatures, this created storms. The rain was also acid, which greatly affected the quality of the soil: crops were much more difficult to grow. It also made it quite difficult to walk on it.
Arcee Berrgha was a relatively small planet. By the standards of current human understanding, it would have been deemed a dwarf planet, considered to be moon-sized. It was nevertheless a “proper” planet, with a stable, neat, slightly elliptical orbit around its star. It had few large bodies of water, being the larger portion of the surface dry, inhabitable, hospitable land. The climate was relatively monotone throughout the planet, and was extremely stable and inviting, the difference between Winter and Summer temperatures being only around 10-15ºC. It was the fact that it was small – and holding a relatively small amount of atmosphere, meaning the ecosystem did not have much leeway to cope with artificially-induced polluting elements – coupled with the extremely rapid pace at which the civilization rushed through their industrialization process, that resulted in such quick and ample changes to the climate, felt throughout the planet as a whole once they happened.
The individuals physically had a layer of short and thin, but very densely packed, light-brown hair, or “fuzz”, covering most of their physical body. Each single hair, despite thin and short, retained a specific shape: it bent backwards once grown. A mass of these hairs, all with that same shape, was next to flawless in retaining body temperature, as long as it remained dry. Together with the hospitable and stable climate of the planet, this hair acted as a perfect insulation for them. Also, they walked barefoot.
As a result, they never developed the need for clothing – neither for protection from the weather, nor for cultural or any other purposes. Skin or erogenous areas of the body were also not overly exposed/revealed because of this layer of hair. So despite being as sentient and intelligent as any human being, they were, most of the time… well, naked. At most, if they needed protection from the occasional soft rain, or perhaps sharpness in temperature, they would lay a tarp-like coat or cape, without sleeves, meant to cover the entire body.
But once the shift came, this was disastrous. Persistent cold and intense storms hit a culture which had no experience with them, and had no concept of clothes. The once dry and warm climate was now cold, unstable, and damp, keeping their hair moist, reducing their natural insulation, thus leaving them to the completely unfamiliar experience of being cold and vulnerable to the much lower temperatures. The initial temperature shock alone took thousands of lives. Suddenly the crops they knew were for the most part, no longer viable. Famine set in; disease came with it. Many young and ill would not survive. Children lost their lives in situations that were once only exceptional, rare. Even moving around was now much more difficult, as the previously dry soil was now damp, muddy, while also retaining a degree of acidity because of the rain falling on it. As a result, when they did walk, over time they would develop damage to their feet. It seemed even the most basic of processes that made the civilization work were badly affected.
The things they’d always known, and to some extent took for granted – such as their weather, their health, their food levels, and even basics such as longevity, newborn and child survival rates – were suddenly swept away from under them. Rather than leaping forward, as a civilization they regressed, irrevocably. What they had achieved was all but gone.
The civilization itself did not come to an absolute end. A small number of individuals managed to cope, survive, and somewhat adapt to new weather. But these were only around 5-10% of the original population, and they still had very much to start from nothing. All previous systems and venues for communication, travel, health, knowledge, law, education, agriculture, etc, that the civilization had built, were either heavily disrupted or lost completely. With the loss of these systems, and with the passage of generations, much of the civilization’s knowledge acquired was, either entirely lost, of at most, kept in isolated pockets where it could be safety maintained – but even these over time became nothing more than distant and strange memories from an unrepeatable past. This past was otherwise forgotten by the civilization as a whole, which went back to a dark age.
Part II – Patterns
2.1 Alignment
The process of healing that can be obtained from the Akashic Records involves to some degree the intention of the person being read in “connecting the dots”, that is to say, establishing correlations between the information, patterns, and energy presented by the reading, with their own personal beliefs, perceptions, doubts, as well any circumstances and challenges in their lives. To the extent they are able to do so, they’re bringing aspects of their spiritual selves to the light of their conscious awareness, thus bringing acknowledgment, healing, and closure to them. It is to collaborate and assist with this process I will offer a description of some of the patterns I was able to detect.
Evelyn participated in the cycle of the civilization, in other words her participation and memories are not limited to one or two experiences but rather, she had had much experience in this cycle as a whole. She also has a broad, bird’s eye perspective of the path and lessons taken in that cycle by the civilization itself.
There is no sugarcoating this: the cycle ended badly, and in traumatic manner. For those who participated in it, and witnessed its demise – and especially for those particularly invested in the broad, long-term journey and evolution of this civilization, such as Evelyn – there is trauma from the experience. One of the ways this trauma manifests as Evelyn, is that she seeks constant alignment, agreement, with those around her. The issue with what that civilization, where its downfall began – as it was perceived by Evelyn – was the moment the population failed to reach a collective consensus when that consensus was most needed. And instead continued squabbling, competing with each other, each focusing on their individual goals whatever these where, and otherwise just letting things unfold without care, balance, or actually taking charge of the situation. And in the process, squandering, wasting the planet’s natural resources and equilibrium, resulting in the devastation that followed.
For Evelyn, the problem was “stupidity-related-to-selfishness”. In other words, they were “stupid” for not realizing they needed to come together, instead focusing on navel-gazing. Today, and in a manner that is largely unconscious, Evelyn purposely seeks constant agreement with others regarding what she does (I’m still under the impression this involves the professional area especially), as a way to remain in alignment, thus personally achieving, or playing her part to achieve, cohesive opinion and harmony among many. She’s very resistant of breaking the molds, making waves, or disobeying whatever she’s been told to do. It is quite difficult for her to question input from authority. She does not see herself as having any saying in the directives she receives regarding her work: she simply takes them and executes them without question.
If on one hand this relates directly with the memory of the cultural-social background of that civilization (where authority tended to not be questioned), nevertheless the negative outcome created by the misalignment in collective opinion also reinforced her belief that the response had to be more agreement. On top of this, when she noticed the warning signs and tried to relay to others and rally them, she was also personally dismissed, ignored. Today she still carries this scar: she believes her opinion matters little. She believes others would not listen. It left her frustrated, feeling that talking led to nothing, and so she tried other solutions, such as the aforementioned effort at attaining alignment. This reinforces the inner perspective that her opinion and discernment are of little practical relevance.
The one issue with this form of alignment is that it is attempted at any cost, even a personal one. In other words, by not questioning authority (not even allowing, within the confines of her mind, the notion of questioning) Evelyn is predisposing herself to do whatever others are telling her to do, be it right or wrong (according to her discernment). Evelyn will have a degree of inner discernment – opinions, beliefs, insights, experience, feelings, intuition – about what she does at work, what she’s ordered to do, and the directives presented to her from said authority about how to perform her work. But despite this discernment, she does not actually use it to any capacity. She follows orders and directives regardless what her discernment says to her, believing it to be of no consequence – because of the pattern described above.
Everyone has some level of discernment: mental, emotional, spiritual, etc, or a combination of some of these. Sometimes discernment comes from experience. Other times, it’s about intuition or “gut feeling”. Sometimes it’s vague while other times it’s more specific, while other times still, you may feel you’re not experienced enough to have it. Sometimes discernment takes on subtler, softer forms, while other times it’s more clear, straightforward, direct.
Discernment isn’t something to be taken as always “right”, in a strict manner; or, for example, that it will always, with absolute certainty, lead to success, prosperity, etc. Discernment is a compass: it represents the person’s inner guidance about what they’re doing. While Discernment is not to be interpreted as a dictator of clear-cut rules to follow blindly, it does have the role of letting you know if there’s an issue about the what, how, or why, of what you’re doing. Sometimes discernment might be pointing at a flaw in the (true) motivations or intentions behind a certain decision or directive (despite how these decisions or directives are carried out, or how they are presented to you by authority) but you might not be consciously aware what these flaws were. So instead of getting a clear thought, you get a nagging, uneasy feeling about the situation. In other words, Discernment can be, and often is, a pointer about the ethical/spiritual alignment of a situation – if it is positive, negative, or something in between, or, if it is in integrity or not. Even if your conscious mind isn’t yet aware of the all specific details and intricacies.
What happens as Evelyn disregards her discernment when taking input from authority, is that she will be following through with said input regardless if its aligned with her or not.
In a worst case scenario, she might be fulfilling directives that are fundamentally negatively-oriented. In the least worse, but still significantly impactful, she might be spending time and effort on tasks she shouldn’t be doing, and/or, in a manner she’s not aligned with, and/or, in a timing she’s not comfortable with. And she might not even be aware of this happening.
This is when tiredness kicks in.
An energy of tiredness is, first and foremost, a signal Evelyn is doing MORE than what she should be doing, for MORE cost or LESS benefit for her than what she’s meant to have, or, AGAINST her better judgment. In other words, energy-wise she’s spending energy than she shouldn’t, somewhere, in some way. For example, Evelyn might be accepting to do extra hours of work that another coworker should be doing instead. Or routinely being asked to take over someone else’s tasks and responsibilities, without any significant added benefit. Or, her experience and expertise in a given field could be dismissed or overlooked by her authority, who might ask things of her that go against her instincts, opinion, or expertise, or leave her at more menial tasks when she’s qualified for more.
Or, Evelyn might simply be working too much, not knowing when to pause, rest, or stop. One of the things your discernment is able to let you know, is when it’s personally time to work, and when it’s time to rest. It also tells you when a specific task is finished, has reached an acceptable outcome, and it’s appropriate to let it go. Failing to heed to this signal, instantly means the situation will be overworked, brought past its ideal point, and too much time, attention, and effort will be spend unnecessarily, which can then have impact in subsequent tasks and priorities.
Your Discernment is key. If your Discernment lets you know you should work 20 units of energy, and you work 40 units instead, you’re wasting 20 energy, and you’ll feel tired by that amount. Not only that, but if on the next day you do the same, now you’ll be 40 units tired. And so on.
2.2 Discernment
This doesn’t mean that if Evelyn’s Discernment is trying to point out something inappropriate to her, that she should quit her job immediately! Only that she’s meant to a) acknowledge and b) follow through with, her own discernment. When from experience and/or insight and from a clear mindset you’re certain a specific intention or directive from authority is incorrect or inappropriate, and you’re therefore against it, whatever you do in practice, ignoring your own discernment should not be an option. This is your own authority speaking about the matter.
When this is the case, you are advised to at least speak up. You do not necessarily have to be hostile, confrontational, demand things, or refuse to comply with orders. Simply say it. Let your authority know, in a calm, clear, and cordial manner, how you feel about what you’ve been assigned. It will always make a difference if you let your authority know, in no uncertain terms, if you do not agree what what’s being done. This tends to place the responsibility of the decision back on their shoulders rather than on yours, for you to carry on their behalf. You’re no longer carrying a burden for them; you’re merely following orders, ones you do not necessarily agree with. Since it will be known you do not agree with a certain intention, choice, mindset, policy, or course of action, there is also the (positive, benevolent) possibility that your authority will either 1) correct its own course due to your influence (optimistic outcome), or 2) place you in a different role based on your openly stated alignment (realistic but still positive outcome).
Perhaps there is some fear, and attachment, to your role, i.e. of losing your job, your sustenance, and/or your status. Perhaps it’s this fear that helps to keep you contrived, tied up. However, the suggestion here is that, if your authority is not willing to compromise in any way based on your experience and informed assessment, and if it disapproves of you speaking up, then at that point it might be worth opening the possibility that this job and/or role are no longer ideal for you – i.e. that they are not in alignment with your discernment.
In this situation, once again, it’s not necessarily true that the best course of action is to immediately leave your job – perhaps just releasing the attachment to that job may be enough. It can quite liberating and empowering opening up of the possibility, within, of not having to be in that same job forever. This could potentially be enough to liberate and release you from your fears so you can become a more powerful, visible, fearless, and influential authority within your field.
2.3 Authority
The one known as Evelyn is a spiritual entity who’s highly specialized in tasks related to the improvement and optimization of societies, as they progress in their cycles, and eventually, if all goes well, they reach their graduation. The success of a society is Evelyn’s own success. This is why the memory described in the first part of the reading was so important for her. She wasn’t affected just by the fact the way that society ended – which would be impactful on its own – but also by the fact that the society failed in the first place.
Evelyn’s core attributes relate with the aspect of progress that has to do with the functional, the pragmatic (as opposed to emotional, psychological, spiritual, etc) i.e. how the society as a whole functions and rules itself. How, in practical terms, it cares for the health of each individual; how well it can deal with external adversity; what level of security it can provide for individuals; how changes and improvements are to carry out; how easy or hard is the life for each individual, and if they have the freedom to pursue their interests and priorities in life; and so on.
For Evelyn, the measure of success of a society at any given point in time – and, consequently, of her own work – is a) the minimum level /of guaranteed practical prosperity allowed to every individual, and the quality of experience that from that minimum prosperity every individual is allowed to attain within the context of, or with the support from, that society.
Evelyn’s work in this regard is achieved on two levels: the level of human experience, and the broad, spiritual “architectural” level.
The first is the experience, work, and influence, that is had on an individual lifetime as a human being. Such influence needs not to be achieved through grandiose or highly visible accomplishments by that individual, although sometimes that can be the case. But the human being’s task in this case is of living in the society in a practical manner, at his/her given point in time, and by that living provide feedback for the “loop” of her work on the spiritual levels. During each lifetime the human self has the opportunity to experience firsthand the society as it has been developed, have a chance to attest how its systems work, how easy or difficult it is to achieve prosperity, and so on. The human self can also give itself the challenge of transmitting messages to others, and/or execute work that specifically considers directly related its spiritual counterpart, for example changing how a specific system works, from within society. But this is not necessary.
Then, there’s the broad overview spiritual level, which is the work of the entity on the more subtle levels. This entity is concerned mostly with observing and analyzing how the society is working, and devising changes, implementations, course corrections, or new measures, that can improve, build upon, or completely change, in the future, in a broad, overarching manner. Spiritually speaking the spiritual entity that today is known as Evelyn in this incarnation, is an authority in doing this work on the spiritual levels. These changes are then sent through, as creative potentials, to the spiritual consciousness of the collective, trickling down to individuals, until they are “picked up” (as ideas, eureka moments, inspiration, etc) by at least one incarnated individual or group of individuals (regardless if Evelyn herself is personally involved or not). These individuals will seem to have an “idea” or inspiration, usually in their respective fields, based on that designation/directive on the abstract/spiritual level, and will proceed based upon their passion and drive, to set forth to put them to practice.
2.4 Work
Evelyn is extremely focused and determined. All she cares about is getting things done. She would focus on work and nothing more, which to her is far more simple, straightforward, positive, and useful, than any other element in life. Perhaps she has difficulty leaving work activities. She won’t rest until a goal is reached. There will always be this underlying feeling beneath it all, regardless of her current job, or current responsibilities she might have, that in her efforts she is working towards something – but she can’t quite pinpoint what it is.
This is her, spiritually (and literally) working towards the betterment of society. The spiritual self has always many things to do, many improvements to achieve, many new ideas to think about. And so a kind of “vague determination effect” can trickle down to the mindset of the human self.
Even if not attempting to achieve work or effect on a larger scale, the human self always has the responsibility of personally aligning him/herself with the energies and potentials that are deemed necessary, next in line to be achieved, by the society in the near future. This is a way that the human self has of working towards those very energies, even if otherwise doing mundane things, “working in a regular job”, or going to buy groceries, for example. In terms of living on the human level as a human being, it is precisely in this personal inner effort of personal alignment that Evelyn is extremely strong and especially focused.
Being extremely specialized and focused in the functional, Evelyn’s concern while incarnating is, and will likely always be, work (the activity of working, things that are perceived as “work”, in a general sense). She will tend to leave little space and time open for things other than work, such as play, leisure, rest, perhaps even emotions, interpersonal interaction, etc. This is because she simply does not find much usefulness in these elements. While this is a natural byproduct of her spiritual nature, it may also further contribute to the degree of tiredness and saturation of her energy at times – because all she will want to do is to work.
Her nature, as well as the influence of the memory here described, may very well cause Evelyn to, at the same time, sometimes appear “lazy”, “without energy”, even physically. This is the tiredness that has been alluded to so far, and is not a flaw or defect of her (although attributes of a person’s spiritual context may at points manifest in the physical). While she might feel bad even about feeling this, Evelyn will not always be with full energy to produce, work, and focus. Once again, this is a natural aspect of being human. Sometimes, the plain truth is that some rest, some play, are necessary and healthy for any human being.
Sometimes Evelyn will find hard to start working, start moving, even getting out of bed! The measures that are being described in the reading aim towards alleviating some of the causes of the tiredness. Sometimes also, when starting something (large projects or even small activities) there might be a small wall of resistance to break through. This alludes more with the memory of the society in Arcee Berrgha. In those cases, one suggestion – if the situation permits it – is to throw yourself head-on so to speak, i.e. without thinking too much, in order to bypass the initial wall of difficulty. Then you’ll be fine, ready to go.
Part III – Clarity
3.1 Experiment
The civilization of Arcee Berrgha was an experiment. That is to say, it was as a small, rapidly-advancing society, existing a small planet, altogether in a simplified context, purposely focused on one thing and one thing alone: the functional: how far could a society go that was almost strictly concerned about practicality and functional matters? This was the nature of the experiment.
For the one today known as Evelyn, despite being more of an experiment, this was also seen, in a way, as the ideal society. Because it was a society that was focused only on work, therefore devoted to the things she cared about the most. It had no other distractions. There wasn’t much else standing in the way, of work. So to Evelyn, it was heaven! It looked like a dream to her. It was sheer happiness. This society – ironically, for someone very practical-minded – was very close to her heart. It was very dear to her. She had high hopes for it. And this is why all the more trauma it caused her to see it fail.
It could be said that in this situation, and for an experiment, the spiritual one known as Evelyn was a little bit attached to the outcome – we’ll explain exactly how.
There is no denying the experiment itself came short. The civilization indeed didn’t evolve past its industrialization period, and there was traumatic experience involved. Now, one thing is for the being who is a highly specialized in precisely manage, govern, tackle, analyze, and ultimately solve matters such as these – it is her field exactly – to, in a sense, lean back: to take a moment to process what happened; to go through all the details and circumstances, and try to analyze the situation in order to reach conclusions, and devise solutions, aimed at reducing the chance that this will happen again in the future. So this is one thing.
Another, quite different thing, is to take what has happened at heart, so that I’m putting my role and identity into question. In other words, for the spiritual entity to go “oh no, what did I do wrong? Where did I fail?” That’s a completely different thing.
In the first situation, despite the failure, the entity is analyzing the situation objectively. There’s acceptance that some things were not known – that’s what experiments are for. And that some results were undesired and didn’t happen according to plan. But the entity is still acknowledging its nature. In the second situation, however, the entity is attached to the negative outcome, and that attachment makes it see the failing of the society as its own failing. The interpretation is emotional rather than objective, and goes something like this: “If the society failed, it’s because I’m no good at what I do”. The difference can be subtle; but in the second case, the entity is invalidating itself, its own role, its spiritual nature, its efforts and intuition – essentially putting itself into question as who they are.
It’s okay to be invested in things and involved with them – that is what passions, even spiritual, are all about – provided a healthy degree of detachment is maintained that allows one to see things objectively, for what they are, and not question your own essence.
Because of Evelyn’s special fondness for this society, its failing made her to a degree concede, give up, doubt, at least partially, her own authority and natural essence. It was this relative relaxation of her inner authority that led her seeking alignment with others above any other considerations, even against her better judgment; conceding to other figures of authority; and allowing herself to be put under more unrestrained effort to perform work for others – and becoming overexerted as a result. In a way, she’s looking in others the authority she had in herself, but was invalidated by her since. She was convinced she had “lost it”.
Evelyn’s reaction to the trauma of failing was a little like the ‘workaholic’ person who’s going to work more, in order to alleviate the experience of emotional difficulty in other areas of life. That is to say, spiritually speaking she’s trying to think less, discern less, decide less, in an effort to put in “proper” work ‘this time around’. In her own way, all of this is because she’s trying very hard not to “fail this time” – as she is very invested also in an equivalent work being done on Earth.
3.2 Threshold
The moment when the society in Arcee Berrgha needed to reach a consensus and make a decision, despite how this was described, wasn’t dictated entirely by the circumstances in the physical: industrial revolution, pollution, environmental concerns, etc. There was also a more subtle, metaphysical overlay about the situation.
When civilizations near the end of a cycle and transitioning to a new one, there comes a time when, in order to take the next step in their collective evolution, the society needs to establish its alignment going forward, and do so collectively, as a whole – even if all individuals are considered different, divided into different governmental regions, and so on. This point of decision/consensus is a metaphysical mechanism known by various names: harvest, measurement, test, rapture, etc. Essentially speaking, and beyond perhaps more fantastical interpretations, the collective of individuals in the civilization, either consciously or at least spiritually, is to reach a common ground about their spiritual/ethical direction and intent. The setting of this common ground, or alignment, is a necessary condition for the transition in consciousness of the civilization: achieving it signals to Creation that the society is ready to embark on the new challenges of the next level of consciousness – for example, transitioning from 3D to 4D. The challenges in the new cycle, say 4D, necessarily require the society to see itself as one: one people, one species, one group, living on one planet – as opposed to seeing itself as multiple, disperse individuals fundamentally competing with each other, but displaying no significant, overlaying, collective awareness, as it was before then.
Having to reach a consensus about how to deal with the impending consequences of their industry, on a metaphysical level, corresponded to such a moment for Arcee Berrgha. Granted, the moment was perhaps precipitated, rushed, by the industrial frenzy of the inhabitants, which created the necessity for such a rapid decision, and also created the swift environmental consequences.
What happened with Arcee Berrgha, was something than happens when a collective reaches such measurement point, and fails to attain enough awareness that no decision is reached. When this is the case, the society fails so graduate from the cycle: no sufficient awareness had been developed to reach a consensus, that would allow it to continue forth. In other words, the awareness of the society wasn’t high enough, at least for that time, in that experiment. When a society fails such measurement, due to the way cycles of consciousness work, this may sometimes default to some form of collapse of the civilization itself, so that in practice, and in the long term, the cycle on that planet resets and repeats. This was what happened. This is why Evelyn intensely felt the failing of that civilization, and why she’s been working arduously on Earth: she deeply felt the failing in the society not graduating, not passing the metaphysical test. And she’s been attempting to make sure that wouldn’t happen on Earth. Hence her determination in achieving agreement above all else.
Wanting to achieve such agreement was, also, an emotional-like response out of the frustration for not being able to bring the society to the necessary point of maturity for it to pass the test. For feeling she had failed to make the society evolve fast enough.
Nevertheless, Evelyn’s experience with Arcee Berrgha, in a manner of speaking, did pay off. She has learned from it, and applied it in the current human experience on Earth, with the purpose of doing her part to have the planet reach the point of decision, and react positively and in unison upon reaching it.
Here are the good news: Earth has already crossed, and passed with flying colors, its own decision point. This was the Harmonic Convergence, the metaphysical event designated to have taken place in linear time in the year 1987. At this point in linear time the measurement was taken on Earth, and the collective individuals on Earth – a needed critical mass, and primarily on the spiritual level rather than on a conscious, human one – did indeed decide to align benevolently, cross the threshold, and proceed through it, being one of the necessary processes to undertake with immediate effect an intense healing of karmic attributes, both individually and collectively, to the extent this is feasible.
This was primarily what Arcee Berrgha’s experience was for Evelyn: it was to hone her awareness and skills, and to know what to strive for, to be able to have the best chance at taking the consciousness of those on Earth past the decision point. The test was painful and difficult to endure, but it did serve the purpose it was meant to serve.
The threshold was crossed successfully on Earth. This is also why you’re receiving this information. You were successful in your endeavors. You used your experience well. You reached your objective.
3.3 Dispensation
What has been described until this point, was an emotional-like interpretation of the experience of Arcee Berrgha, as taken by the spiritual entity that is today known as Evelyn. This experience created a reaction which had the self-designated purpose of honing her skills, to fulfill her aspiration of bringing Earth’s society, or the part of society under her wing, past the threshold.
Loosely speaking and from a broad, overview perspective, Evelyn’s emotional the reaction to Arcee Berrgha’s experience had led to part of her consciousness descend into a 4D level of consciousness for the experience on Earth. 4D means the following: some permissiveness with my own barriers regarding the energies and intentions of others; striving to remain aligned with others, even if it meant self-nullifying, with the ultimate purpose of serving my part to achieve agreement among many; working quite a lot for objectives which were largely altruistic, external – both within the scope of the physical, human circumstances and life, as well as, the long-term, broad goals of the spiritual self. In a way this reading has described the broad traits of this descent, and of operating on a 4D level.
This descent was, also, and at the same time, more or less intentional, all along. It served a purpose: the Earth in terms of consciousness was in 3D; therefore, the way to work was towards 4D, which was the intended path for the Earth’s graduation. In other words, Evelyn was operating on a 4D level, with the serving as a “beacon”, or “anchor”, of sorts, of the energy of 4D, to help in Earth’s journey through 3D. This was very much part of her plan.
Once again, serving as an anchor or beacon of energy in this manner requires no specific work or legacy achieved in the physical, although sometimes such kinds of achievements end up coming into play. It is essentially, fundamentally, about the human being behaving in their circumstances in life, both big and small, in a manner that is aligned with a specific level of consciousness, in this case 4D. So Evelyn was working towards her objective, simply by being here, and thinking and choosing the way she thought and chose.
But now, as you might observe given the information in this reading, the threshold has already been attained. The primary objective has been reached. What does this mean? It means the anchor is being lifted! In other words, from this threshold Earth is now crossing into a 4D realm in terms of awareness, and eventually (in a very long-term perspective) doing the same to cross into 5D, and so on. But what happens to Evelyn and her previous, now-fulfilled goal? Since her goal has been fulfilled, her role as an anchor is finally being lifted.
You are now, personally, crossing from 4D into 5D in terms of awareness. 5D is the awareness of using your discernment, and being your own authority, regarding whatever you do. It is the maintenance of a stronger set of personal boundaries, rules, and regulations, so you are at the command of everything you do, on any level, such personal, professional, etc. You are personally crossing into 5D awareness, to serve as a point of reference for the Earth of tomorrow, which will be in 4D – if you so choose.
But you would cross onto 5D regardless, whether you choose to serve this purpose or not. You are doing this transition because you’ve fulfilled the objectives you had set out to do. You managed to achieve what you wanted. As a result, you are receiving a dispensation of energy, in your life, that corresponds to this transition of your
spiritual self. This is, in other words, a spiritual graduation. It’s something that it has already started! It’s already underway. It’s the very changes you are observing in yourself today: being very tired of serving others without reservation of room for your own will or discernment; wanting to rest for a bit, without having to work all the time; not wanting to follow the rules of others without question. Being more picky, more “choosy”.
These changes will ultimately aim at giving freedom, releasing you, from what others want you to do. From their expectations, beliefs, opinions, and standards. A practical, tangible, emotional freedom, with effects in your choosing and living. This is their “final” effect. This is part of alignment with 5D. There’s nothing wrong with you. This is part of the process. This is a shift in your consciousness, which is appropriate and timely. It is yours, deservedly. And this reading was meant to help understand where it’s coming from, and to help you accept, allow, and embrace it.
3.4 Dealing with Chores
Professionally speaking, you need not interpret this reading in any specific way. You may still continue working for others, under others, and/or in your chosen career path, if you feel inclined to. The main, core change is in how you carry on doing so. Again, it can sometimes be more important the alignment of what you do, rather the thing you are actually doing. You will no longer feel as available to continually respond to never-ending problems all the time – or at least continue working with that mindset. This will translate in a shift in the way you perceive, and want to do, work. At a certain point, you’ll want to feel that everything is finally, mostly, solved, in other words, that your attention will no longer be required to solve immediate emergencies – perhaps not in an absolute sense, as in “the world is finally okay and it doesn’t need me anymore”, but at least for you, related to what you do and how you do it, independently of what’s going on in the external world.
Instead, you’ll want to engage in/with work that is comparatively soft and more stable or “enduring”, in a manner of speaking, without meaning you’re copping out on any spiritual responsibility. You’ll simply want to place yourself in a role or responsibility that is more aligning with the kind of way you want to work. Perhaps you may be able to achieve this in practical terms through a promotion, or through a slight change in your responsibilities at work. Perhaps you may only be able to achieve it if you change jobs. It could also be, simply, a change of mindset, within, that then affects and changes how you do the work you’re already doing. Nevertheless, you won’t be willing to respond to problems the same way you did before. And this is what will intrinsically and finally close the “problem vacancies”, i.e. the availability for problems you were maintaining in an energy level. This way the creation of problems for you to handle will tend to slowdown, or cease to appear entirely. Or, at least, you’ll know what problems to handle, and what problems you don’t have to.
Being picky, “choosy”, about what you want and not want to do, is a 5D attribute, therefore necessary for your personal 5D alignment. It doesn’t mean you’ll stop working and do nothing; instead it means you’ll be more discerning as you do so, perhaps more than you were before.
You’ll no longer have the same stamina to endure tasks that you do not really wish to perform. This is another way to explain this situation. These situations will feel like chores: you’ll feel as if you have to “scrape the bottom of the barrel” of your energy, motivation, drive, in order just to get by them; and then these tasks will bear almost no return to you – they will offer you little satisfaction, money, recognition, energy, etc, any other form of return you might and wish for. Instead, you’ll feel less and less willing to do them, and more and more drained. This process is okay, natural. Being so work-inclined, you might be tempted to believe you’re being lazy, weak, selfish, or a lone maverick, for not be as willing to do what others say. This is a fear of not fulfilling your goals; this is a fear of letting go of your supreme determination for he graduation of Earth. However, and again, the test has passed, and now the goals are changing. Bottom line, there’s nothing wrong with this process. It’s not a flaw or a problem. It’s just the course your energy wants to take. And you’re definitely strong and driven enough to carry through with this change.
Everyone goes through chores, sometimes, at one point or another. In a sense, this can be seen as a more or less natural, occasional occurrence in the human experience.
However, if you see yourself facing the prospect of doing an undesired task repeatedly, indefinitely, as part of your job responsibilities, please consider, first, listening to your own judgment about it, as described in the first part of the reading. Then, as you do so, you can either choose to not do it at all if that choice is possible; or, you also can, for example, ask for a much greater return, compensation, salary, and/or prize for doing it, than the one you’re receiving right now. The effect of this “raising” of price is going to be twofold: either you won’t be asked to perform the task anymore, and/or if you continue to do it, at least you’ll be rewarded handsomely.
Either way, this will provide the effect of liberating you from a constraining, draining situation. A proper barrier/cost has been placed between you and the difficult task – which is a 5D attribute.